Morley Global Grant - Applications due March 20

District 7910 is offering a one-time $30,000 Morley Global Grant in 2025 to graduate students researching or studying abroad in one of the seven Rotary focus areas. The applicant must be accepted at a university or college outside the U.S. and begin their program by Fall 2025.
This is a fantastic opportunity to support a local U.S. resident by hosting them or helping them find a host abroad for their research or studies. Applications are due by March 20, 2025.
Don’t miss this opportunity to promote Rotary and help a graduate student advance their work. Applications are due by March 20, 2025 and must be sent to Joyce Fukami
For more details and to view the application, CLICK HERE.
For questions, contact Joyce directly at
Morley Global Grant - Applications due March 20 2025-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

RYLA Reservations (# of students) due Feb 15

Hello RYLA Fans,

Thank you to those that attended the required RYLA training. We love informed RYLA fans.

====> NOTE: RYLA Reservations (the # of students you will send) is due by Feb 15.

RYLA Chairs, check your email for more details.
RYLA Reservations (# of students) due Feb 15 2025-01-28 05:00:00Z 0

2025 Natick Rotary Grant Applications accepted through Feb 15

The Rotary Club of Natick has a rich 98 year history of supporting Natick and the greater MetroWest community. Our motto is “Service Above Self” and we provide volunteer and funding support to local nonprofits.

Apply now for your opportunity to receive a grant through our Rotary Grant Program. Our typically grant size is $500- $2,000. If you or anyone you know, does good things in the Natick area, please apply today using the link below.

All grant applications must be received before February 15, 2025.
2025 Natick Rotary Grant Applications accepted through Feb 15 2025-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Natick Rotary Fundraiser at Mexicali Cantina Grill Feb 16 & 17

Love Mexican food? We do too!! That's why we're really looking forward to our fundraiser at Mexicali Cantina Grill on February 16th and 17th! Mention this flyer on either day and 20% of your total bill will be donated to the Rotary Club of Natick so we can continue to support our community. Dine In or Take Out. Mexicali's is located at 148 E Central St, Natick. We appreciate our District Clubs' support, muchas gracias!!
Natick Rotary Fundraiser at Mexicali Cantina Grill Feb 16 & 17 2025-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Spaghetti Supper Feb 22 in Littleton

spaghetti supper flyerRotary Club of Littleton double header!! Come out and support two great fundraisers - start the evening with a delicious, homemade spaghetti supper to support Deb’s Beds at the Congregational Church of Littleton, 330 King Street, from 5-7PM, then head over to Billiard’s Cafe, 39 Main Street, Ayer to raise money for Griffin Shoemaker and Dana Farber Cancer Research.
Spaghetti Supper Feb 22 in Littleton 2025-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Littleton Welcomed Littleton High School Band

Littleton High School BandThe Rotary Club of Littleton welcomed Hilary Bridge, music teacher/band director from Littleton High School along with 4 of her students - Ian Dunn, senior saxophone player, Annabelle Caouette, sophomore saxophone player, Sadie Roberts, sophomore percussionist, and Clare Magdalin, junior saxophone and flute player.
Photo: Littleton High School Band
Rotary Club of Littleton Welcomed Littleton High School Band 2025-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

Help Californians

Rotary District 5280 Governor Alberto Hernandez posted the following on their web site:  “As you’re likely aware, our region is currently facing devastating wildfires and severe winds. The Pacific Palisades community has been especially hard-hit, with reports of over 10,000 homes, businesses, and more lost. The fires continue to advance toward the borders of Malibu and Santa Monica with no signs of abating. To the northeast, the Eaton Canyon Fire that began in Altadena is spreading east toward Monrovia and west toward Glendale. Meanwhile, the northwest side of our District is battling the Hurst Fire in Sylmar. These events have already brought immense loss, and we must act swiftly and decisively”
District 5280 has established a Disaster Relief Fund to help raise funds for those in need. Their plan includes raising funds, coordinating resources, and managing volunteers. Please help! You can donate by credit card HERE.
Help Californians 2025-01-14 05:00:00Z 0

Why should your community start an Interact Club?

A Rotary club should start an Interact Club because it can be a rewarding experience for the club and its community: 
Mentoring: Rotarians can mentor young people who want to help the community, and these young people can become future Rotarians.
New energy: Interact clubs can bring new ideas and support to Rotary projects.
Community awareness: Interact clubs can spread awareness of Rotary in the community.
Why should your community start an Interact Club? 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0
Need Somthing Fixed? Repair Cafe, Sun Feb 9, 2025 2-5 pm @ Scott Hall, 24 Vernon Street, Framingham, MA 2025-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

RYLA Right Now

The RYLA news you need right now

RYLA Training(required for RYLA chairs and open to any Rotarian interested in RYLA)
Jan 22, 2025, 7-8:30 pm zoom register or (pick one)
Jan 23, 2025, 7-8:30 pm zoom register
RYLA Right Now 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0

Spaghetti Supper to Support Debs Beds - Feb 22

Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, dessert and drink. $12/adult, $8/kids under 8. The supper will be in the Parish Hall of the Congregational Church, 330 King Street, Littleton MA. February 22, 2025, from 5-7pm.
Hosted by the Congregational Church, all proceeds to benefit the Rotary Club of Littleton's Debs Beds. Find us on Facebook at to learn more. We provide solid wood, handmade twin beds or bunkbeds, brand new mattress, pillow, sheets and blankets for children who are sleeping on the floor.
Spaghetti Supper to Support Debs Beds - Feb 22 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0
Left, Center, Right Game Night Fundraiser for Rotary Club of Littleton's Debs Beds - Jan 18 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0
Items for Lowell Transitional Living Center (January) 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0

District 7910 and the Rotary Foundation in Action in Kenya

DG Joyce Graff and AG Susan Wilkinson spent ten days in Kenya in December working to shape a Global Grant to aid people in Machakos, Kenya, to rise Up from Poverty, contributing to the economic empowerment of this area. While there, they visited two other water projects sponsored by clubs in our District, a clinic headed by members of our World Disability Advocacy group, a literacy project for children with dyslexia, autism and other neurodiverse issues, and another literacy project to help Kenyan children in the public schools learn to use and appreciate computers.
Photo: One of many empowering signs around the Rare Gem Talent School, supported by sculptor Mark Stoddart of our World Disability Advocacy e-club.
District 7910 and the Rotary Foundation in Action in Kenya 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0
District 7910 Foundation Zoom Meeting Open To All Feb 20 7pm 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0
Everyone is Raving About the "Simply Irresistible" Membership Series - Feb 3 @ 7pm 2025-01-10 05:00:00Z 0
Ignite Membership: Spark Growth in Your Club 2025-01-10 05:00:00Z 0
Book Nooks for Elementary Schools Without Libraries in Worcester (ongoing) 2025-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

District 7910 featured in Rotary Magazine

Our Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy is featured in Rotary Magazine for the outstanding work of its members in 23 countries, focused on accessibility and advocacy. President Ken Masson, formerly of our Rotary Club of Merrimack Valley, coordinates this unique e-club, brought together for their passion for this important cause. Its members are doing outstanding work worldwide in advocating the people with disabilities.
District 7910 featured in Rotary Magazine 2025-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

Invitation to vacation with Rotarians in Italy

The Rotary Club of Ragusa, Italy, invites you to vacation in their beautiful part of Italy, designated as a World Heritage Site for its baroque atmosphere. "Rotary is service, Rotary is friendship, Rotary is a leadership network, so we are pleased to inform you that this year too, from 25 May to 1 June 2025, the Rotary Club Ragusa has scheduled the "XX Week Rotariana del Barocco Ibleo" here in our city of Ragusa (south-eastern Sicily, Italy)."
Invitation to vacation with Rotarians in Italy 2024-12-31 05:00:00Z 0

Jimmy Carter, 1924-2024

Jimmy Carter's vision for peace

(from Rotary Magazine)

It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta. 

They see the Bible that the 39th U.S. president took his oath on, a campaign ledger, and a mockup of the Oval Office – as well as his diploma in square dancing, a “Peanuts to President” game board, and a Marvel comic with the Carter family joining Captain America in saving energy. 

At the end of the exhibit is Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize, which he received in 2002 in recognition of his decades of work advancing peace and human rights. 

“This is the biggest award in the world,” one of the field trip leaders explains to the elementary school students. Then she puts it into terms they will understand: “This is bigger than the Super Bowl MVP, believe it or not.”

Read the rest of the story on 

Jimmy Carter, 1924-2024 2024-12-31 05:00:00Z 0
New Year Challenge: Asking All Clubs to support one Global Rotary Initiative (by January 8) 2024-12-28 05:00:00Z 0
New Year's Resolution - To be a Better Rotarian by Joining the Upcoming RLI 2024-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

District 7910 in Kenya

During our recent trip to Kenya, DG Joyce Graff and AG Susan Wilkinson met with Anne Musalia, a member of our World Disability Advocacy e-club, who lives and works in Kenya. Anne runs a Centre for children with disabilities who would otherwise be isolated at home. 
District 7910 in Kenya 2024-12-23 05:00:00Z 0
Need warm clothing for Transition shelter in Lowell, MA. 2024-12-23 05:00:00Z 0
Left, Right, Center Fundraiser for Rotary Club of Littleton's Debs Beds 2024-12-23 05:00:00Z 0

RYLA Graduate in Action

Over 20,000 meals were packed on December 15th at Nashoba Regional High School, and it is all thanks to RYLA alumni Caterina Romano of Bolton, MA. Caterina attended RYLA this past year, and heard the Meals of Hope representative talk about hunger and food insecurity in our area. “I really loved the process and the organization when I heard the presentation at RYLA” said Caterina after the event. “It was awesome to see our Hockey Team here, other classmates, and so many community members helping.”
Photo: The Barbanti Family. Chris Barbanti is CEO of JetSweep, a sponsor.
RYLA Graduate in Action 2024-12-19 05:00:00Z 0

A small book, packed with info, wows third graders in Natick

The Rotary Club of Natick has been working to address one of Rotary International's core mission - increasing literacy - since 2006. Every year since then, the club has organized and participated in a Dictionary Project, in which every third grader in the Natick Public Schools receives their very own, customized, copy of "A Student's Dictionary".  The first 2/3 of the book serves as a traditional dictionary, the last 1/3 is an almanac filled with many useful facts the students find most interesting. 
A small book, packed with info, wows third graders in Natick 2024-12-12 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Northeast Presidents-Elect Learning Seminar (NEPELS) Registration is Open! 2024-12-11 05:00:00Z 0
RYLA 7910 Hard at Work Selecting 2025 GFs! 2024-12-11 05:00:00Z 0
Blackstone Valley Rotary's Dog Bed Christmas Tree! 2024-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

District RLI is on January 18th!

Annually District 7910 hosts a local Rotary Leadership Institute so that Rotarians can learn about the many aspects of Rotary. It is a great place to learn new ideas and to join forces with Rotarians across our District (and other districts too).
District RLI is on January 18th! 2024-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Lowell Rotary Marshmallows for Scholars

On November 30th, the City of Lights parade in Lowell greeted the holiday season and we were able to add some sweetness to the event. Every year, we organize and carry out our marshmallow roast. We sell jumbo marshmallows on sticks and tend coal fired grills for kids and adults to enjoy a tasty treat and steal some warmth. We're grateful to be a part of the city's winter festivities and raise funds for deserving students.
Lowell Rotary Marshmallows for Scholars 2024-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

RYLA 2025 Save the Date and New Price

The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference, aka RYLA 2025 dates are set for June 27, 28, 29, 2025.

RYLA is 3 days of action packed, interactive and introspective sessions with and specifically for High School Sophomores. Activities are designed to help students to stretch and grow. Our full program includes a variety of challenges and enriching sessions which allow them to learn about themselves and others. Students will engage with small and large groups in a program created by student input.
RYLA 2025 Save the Date and New Price 2024-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox Snippets

-- Bill Tobin, Rotary Relationship Manager, ShelterBox

In celebration of this holiday season, I want to share how thankful I am for all you do for Rotary and for ShelterBox.

I joined Rotary 20 years ago next week and began volunteering for ShelterBox in 2010. To say volunteering for ShelterBox was a life changing event for me is not hyperbole. I found how I can truly make Service Above Self a part of my life as a ShelterBox volunteer. We need more Rotarians in District 7910 to help us grow. 
ShelterBox Snippets 2024-11-28 05:00:00Z 0
You Can't Take it With You, But You Can Make It Last Forever: Bequests! Robert Worth 2024-11-27 05:00:00Z 0

Weston-Wayland Rotary Christmas Tree Sale

The Rotary Club of Weston and Wayland will be selling Holiday trees at Land's Sake farm in Weston on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between Thanksgiving and Christmas (or until we sell out).  
All proceeds will go to college scholarships for Weston and Wayland high school seniors, and our conservation, food security and other charitable projects.
We are looking for volunteers to help us sell the trees and, of course, to get a tree!  Sign up here to volunteer. There are two 3-hour shifts a day from 9am - 3pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until we sell out. 
It's fun, fellowship, and usually a hot cuppa something and snacks. 
Note: With the very dry weather, some Massachusetts Christmas Tree farms are not cutting their trees, so supplies may be tight and prices may be high.
Weston-Wayland Rotary Christmas Tree Sale 2024-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Another Successful Pints for Polio

Members of the Rotary Clubs of Weston & Wayland, Waltham, Billerica, and Needham came together for a fun evening and raising funds for Rotary's End Polio Now campaign.
On October 24, World Polio Day, Rotary members and friends gathered at Craft Food Hall to raise money to end Polio. It was a massive success!

We raised a grand total of.... (read more)
DG-E Johnny was in the house!
Another Successful Pints for Polio 2024-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Ending War 101 - Webinar for Peace - Dec 13

Rotary Action Group for Peace is holding a reassuring webinar helping us all understand how we can do our bit in working toward peace in the world. They will present a road map for global involvement in planning a better future. Feel free to invite your friends.
Ending War 101 - Webinar for Peace - Dec 13 2024-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

Join the Rotary Club of Bedford's Winter Community Breakfast on 12/8

The Rotary Club of Bedford invites everyone to their annual Winter Community Breakfast (formerly Breakfast with Santa) from 9 a.m. to noon on Sunday, Dec. 8 at Bedford High School.

The Winter Community Breakfast is a cherished tradition in Bedford, bringing together families, friends, and neighbors for a morning filled with holiday cheer. While enjoying a hot pancake breakfast, attendees can have photos taken with Santa, visit the winter-themed photo booth, take part in multi-cultural crafts, and listen to live holiday music!

Join the Rotary Club of Bedford's Winter Community Breakfast on 12/8 2024-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

Waltham Rotary Music Bingo planned for January 31, 2025

It's back! Come and join the Rotary Club of Waltham for a night of music bingo, fun, food, and fundraising! Waltham Rotary Music Bingo is planned for January 31, 2025.
Our first Music Bingo raised over $20,000 for area nonprofits and local scholarships. We are thrilled to host this event again in the new year at the American Legion Post 156 in Waltham - doors open 6pm.
Tickets sold at the door. Hope to see you there.
Check our Facebook page for updates.  
Waltham Rotary Music Bingo planned for January 31, 2025 2024-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Multiple Refugee Families Assisted by Southborough Club Coat Collection

Thanks to the Southborough Rotary Club, about a dozen refugee families staying in a Westborough hotel will now have warm coats this season. Rotary members quickly mobilized to collect new and gently used coats tailored to the sizes and preferences of each family member. Volunteers spent hours ensuring every detail was addressed. Many members even added personal, handwritten notes to welcome the families and brighten their day. As new families arrive and others transition to permanent housing, the need for support continues. Yet again, Rotary’s motto, SERVICE Above Self, has proven true. 
Multiple Refugee Families Assisted by Southborough Club Coat Collection 2024-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Do you want to be a leader of your Club?

If you are new to Rotary, or just curious about all the programs offered by Rotary, Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a great place to start. RLI is a leadership development program that exposes all facets of Rotary to those willing to take all three workshops.
RLI will be held at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School in Marlborough on January 18, 2025 from 7:30 (breakfast) to 3 PM. Lunch and a snack will also be provided. The Graduate topic this year is "Dealing with Change." Click here

If you have any questions, or if you would like a presenter to talk about RLI to your club, please contact me.
Do you want to be a leader of your Club? Mark Vital 2024-11-21 05:00:00Z 0

Care Packaging for Troops

On Friday November 15th some of the Rotary Club of Concord members met at Revolutionary Hall in Lexington for a service project with the Lexington Rotary Club. 30 care packages were assembled for Hanscom Air force Base Troops deployed overseas.
Photo: Concord Rotarians Sharon Spaulding, Thomas Hampton, Joe Anderson, and Liz Cobbs 
Care Packaging for Troops Helen Halloran 2024-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Meet the Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy Joyce Graff 2024-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is Coming to a Location Near You 2024-11-16 05:00:00Z 0

Every Year Rotary Awards 130 Peace Fellowships

Did you know Rotary has 7 Peace Centers? At these Peace Centers individuals committed to peace and conflict resolution receive Fellowships to earn a two-year master's level degree in international studies, peace studies, and conflict resolution. Since 2002 1700 individuals have been trained.
Every Year Rotary Awards 130 Peace Fellowships 2024-11-11 05:00:00Z 0
Annual Thanksgiving Day Breakfast in Littleton 2024-11-10 05:00:00Z 0
Framingham Rotary Holiday Craft Fair at Keefe Tech on December 14th 2024-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Come to the Annual Tree Lighting on the Common, Sunday, December 1st!

Everyone is invited to Littleton’s Tree Lighting on the Common on Sunday, December 1st at 4:15 pm. The Tree Lighting on the Common is co-sponsored by the Littleton Rotary Club and the Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments. Members of the Littleton High School Band will warm up the crowd with holiday songs and then the Nashoba Valley Chorale will lead young and old in a sing-along. The Littleton Rotary Club provides complementary hot cider and donuts to all attendees along with stuffed toys for kids who can answer holiday trivia questions.
Come to the Annual Tree Lighting on the Common, Sunday, December 1st! 2024-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Tyngsboro/Dunstable Fundraiser

The Taste of the Town fundraiser took place on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. The annual event does help the club raise money so that we can support the areas we serve.
Ten different eateries took part in the event. A decent selection of food was brought by the establishments, and a few of them were able to donate gift cards as door prizes. The occasion was a huge success. The club has made the decision to hold this event as a long-term one. We were allowed to use, wash, and return the tablecloths that the high school donated. We were able to segregate the garbage items and the dishes and utensils were made of sustainable materials. The entertainment was Mike Gacek, which everyone enjoyed
Rotary Club of Tyngsboro/Dunstable Fundraiser 2024-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

 Tyngsboro-Dunstable Taste of the Town event that that exemplifies sustainability 


The Taste of the Town fundraiser took place on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. This event helps the club raise money to fund our community service programs. Ten restaurants took part in the event. A great selection of food was brought by the establishments, and a few of them were also able to donate gift cards as door prizes. The occasion was a huge success. The club has made the decision to hold this event annually. 
 Tyngsboro-Dunstable Taste of the Town event that that exemplifies sustainability   2024-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

Veteran’s Day Lunch at the VFW on Taylor Street

The Rotary Club of Littleton MA will be making lunch – chicken casserole, salad, vegetable, cranberry sauce, rolls and drinks. The Friends of the VFW will provide dessert. We will set up at the VFW around 11 am on Monday.
Veterans are the most unique and special people we know. They are the only people willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy.
Shown here are Littleton veterans John Borosky, Gary Wilson, and George Sanders awarded Quilts of Valor.
Veteran’s Day Lunch at the VFW on Taylor Street 2024-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
Forum on Polio Risks in the Middle East - Nov 21 2024-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Bedford sponsors and provides in-person construction help for Habitat for Humanity

On Saturday, October 26th, Habitat for Humanity had a Women's Build Day at their latest project in Westford.  This project will have two garden-style condos in the barn along with 5 affordable rental units built by the Drew Farm house project in the adjacent building. Lita Verrier, Sze-Wen Kuo and Judi Babcock participated in this build project on behalf of the Rotary Club of Bedford.  Other women who participated were from Reeds Ferry and other organizations.  
Rotary Club of Bedford sponsors and provides in-person construction help for Habitat for Humanity Paula Gilarde 2024-11-03 04:00:00Z 0
Feeding the Hungry at St. Paul's Kitchen in Lowell, 29 October 2024 2024-11-03 04:00:00Z 0
Enter Wellesley Rotary Club’s 4th Annual "Dinner On Us" Sweepstakes by midnight on Nov 15 2024-10-30 04:00:00Z 0
Framingham Rotary Holiday Craft Fair at Keefe Tech on December 14th 2024-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

Lounge 250 Event for Concord Senior Citizens - Oct 22

On Tuesday October 22nd Rotary Club of Concord hosted the first of three events this year at the Concord Council on Aging. Named Lounge 250, the event was a celebration of Concord's 250th anniversary and was meant to have a uptown nightclub vibe for the senior citizens of Concord. There were delicious appetizers and mocktails served by Rotarians, dressed as servers and bartenders. Music made the event festive and the positive feedback from this event was wonderful!
Photo: From left to right: Heather, Richard, Sheila, Jean, Steve L, Dave, Hilary, Steve K, Sharon, Peggy, Therese, Becky and John
Lounge 250 Event for Concord Senior Citizens - Oct 22 2024-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

Pints for Polio - October 24 @ Craft Food Hall Waltham

Members of the Rotary Clubs of Weston & Wayland, Waltham, Billerica, and Needham came together for a fun evening and raising funds for Rotary's End Polio Now campaign.

On October 24, World Polio Day, Rotary members and friends gathered at Craft Food Hall to raise money to end Polio. It was a massive success! 

As of Friday evening (10/25), we've raised $1,570 for the End Polio Now fund and will keep the fundraising page open through midnight on Halloween. Donations go directly to The Rotary Foundation. 


Pints for Polio - October 24 @ Craft Food Hall Waltham 2024-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Foundation’s Magic: A Celebration of Your Impact - our District Foundation Dinner - Nov 13

Registration for our District Foundation Dinner CLOSES on Sunday, November 10 at midnight!  

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 cocktails at 5:30, dinner at 6:00pm.
Hudson Portuguese Club, 13 Port Street, Hudson, MA 01749

$35 per person through the reservation deadline on November 10th.

Space is limited so be sure to register now! Click HERE to register. If you're not sure how to log on, just register as a guest!
The Rotary Foundation’s Magic: A Celebration of Your Impact - our District Foundation Dinner - Nov 13 2024-10-28 04:00:00Z 0
What is your Club's IQ? Simply Irresistible Series Continues on November 4th 2024-10-28 04:00:00Z 0
The District's Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is almost here! - Jan 18 2024-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

As American as Apple Pie - Oct 19

On Saturday, October 19, District 7910's Youth Exchange Committee hosted eight students from three Rotary districts for the very American tradition of picking apples and making apple pie. The day turned out to be beautiful and warm -- perfect for picking delicious apples at Tougas Farm in Northborough and making apple pies to take home to the student's host families. 
Photo: Rotary Exchange Students from Districts 7910, 7930, and 7980
As American as Apple Pie - Oct 19  2024-10-28 04:00:00Z 0
Come One, Come All to DOGDAY 2024 in Brookline! 2024-10-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Business Networking Works - Nov 19

Since the start, the Rotary Business Networking Series has been open to all Rotarians and "not-yet" Rotarians, who are interested in doing more business with Rotarians more often because we are people of integrity who value the 4-Way Test in business as we do in life.  

Business Networking Success Stories: The series been a productive element of business growth and development over time. At every session, Rotarians share excellent business insight, resource, and solutions. Typically, attendees leave with 2, 3 or more actionable strategies to enhance their business or career. 

<The next gathering on Tuesday, November 19 from 8-9 a.m. at Mel's Commonwealth Cafe in Wayland. RSVP here to attend. >

Here are a few "success stories:" 

Rotary Business Networking Works - Nov 19 2024-10-14 04:00:00Z 0
12th Annual Framingham Rotary Pancake Breakfast, Nov. 2, @ Keefe Tech 2024-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

District Foundation Dinner on November 13th, 2024

You're invited to Foundation Dinner Wednesday Nov 13 Portuguese Club Hudson $30Join Rotarians from around the District on November 13, 2024 at 6:00pm to celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s role in creating the magic of Rotary and to recognize those who are helping to make it happen.
Space is limited so be sure to register now! Click HERE to register.
Earlybird! $30 per person through November 1, $35 pp thereafter

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 6:00pm.
Hudson Portuguese Club, 13 Port Street, Hudson, MA 01749
District Foundation Dinner on November 13th, 2024 2024-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

Pints for Polio, Oct 24 in Waltham -- All Are Welcome!

Come join us at Craft Food Hall in Waltham to recognize World Polio Day: “Pints for Polio” on Thursday, October 24th, 2024 at 6 p.m.!

Please invite all your members, friends, family, and contacts to a fantastic evening starting at 6:00 PM. Here's what's planned: 

Pints for Polio, Oct 24 in Waltham -- All Are Welcome! 2024-10-12 04:00:00Z 0

Help Rotary Members in Zones 33 and 34 recover from Hurricane Helene

As you are probably aware, many of our Rotary friends in Zones 33 and 34 have been impacted significantly by Hurricane Helene. The following message comes from Rotary International Director Patrick Eakes.

I appreciate your concern and prayers as communities across Zones 33 and 34 try to survive the next few days before starting the long recovery following Hurricane Helene.

We have established a fund where those who would like to assist recovery efforts by making a donation can do so via online payment, mailed check, or wire transfer. Information to make a donation is at
Help Rotary Members in Zones 33 and 34 recover from Hurricane Helene 2024-10-11 04:00:00Z 0

Join us in Calgary

Embark on an exhilarating journey of connection and inspiration at the 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary! Engage in riveting discussions, learn from distinguished speakers, and explore enlightening breakout sessions against the backdrop of Calgary's picturesque beauty nestled amid the Canadian Rockies.
Join us in Calgary 2024-10-10 04:00:00Z 0
Holiday Food Drive for Loaves &amp; Fishes Food Pantry, October 14-November 24 2024-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Framingham Club hosts Cornhole Tournament on October 27th

Framingham Rotary's first Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser will be on Sunday, October 27th at the Warren Conference Center in Ashland. Registration starts at noon and bags fly at 1 PM. Teams of 2 players can register for $100. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams. 
Framingham Club hosts Cornhole Tournament on October 27th 2024-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Insurance Coverage and Protecting your Club from Liability

What insurance coverage does our club have for events? When I agree to be a Director or Officer of my club, what personal liability am I undertaking? How can we protect our club from liability in using pictures of attendees at our events? What about hosting an exchange student?

The answers to these and many other questions were shared at the DG Open Doors Zoom session, "Insurance and Protection from Liability" Wednesday, October 23, at 6 pm.
Insurance Coverage and Protecting your Club from Liability Joyce Graff 2024-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

Milford Rotary Club Sponsors Exchange Student to Sweden

Being an exchange student in Sweden is such an amazing experience, explains Sasha Matovu, a Milford resident now spending her senior year of high school living in the Stockholm, Sweden. Sasha arrived in Sweden in August and went straight to a multi-day language camp where she met 42 other long term exchange students from all over the world. "It was incredible to meet so many people with such different backgrounds," said Sasha. It "opened my mind to the world in ways I hadn't expected."
Image: Sasha attends Orientation & Language Camp in Sweden, August 2024
Milford Rotary Club Sponsors Exchange Student to Sweden 2024-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

TREK Sturbridge Halloween 5K & 1K; a Family-Friendly event. October 27

It's the 4th year our Sturbridge Rotary Club organizes this Sunday, October 27th event, just before Halloween, located beside Old Sturbridge Village. We encourage attendees to come in costume as they participate in a Timed 5K TRAIL RACE, or a 5K TRAIL WALK, or a 1K Timed ROAD RACE for 12 years & younger, or indoor Games & Competitions for young children, plus a COSTUME PARADE. There is something for everyone! Dad can race the 5K, Mom the 5K Walk and the Kids the indoor games! Registration is open at Runners & Walkers get a free T-Shirt.
TREK Sturbridge Halloween 5K &amp; 1K; a Family-Friendly event. October 27 2024-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

Pigs Might Fly and They Did

Polio survivorI contracted polio at the age of 18 months in September 1949 and spent the next 3 years in hospital. Polio paralyzed me in both legs, and in my lower torso from just below the diaphragm as well as losing most of the function in the right arm. Now I have been hit by Post-Polio Syndrome, a further incurable condition that affects up to 60% of polio Survivors anything up to 40 years after the initial infection.
Let's all kick the polio virus off the planet!  Meet other survivors, learn their stories, and learn why it is so important to complete this job NOW!
Here is my story...
Pigs Might Fly and They Did Ken Masson 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0
Save the Date - Jan 18 - The Entrepreneur's Source will be coming to our District 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0
IQ (Irresistibility Quotient): Strategies to Enhance Participant Engagement 2024-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Nov 13: Hold the Date: Meet the Foundation and Honor Donors

Our Annual District Foundation Dinner will be held November 13 in Hudson at the Portuguese Club at 6 pm.  We will have several honored guests you won't want to miss, focusing on the work the Foundation and YOU are doing in the world.

We will honor all our Paul Harris Fellows and members of the Paul Harris, Polio Plus, and Arch Klumpf Societies of donors who contribute to the Foundation.
Please plan to join us! Registration will be opening soon at
Nov 13: Hold the Date: Meet the Foundation and Honor Donors 2024-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

Leaders Wanted! District Leadership Nominations Are Now Being Accepted

This is an exciting time to be a Rotarian in District 7910! We seek candidates who wish to help lead District 7910 as we work to do good in the world and help our Clubs become truly irresistible.  The following opportunities are available:

• District Governor 2027-2028
• District Treasurer 2025-2028
• Two District Trustees 2025-2028
• Vice Governor (must be a Past District Governor)

Please download the nominating form here
Leaders Wanted! District Leadership Nominations Are Now Being Accepted 2024-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Next Simply Irresistible Series Discussion "Creating a Welcoming Culture" Scheduled for October 7th 

We have been getting a lot of positive feedback from the clubs who have participated in previous Simply Irresistible workshops. Everyone agrees that this is time well used. This month's discussion looks to be another great opportunity for clubs to expand its reach into the community. The full title of the October 7th discussion is "Creating a Welcoming Culture: Strategies to Expand Your Club's Reach."
Next Simply Irresistible Series Discussion "Creating a Welcoming Culture" Scheduled for October 7th 2024-09-25 04:00:00Z 0
Virtual Summit Focuses on Better Education for Children with Disabilities - Oct 25 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Information Session -- October 16 @7:30 pm

Want to learn more about Rotary Youth Exchange? Do you know families with teens that might be interested in youth exchange? Tell your friends and neighbors & mark your calendars! District 7910 is having a Virtual Information Session on October 16 at 7:30 pm. We will cover the basics of both Long Term and Short Term exchanges and how they work. 

We'll also answer questions about how to apply, costs, timelines, and eligibility.
Rotary Youth Exchange Information Session -- October 16 @7:30 pm 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0
Community Recycling Event in Marlborough, Oct 19 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Natick Rotary Club "Brett Conaway Cup" Golf Tournament- October 18th at Sandy Burr Country Club Wayland MA

Come join us for the Brett Conaway Cup on October 18th at the Sandy Burr Country Club. This fundraiser for the Natick Rotary Club supports our mini grant program which helps fund 10-15 local organizations annually. There will be great raffle prizes, fun on the course, buffet lunch, and more. It's a guaranteed good time! To register or sponsor:
Natick Rotary Club "Brett Conaway Cup" Golf Tournament- October 18th at Sandy Burr Country Club Wayland MA 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0
Watertown Rotary’s Annual Senior Citizen Cookout, Getting to the Meat of the Matter 2024-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Help our Clubs Be Irresistible! Sign Up For Visioning Training on October 26

We are excited to bring Visioning back to District 7910. Visioning helps clubs produce a strategy to become irresistible, resulting in a plan for membership attraction and retention while creating impactful opportunities for service to our communities. Visioning is a facilitator-led exercise where we guide clubs to develop a strategic road map consistent with Rotary's Action Plan through a facilitator-led process.
Help our Clubs Be Irresistible! Sign Up For Visioning Training on October 26 Elliott Rittenberg 2024-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Champions Global Peace

peaceOne of the 7 areas of focus for the Rotary Foundation is Promoting Peace.  Rotary’s focus on peace is almost as old as Rotary itself.  With clubs in over 200 countries, Rotary is in an ideal position to foster better understanding among the communities of the world and bridge differences.  Take a look at that history with this description of what Rotary does
Rotary Champions Global Peace Robert Worth 2024-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

Embrace A Family is celebrating its 15th anniversary on September 18th!

Posted by Eileen Fitz
Embrace A Family, a non-profit program of the Rotary Club of Natick, is celebrating 15 years of helping Natick residents with cancer.
Join them on September 18th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Lookout Farm in South Natick for a casual evening of appetizers, dessert, cash bar and a little fun-raising. 

Purchase tickets at
100% of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to  Embrace A Family and will be used to help families in the Natick community struggling with the hardships of cancer.
To purchase tickets or to learn more about Embrace A Family, visit their website at
Embrace A Family is celebrating its 15th anniversary on September 18th! Eileen Fitz 2024-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

Framingham Rotary Club Cornhole Tournament - October 27th

Join the Framingham Rotary Club for a Cornhole Tournament fundraiser on Sunday, October 27th at the Warren Conference Center in Ashland, MA. First prize is a set of cornhole boards! 
Food, drink and raffle.  $100 per team.  Register here
Proceeds will benefit local not-for-profit organizations. Food and beverages will be available.  
Framingham Rotary Club Cornhole Tournament - October 27th Betsy Cross 2024-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

Lowell Rotary's Harvest Ball for Seniors- October 22

The Harvest Ball gathers 150+ seniors to Lenzi's Restaurant in Dracut for an afternoon of dancing, singing and lunch. There are dance contests and door prizes. There's also the popular 50/50 raffle. The Lowell and Dracut clubs put together this wonderful and popular event. Doors open at 11:00 and concludes around 3:00. Tickets are $20.00. October 22.
Lowell Rotary's Harvest Ball for Seniors- October 22 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

It's not too late to play in the Blackstone Valley Golf Tournament! (Sep 25)

Join us on Wednesday, September 25th at 9am at the beautiful Blissful Meadows Golf Course in Uxbridge for a great day of golf for a great cause (scholarships!).

Only $125 per golfer includes breakfast, great golf, boxed lunch, prizes & raffles, and dinner. All the usual tournament fun will be there (longest drive, closest to the pin, etc), and even a putting contest!

Blissful Meadows award-winning layout caters to both high & low handicap golfers, and offers varying fade and draw shots to satisfy both left-handed and right-handed golfers.
It's not too late to play in the Blackstone Valley Golf Tournament! (Sep 25) 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary at the Rotary (in Watertown)

Intensity, passion, discipline, and raw ambition drive me. Little did I know, that by volunteering to help weed the rotary in Watertown, the meaning of such adjectives would not only be met, but also exceeded. Innocently, I volunteered to help our Rotary chapter with the task at hand.
Rotary at the Rotary (in Watertown) 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Taste of the Town in Tyngsboro/Dunstable - October 22nd

Enjoy your local favorite restaurants and discover new ones at Tyngsboro's Taste of the Town! One price to sample yummy food from loads of area gems. There will be music and raffles, too! Some favorite’s from last year: Chowder from Dream Diner, Middle Eastern delights from Chateau Merrimack, and Italian delicacies from Mave’s Kitchen, among others. October 22nd at Tyngsboro Sportmen’s Club.
Buy your tickets here:
Taste of the Town in Tyngsboro/Dunstable - October 22nd 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0
Haunted House on September 28th 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Connect with Your Community, Grow Your Club

October is Rotary's Community Economic and Development Month. How can your club identify and respond to the needs in your community?

In 2020, as the world faced the challenges of a global pandemic, Sarah Garrette was looking for a way to stay grounded while making a difference. A simple Facebook search led her to the Rotary Club of Springboro, Ohio.
Connect with Your Community, Grow Your Club 2024-09-09 04:00:00Z 0

How can we tell what's true online?

September is Literacy Month at Rotary International. What is your club doing to improve literacy in your community?

Rotary member Anahita Dalmia of the Rotary Club of Newport Beach, USA is helping young people answer this question through a video game. She developed a game, Agents of Influence, to help 11-to-13-year-olds cultivate media literacy, thinking critically about content they encounter online.
How can we tell what's true online? 2024-09-09 04:00:00Z 0

Map Your Peace Pole

Has your club installed a Peace Pole? Have you put it on the map? The Rotary Action Group for Peace (RAGFP) maps Peace Poles for all Peacebuilders of Rotary and beyond. Peace Poles are a monument to Rotarian peace action. You can put YOUR Peace pole on the map!

Check out the global Peace Pole Map.
Map Your Peace Pole 2024-09-09 04:00:00Z 0

9 days, 640,000 children, 1.3M doses. The plan to vaccinate Gaza’s young against polio

Mike McGovern, Chairman of the Rotary International Polio-Plus committee, shared with us that polio vaccinations would begin as soon as it was safe for our workers.  Supplies are already in place on the border.  "I cannot emphasize how difficult this is in an active war zone."
On Saturday, the news broke: The World Health Organization and its partners are gearing up for an ambitious mass vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip after an 11-month-old boy contracted the Palestinian enclave’s first case of polio in 25 years.
9 days, 640,000 children, 1.3M doses. The plan to vaccinate Gaza’s young against polio 2024-09-01 04:00:00Z 0

Left Right Center Tournament in Leominster Oct 25

The most fun you’ll have playing a game that takes under 3 minutes to learn! Cash Prizes, Raffles, 50-50, Cash Bar!

When: Friday, October 25, 2024

Doors open at 6:00 pm & Game starts at 7:00 pm

Where: The Elks Lodge, 134 North Main St., Leominster, MA

Tickets: $25.00 per person – includes Game Play, Pizza & Snacks 
Contact: Paul Gauvin at 978-855-2145 or email:
Click "Read more" to see the flyer. 
Left Right Center Tournament in Leominster Oct 25 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Setting Club Goals, winning Awards

Our goal this year is that at least half the clubs submit their applications and win an Award to be presented at the District Conference in May. Setting goals in writing is the first step in achieving those goals. Let's learn together how to use the Rotary tools to ensure the success of all our clubs.

At the first of a series of Open Doors meetings Joyce shared the criteria for this year's Awards, and showed how to achieve them.  
If you missed the live session, please check out the replay 
Setting Club Goals, winning Awards 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Sturbridge Rotarian Otto Prohaska Dies from Tragic Accident – Family Needs Our Help

Otto Prohaska, a Rotarian for more than 35 years and President-elect of our Sturbridge Club, was gravely injured in an accident on Monday, August 26 while volunteering at the Club’s annual golf tournament. He succumbed to his injuries overnight on August 30, leaving behind his wife Julie and son Adrian. His family needs our help, and we’ve created a donation page through our District Charity Fund. Please click here to donate.
Everyone was enjoying the tournament when a thunderstorm approached, and the course needed to be cleared. Otto climbed aboard the back of a golf cart, from which he fell and struck his head on the pavement, resulting in multiple skull fractures and severe bleeding. He was transported to UMass Medical Center where he underwent emergency surgery. Despite heroic efforts, doctors were unable to save his life.

Otto had dedicated his life to service, both as a Rotarian and throughout his career. He joined Rotary in 1988 and was named Rotarian of the year by the Sturbridge Club for the 2022-2023 Rotary year, where he was known for both his kindness and intelligence. Professionally, he led a medical startup focused on novel cell and gene-based therapies designed to cure cancer, autoimmune, infectious, and rare diseases. His company, TransCytos, discovered a way to deliver these treatments at low cost and sought to make them available to patients and hospitals worldwide. Otto and his family committed all their resources to this effort, which leaves Julie and Adrian in a precarious position due to this tragedy.

District Governor Joyce adds “Our hearts go out to Otto's wife Julie and their son Adrian, on the loss of their husband and father. We ask that you consider a donation to support them with the unforeseen expenses imposed by this terrible accident. As Rotarians, we want to warmly embrace these members of our Rotary family in their time of need. Thank you so much.”

District 7910 has already sent a significant donation to the Prohaska family, and we ask that you consider helping to the extent that you can. Here again is the link to contribute through our District Charity Fund. Please also consider sharing this request for help on your social media. Finally, please keep Otto, Julie and Adrian in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your support.
Sturbridge Rotarian Otto Prohaska Dies from Tragic Accident – Family Needs Our Help 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0
Webinar: Strategies to Increase Your Club's Impact in Your Community 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0
Help D7910 "Bounce" for the Foundation! Sep 17 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Appreciating YOU for your diligence

Rotary International has sent our District a Certificate of Appreciation for achieving at least a 90% compliance with reporting requirements for grants during the Rotary year 2023-24. Our Clubs engaged in a total of 21 District grants, for which we provided $32,237 in funding, which comes back to us directly because of our member donations to the Rotary Foundation. These grants supported environmental projects, food insecurity relief, education, veterans and so much more.
Photo: 1. Members of the Athol-Orange club built two bridges along the North Quabbin Trail.
Appreciating YOU for your diligence 2024-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Short Term Exchange Students Went to Spain for Summer!

This year District 7910 had two high school students participating in the Rotary Youth Exchange Short Term program. Oliver Moon, 17, was sponsored by the Weston Wayland Rotary Club, and Andrew Giordano, almost 16, was sponsored by the Neponset Sunrise Rotary Club. Both students chose to go to Spain for their exchange and were matched with Spanish students of similar age and interests. While away, both Oliver and Andrew made new friends, learned about Spanish culture, and got to practice their Spanish skills.
Photo: Oliver Moon and his host brother Tristan in Murcia, Spain. July 2024.
Short Term Exchange Students Went to Spain for Summer! 2024-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Project - MiDesk - Seeks Supporting Clubs

We received a project idea from the Rotaract Club of Toronto - a portable desk for school children in rural areas of the third world so that they need not sit only on the floor to do their school work. Developed in South Africa, it provides a desk and chair with a solar-powered light.
Rotary Project - MiDesk - Seeks Supporting Clubs 2024-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Duck "Dump" Adds New Excitement to NVSR's Annual Duck Race

The Neponset Valley Sunrise Rotary Club added a bit more excitement to our 23rd Annual Duck Race on the Charles River on June 15th. For the first time in the history of the race, the plastic ducks plummeted into the river by way of a front end loader. Bystanders provided the countdown to their release and cheered the ducks on. Thanks to all who registered a duck for the race and sponsored, our club netted approximately $8,000 from this popular early-summer event.
Duck "Dump" Adds New Excitement to NVSR's Annual Duck Race 2024-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Mark Your Calendar! The Next Simply Irresistible Membership Workshop is September 9th 2024-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox Event Aug 28

As ShelterBox approaches our 25th year in global disaster relief, ShelterBox would like to invite you and all club members and associates in District 7910 to our “ShelterBox All-Hands Rotary Roundup”, on Wednesday August 28th at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET via Zoom.
ShelterBox Event Aug 28 2024-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Visioning– Help Our Clubs Plan Their Future Success

District 7910 is seeking members interested in helping our clubs chart their path forward and create a strategic success plan. Visioning helps clubs grow membership, execute impactful service projects, develop leaders, increase Foundation support and much more. It allows club members the opportunity to dream about what their club could become, and then turn those dreams into reality. We are seeking members to join our Visioning Team.
Visioning– Help Our Clubs Plan Their Future Success 2024-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Resilience in the Face of Polio

Picture a happy healthy child running around in the Congo, dreaming of being a great football player. Then a high fever -- polio -- and that child is either crippled for life or dead.
Resilience in the Face of Polio 2024-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Students Lead Enviro-projects

Northborough-Southborough Interactors learned the meaning of sweat equity while sorting a transfer station's monthly accumulation of 5-cent deposit cans and bottles on the sunny hot morning of August 3. With help from Southborough and Northboro Rotarians, NSboro students filled 53 bags of separated plastic and aluminum carbonated beverage containers for a local partner to transport and redeem wholesale.
Students Lead Enviro-projects 2024-08-07 04:00:00Z 0
Wachusett Area Rotary Club Golf Tournament Fundraiser September 16, 2024 2024-07-29 04:00:00Z 0
When Was The Last Time Your Club Has Done A Global Grant? 2024-07-29 04:00:00Z 0
What Does a Hippo and The Rotary Foundation Have in Common? (Sep 16) 2024-07-28 04:00:00Z 0

ClubRunner Training for Club Leaders

Who What Where Why When HowIs your club's information up to date? There are a number of easy functions in ClubRunner that are essential to the management of your club. Every year there are new folks in charge of these areas. Our friends at ClubRunner Support have agreed to hold two sessions to help us get up to speed and take care of business.
ClubRunner Training for Club Leaders 2024-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

District 7910 Bids Farewell to our 2023-2024 Youth Exchange Inbound Students

Val Gallot (Belgium) and Diego (Mexico) returned to their home countries last month after a wonderful Rotary Youth Exchange Year here in MA. Kudos to their host Rotary Clubs - Marlborough and Weston-Wayland - who welcomed these young men to our District, arranged for host families, stayed in touch throughout the year, provided them a monthly stipend, and supported them as the year progressed. Very special and warm thanks to their Club Youth Exchange Officers (aka YEOs) Bonnie Doolin (Marlborough) and Edwin Gaw (Weston-Wayland)! When you see them, ask them to tell you all about RYE!
Photo: Val and Diego prepare for the Inbound Students' Parade of Flags at the District Conference in May, 2024.
District 7910 Bids Farewell to our 2023-2024 Youth Exchange Inbound Students 2024-07-26 04:00:00Z 0
Our club is going great! I think? 2024-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

Spirit of Hudson Brewfest August 10th

Do you like craft beer, hard seltzer, hard cider, and spirits? Do you like supporting other rotary clubs? Don’t miss out on the chance to taste unlimited samples from 46+ brewers, enjoy food from 6 food trucks, yard games, and live music. Join us on August 10th in Hudson, MA for a great time. Learn more:
Spirit of Hudson Brewfest August 10th 2024-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

Increase Membership by Understanding Anytown USA

In order for your club to celebrate increased membership this year, you must be open to change. The saying, "This isn't your father's Rotary anymore," is quite true. The days of a weekday two-hour luncheon and program are long gone, or at least they should be. The key is to remain flexible and to understand the community's potential in obtaining new membership, just like "Anytown, USA."
Increase Membership by Understanding Anytown USA 2024-07-26 04:00:00Z 0
Did you know August is Membership and New Club Development Month? 2024-07-16 04:00:00Z 0

Mark you Calendar: Ask the Experts Anything About Membership

For the first time ever, experts from across our Zone will be answering questions on how to drive up membership as part of the Irresistible Series. The Zoom meeting is scheduled for August 12th at 7:30 PM (EST). Directly following the Zone meeting, District 7910 will be hosting a 15-30 minute Cafe on applying some of the strategies mentioned to our local clubs. Registration for the "Ask the expert" zoom meeting -
Mark you Calendar: Ask the Experts Anything About Membership 2024-07-16 04:00:00Z 0
3 Actions to Impact Public Image Today! 2024-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

Make Your Club Simply Irresistible!

Now that we have had several conversations about expanding membership and engagement, what else would you like to know? What snags have you encountered? What topics should we explore in more depth?
Make Your Club Simply Irresistible! 2024-07-14 04:00:00Z 0
Meet Your Phone App 2024-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

Felipe Finishes His Junior Year in Switzerland as a District 7910 Youth Exchange Student

Felipe Rocha Paes, a student at Acton-Boxborough High School, is about to finish his junior year of high school -- in Switzerland. Even before he started high school Felipe knew he wanted to be an exchange student. His father (born in Brazil) was a Rotary exchange student as a teenager and had shared his positive experiences with his family. Felipe felt he was up for the challenge. He applied and was accepted into the District 7910 program and got his first choice country -- the French speaking part of Switzerland.
Image: Felipe gives a presentation (in French) to his host Rotary Club in Switzerland. Spring 2024. The yellow arrow points to Felipe -- seated in his navy Rotary blazer.
Felipe Finishes His Junior Year in Switzerland as a District 7910 Youth Exchange Student 2024-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

Help Wanted: Expert News Sleuth

There is no shortage of news about Rotary, or about the issues Rotary is working to resolve. However there is a shortage of Reporters generating the news is bite-size chunks suitable for Social Media.
Help Wanted: Expert News Sleuth 2024-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

RYLA students can become members of ESRAG - Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group!

A friend of ESRAG – Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group ( has offered to pay for ESRAG membership to RYLA students. Interested students should send an email to Dr. Acacia Warren ( confirming interest in the gift.

Students can also apply for Travel Award to attend the Aquaculture 2025 meeting in New Orleans, March 6-10, 2025, where the new initiative of Rotary International and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to protect, restore, and sustain freshwater ecosystems will be highlighted (

RYLA students can become members of ESRAG - Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group! Acacia Warren 2024-07-11 04:00:00Z 0
Marlborough Rotary Golf Classic - Sept 11 Heidi Borella 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

District 7910 Helps Meals of Hope pack 100 Millionth Meal

Boxes of mealsTri-State Conference Members packed 30,000 nutritious meals to finish off the Annual Conference the Rotary Way - with a service project! On May 5, 2024 District 7910 combined with District 7890 to sponsor a Meal Packing event to benefit the Worcester County Food Bank and area Food Pantries. A Fortified Bean and Rice Casserole was the chosen meal, and Meals of Hope Founder and CEO Steve Popper attended our event to help celebrate the 100 Millionth Meal packed by the organization.
Photo: 30,000 meals boxed and ready for pickup
District 7910 Helps Meals of Hope pack 100 Millionth Meal Jack Day 2024-06-26 04:00:00Z 0
Thank you for supporting The Rotary Foundation this past year! Joyce Graff 2024-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

Building Successful Partnerships in Your Community

How do you develop a list of service partnerships? How many community partners can you call so that an upcoming service project can be successful? No worries! We are excited to inform you that the next workshop in the "Simply Irresistible" series is entitled "Building Partnerships for Service." The workshop will run from 7:30 PM to 8:15 PM. We will also have a short discussion - Cafe style on Zoom directly after the session to discuss how do we apply the lessons learned at your club. Both links are on the District's calendar.
Building Successful Partnerships in Your Community Mark Vital 2024-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Remarks from Incoming DG Joyce

Let’s Make it a Magical Year!

It is my great honor and pleasure to accept the role of District Governor for the year 2024-2025.  I have had the honor of serving under two terrific District Governors before me – Elliott Rittenberg and Victor Tom -- and I will be passing it on in one year’s time to Johnny Ahern and then to Penny Hamel, both of whom are also strong leaders that I know will build us up even more. Elliott, Johnny, Penny and I are your leadership team for the coming year. It’s not a one-person effort, just as leading each of your clubs is not a one-person endeavor.  We all need backup.  And I could not wish for a stronger team than this one.
TEAMWORK.  You will hear that theme again and again from me throughout the year.  Four months ago I had a very strong lesson in the importance of teamwork.  I had been working for a year with six other districts to prepare for our Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (fondly known as “PETS”) – a training session for 500 leaders in seven districts. This was to be the premiere training event for all those who will be Presidents of your clubs during my year as Governor.   Two weeks before that event I fell and broke two vertebrae in my back.  I was literally flat on my back in the hospital, with no hope of showing up at the event.
Fortunately, I had not only been working with the PETS team, I had been meeting weekly with our District team.  We had been sharing ideas; we were all on the same wavelength.  We talked on the phone, and Johnny and Elliott and Karin Gaffney stepped into my role at PETS and did a fabulous job.  PETS was great, and I learned more than ever before the value of teamwork.
Remarks from Incoming DG Joyce 2024-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

Remarks from Outgoing DG Elliott

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as District Governor. It has truly been an honor and privilege. It’s hard to believe that it’s been an entire year since we last passed the gavel. It’s been a year filled with joy as I’ve watched and participated in many of the wonderful projects our clubs and members bring to their communities. It’s also been a year of heartache as together we continue to bear witness to war, violence, injustice, the effects of climate change, and the growing intolerance within our society. And finally, it’s been a year of connection as we’ve worked together to strengthen our clubs and committees that allow us to soften that heartache as we fulfill our mission of Service Above Self. 
Of all that I have learned this year, I think the two most important takeaways are first, that the world needs Rotary and the things we do more than ever, and second, that none of the jobs we do in Rotary are jobs that we do alone.
Now, I’d like to share with you a story about connections.  Early this year, I received an email, out of the blue, from a Rotary club president in the U.K. He was asking for help contacting a local company based in Marlboro. As District Governors, we receive numerous requests for help during our terms – many are outside of our ability to respond, but occasionally a request comes in where you think, “maybe we can help here”. This was one of those.
It turns out that the British club purchased a used mammogram machine, originally produced by this local company, from a hospital in York, and donated it to a teaching hospital in Gambia, a small and somewhat poor country in West Africa. However, the mammography unit needed a couple of parts to make it fully operational. The machine, which was built in 2010, had been declared end of life, so parts were hard to find. The Club in the UK asked if we knew anyone working at the company who could help.
Remarks from Outgoing DG Elliott 2024-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

Meet Your Club's Phone App!

YES, your club has a phone app. You can find all the members of your club, their pictures and contact information, readily available on your mobile phone. The terrific guys from ClubRunner will hold special training for anyone from District 7910 to help us all learn how best to take advantage of this very convenient app, available NOW to all clubs in our District.
Recording now available at
Meet Your Club's Phone App! Joyce Graff 2024-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

June 20: Ukrainian Concert to fund Humanitarian Projects

The Rotary E-Club of Ukraine cordially invites you to a local concert of the band Kommuna Lux from Odesa, Ukraine. Kommuna Lux is currently touring the USA with a special purpose: to raise funds for financing humanitarian projects in Ukraine.  The concert will take place Thursday, June 20, at Sonia's, 10 Brookline Street, Cambridge, MA, beginning at 8 pm.  Tickets are on sale here.
June 20: Ukrainian Concert to fund Humanitarian Projects 2024-06-15 04:00:00Z 0

Support Mental Health and Win a Stunning Original Work of Art

This is an incredible opportunity to win an extraordinary work of art while supporting neurodiversity, mental health awareness, and the Rotary Foundation!
Not only will you be entering to win a stunning piece, but if you or someone in your club wins, it can serve as a fantastic fundraiser.
The table itself has a value of $60,000, making it an incredible asset for any fundraising event. Plus, the second prize is valued at more than $6,000 USD, and the third prize is worth more than $1,500 USD.
Support Mental Health and Win a Stunning Original Work of Art 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary's Million Solar Panel Challenge is ON! 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

RYLA Closing Ceremony June 23, 2024

Will you be at the RYLA closing ceremony? Will your club be represented at FSU on Sunday afternoon June 23? Look at all the fun you will miss and just imagine all the contacts you will miss if you are not at the Auditorium.
RYLA Closing Ceremony June 23, 2024 2024-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

Framinghham Rotary and High School Launches "Shark Tank " like Adaptive Innovation Challenge

The Rotary Club of Framingham in partnership with award-winning and global innovator Rotarian, Dr. Sushil Bhatia, is pleased to present the 2024 Innovation Challenge: Adaptive Device Competition.

Inspired by the American business reality television series, Shark Tank, the Innovation Challenge has partnered with the Framingham High School (FHS) Engineering by Design Program and invites students to design an innovative product or service that directly helps others in need in the City of Framingham.

The presentations were given on June 6, 2024
Framinghham Rotary and High School Launches "Shark Tank " like Adaptive Innovation Challenge 2024-06-12 04:00:00Z 0
Join the Framingham Club at the Worcester Red Sox on July 14th Patti McCarthy 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange Student Owen Moon Completes his Academic Year in Taiwan!

June has been busy for Owen Moon, a District 7910 Youth Exchange Student sponsored by the Weston-Wayland Rotary Club. On June 2nd he arrived home after spending the 2023-24 academic year living and attending school in Taiwan. On June 7th he graduated from Weston High School. It all started when Owen, now 18, did a short term summer exchange to Spain in 2022. That exchange led to a desire to see Asia -- an area of the world he's been fascinated with since childhood. Now he speaks Mandarin, has a slew of international friends, and a greater awareness of cultures outside of the United States.
Photo: Owen Moon, Kathleen Baker, and Hsinchu Peace Rotary Club President, Hsieh "Seven" Cheng-Wen at a Rotary meeting. April 2024.
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Owen Moon Completes his Academic Year in Taiwan! 2024-06-11 04:00:00Z 0
Needham Carnival Coming July 18-21 Don DeVeuve 2024-06-10 04:00:00Z 0
Mark your Calendar! Simply Irresistible Series Scheduled for July 8th Mark Vital 2024-06-10 04:00:00Z 0
June 3, 7:30 - How to Rock the Boat without Sinking the Ship: Guiding your club through change. 2024-05-28 04:00:00Z 0
How to Level Up Your Club's Public Image Efforts 2024-05-14 04:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Foundation - District 7910 Status Report  2024-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

How to Level-Up Your Club's Public Image Efforts 2

The Rotary Club of Bedford earned the Gold Award for Exemplary Public Image Presence this year. In their entry, they started with goals: 
"The goals for our club's public image efforts is to
1. Increase awareness of the club activities and initiatives within Bedford and neighboring communities.
2. Enhance the club's reputation as a leading service organization dedicated to community welfare.
3. Recruit new members and volunteers to expand the club's impact and reach.
4. Foster partnerships with local businesses, schools, and nonprofit organizations.
These goals have been our focus for a number of years.
How to Level-Up Your Club's Public Image Efforts 2 2024-05-14 04:00:00Z 0
Rotarian of the Year & Best Club Announced at District Conference 2024-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

We ARE doing environmental projects (in Westford)!

Good Golly! We Are doing environmental projects!
Kudos to Sue Peghiny. She opened our eyes to the definition of environmental efforts in the clubs. We had not considered submitting information from our club (Westford) about our environmental activities. Thank you Sue for reviewing club reports, newsletters and social media to identify those of us who did not identify our own efforts. Now we see that indeed we are working to improve the future of our planet. Our small efforts to a safer world:
We ARE doing environmental projects (in Westford)! Mary Foerster 2024-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Hope For The Hungry - A Rotary Success!

“WE DID IT!” declared Debi Malone, team leader of Hope for the Hungry, the Rotary Clubs of Bedford and Concord’s 2024 joint meal-packing sponsorship.

Aimed to address food insecurity, aligned with this year’s Rotary International “Create Hope in the World” theme, and partnered with the New England arm of Meals of Hope, six months of planning and preparation culminated on the last Saturday in April when more than 150 volunteers packed 40,320 meals destined for local distribution in dozens of surrounding communities.

Hope For The Hungry - A Rotary Success! Marc Hamilton 2024-05-09 04:00:00Z 0
News: Your Club has an App 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

Fundraiser Launch for Mental Health, Neurodiversity Awareness as well as Rotary Foundation!

Bespoke bronze tableWin a bespoke bronze table created in bronze by artist Mark Stoddart.
The Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy is delighted to participate in this fundraising campaign. The artwork, valued at £40,000, (around $50,000 USD) has been created by world known artist Mark Stoddart, who is a member of The Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy. This cause is very close to our hearts, and we are proud to support it.
By purchasing a ticket, you not only stand a chance to win the artwork but also contribute to a noble causes. Remember, with every ticket sold, we all win!
To purchase tickets please visit:
Fundraiser Launch for Mental Health, Neurodiversity Awareness as well as Rotary Foundation! 2024-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Concord's Second Annual MusicFest on May 25 from 1:00-7:00 at Rideout Park in Concord

Join the Rotary Club of Concord as we launch MusicFest, featuring local musicians of all ages including headlining The Bruce Marshall Group. The all-day event is free and, along with live music, features vendors, food trucks, children's games, and a raffle. Proceeds from the day will be presented to the Domestic Violence Services Network, a local nonprofit that provides programs and services to victims of domestic violence. 
Rotary Club of Concord's Second Annual MusicFest on May 25 from 1:00-7:00 at Rideout Park in Concord Rebecca Lynch 2024-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

This Saturday: Weston-Wayland Children's Business Fair

Kid's Business FairThe Weston-Wayland Children’s Business Fair inspires children to discover their inner entrepreneurs. The largest entrepreneurship event for kids in North America, this one-day market gives children the opportunity to showcase their very own businesses.

The opportunity for children to launch their very own startup business!

Kids develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace.

We will host approximately 50 booths at the 4th annual event on Saturday, May 18, 2024, between 11 am - 3 pm.
This Saturday: Weston-Wayland Children's Business Fair Aaron Roy 2024-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Volunteer for Weston-Wayland 4th Annual Children's Business Fair - May 18

Volunteer for the 4th Annual Weston-Wayland Children's Business Fair

The Children's Business Fair is back! It will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 11 am to 3 pm at the Weston Town Green during the Celebrate Weston! event. 
Rotarians VOLUNTEER HERE to help with set-up, during the Fair and clean-up.
Children showcase their very own businesses at our one-day market, which is part of the largest entrepreneurship event for kids in North America. Kids develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace. 
We all believe entrepreneurs are heroes and role models for the next generation.
Volunteer for Weston-Wayland 4th Annual Children's Business Fair - May 18 2024-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Weston-Wayland Rotary Gives 3,000th Seedling to First Graders

At the start of his term, Ian Riseley, Rotary International President declared 2018 The Year of the Tree and challenged the 1.2 million worldwide membership of Rotary to plant a tree for each club member on Earth Day. The Weston-Wayland Rotary Club embraced this challenge and expanded the program to include distributing Green Giant Arbor Vitae to first graders in Weston.




Weston-Wayland Rotary Gives 3,000th Seedling to First Graders 2024-04-28 04:00:00Z 0
Tantasqua InterAct Club Charter Celebration May 14, 2024 2024-04-27 04:00:00Z 0

The Ry-Llama is Seeking Volunteers!

Can you Believe it’s already 2 months till RYLA? With RYLA fast approaching we are seeking volunteers to help make this event possible. We are looking to fill some key roles including session leaders, overnight monitors, first aiders, reality fair presenters, and more. If you are interested in volunteering at RYLA this year, please complete the sign-up form here.
RYLA Dates: June 21, 22, 23
Have Questions?
The Ry-Llama is Seeking Volunteers! 2024-04-22 04:00:00Z 0

World Immunization Week: 3 Rotarians Share Their Volunteering for End Polio Now

World Immunization Week is April 24-30th.  Rotary International has spent over 40 years making sure children receive life-saving polio vaccines, beginning with our first immunization campaign in the Philippines in 1979.  Three Members of Brookline Rotary ~ all Past Presidents & Paul Harris Fellows -- share their thoughts & experiences volunteering for END POLIO NOW.
Image: Sharon Herman, Rotary Club of Brookline.
World Immunization Week: 3 Rotarians Share Their Volunteering for End Polio Now Shawna V Carboni 2024-04-22 04:00:00Z 0

Taste of Wellesley 2024 - May 22

The Rotary Club of Wellesley's "Taste of Wellesley" annual fundraiser to support our community is at The Wellesley Country Club on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 from 6:30 until 9 pm. We will host 300 guests at the event and tickets are selling fast. Get yours soon and avoid the last minute rush. If you have already purchased your tickets, THANK YOU! Tickets are on sale at $100.00 each here: or through our website:
Taste of Wellesley 2024 - May 22 John Adams 2024-04-21 04:00:00Z 0

Westborough Rotary’s Repair Café Success!

Westborough, MA – Bicycles. Clocks. Rice cookers. Lamps. Necklaces. Knives. What do all these sundry items have in common? They were all fixed at the Repair Café on Saturday, April 13 at the Westborough Public Library. For over twenty years, the Repair Cafe, sponsored by the library and the Westborough Rotary Club, has offered this free and popular event to the community.
Photo: Knife sharpening and small repairs
Westborough Rotary’s Repair Café Success! Reina Rago 2024-04-21 04:00:00Z 0
Climate Cafe May 1st: Rotary Million Solar Panel Challenge Susan Peghiny 2024-04-21 04:00:00Z 0

Summer Kick-Off Carnival  - June 20

June 20, 2024 the Rotary Club of Littleton would like to invite you to our first annual Summer Kick-Off Carnival. The Carnival will take place at 550 King Street in Littleton MA (the IBM property, use the Great Road entrance). The dates and times as follows:
  • Thursday June 20 6p – 10p
  • Friday June 21 6p – 11p
  • Saturday June 22 1p – 11p
  • Sunday June 23 1p – 9p
Summer Kick-Off Carnival - June 20 Denise Moniz 2024-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

The Ry-Llama says: Congratulations!

Congratulations for completing all the steps to get your students registered for RYLA. All the important steps for registration are completed, but there are still some things you can do before RYLA commences in late June.
Consider sending out a press release to highlight the work your club has done. Consider inviting your students to a Rotary Meeting, Service Opportunity, Interact, or Fundraiser so they can learn about Rotary and the projects that are important to your club.
The Ry-Llama says: Congratulations! 2024-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

Earth Day Cleanup in Southborough, MA - Saturday April 27th

Upcoming Saturday April 27th - the 32nd Annual Earth Day Cleanup in Southborough. Anyone can volunteer to participate. No sign up required. Volunteers to gather 8-8:30 am at the Southborough Department of Public Works (DPW) Transfer station, just of Rt. 85 to get trash bags and adopt a part of town to clean and head out. Coffee and treats will be served at 8:30 AM. This year volunteers can receive a free safety vest on first come first serve basis - adult and kid sizes available. Volunteers should remember to bring work gloves and wear sturdy footwear. Sign up via Facebook
Earth Day Cleanup in Southborough, MA - Saturday April 27th Kaprielian 2024-04-15 04:00:00Z 0

Who are your Club Executives?

Who will lead your club in the coming year? In addition to the President-elect every club needs to have its roster of executives planned at this point, hopefully ready to attend the District Conference May 3-4 to learn what is needed in their new role.
Who are your Club Executives? Joyce Graff 2024-04-14 04:00:00Z 0

Newton Rotary Foundation Marathon Runner I-Ping Li Raises $12,000 for Scholarships

...and fundraising continues!
I-Ping Li is raising funds for students who care about community, and for whom a scholarship can make a meaningful impact. "I love that the Newton Rotary Foundation reaches out to parts of the community that need a boost." This scholarship program has supported future engineers, chefs, teachers and many other bright, talented college bound and skilled trade students.
Newton Rotary Foundation Marathon Runner I-Ping Li Raises $12,000 for Scholarships Andy Willinger 2024-04-14 04:00:00Z 0

Success Story In KYIV, UKRAINE!

2 Generators Installed In Prosthetic Clinic! 
Around mid -February, the Multinational Rotary Club of Kyiv (KMRC) successfully installed two 12 KW Generators at the Kyiv State-Owned Experimental Prosthetic-Orthopedic Enterprise (KSOEPOE).
The Generators were purchased with funds from a Rotary Club of Needham Division 7910 District Grant along with additional funds from Needham members and one non-Rotarian.
Success Story In KYIV, UKRAINE! Tom Daly 2024-04-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Day of Service (May 18) Project Submissions

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, more than 800 Rotary clubs and 30,000 Rotarians across 10 states and 7 countries, will volunteer in their communities for an unprecedented Rotary Day of Service, collecting clothes for homeless, refurbishing parks, and, much, much more.
We need YOU to submit your club project to be added to the Day of Service website. The earlier your project is submitted, the longer it will be promoted on the website to get volunteers! Please fill out this simple form with all necessary information for submission. 
Rotary Day of Service (May 18) Project Submissions Johnny Ahern 2024-04-14 04:00:00Z 0

"Life Party" for Chris Spear June 1

As noted in the 4/1 newsletter, Chris Spear passed away unexpectedly in late February.  His family invites all to attend a "life party" for him, a celebration of life to be held at Stow Acres Country Club on June 1 from 4-8 PM. Please RSVP by May 17 at with your name and number of guests. Feel free to post remembrances and pictures at as well. Carnival beads are welcome and encouraged.  
"Life Party" for Chris Spear June 1 2024-04-13 04:00:00Z 0
Simply Irresistible: Keys to building a thriving club. Mark Vital 2024-04-13 04:00:00Z 0

How can we see the club's Foundation giving?

The best information on your club's Foundation giving can be found in the Club Recognition Summary on  Club officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Foundation Chair) should all have the necessary privileges to see this report.
How can we see the club's Foundation giving? Joyce Graff 2024-04-13 04:00:00Z 0
Charles River Rotary Host St Patrick's Skyline Dance for Adults with Special Needs 2024-03-28 04:00:00Z 0
Mini-Grants Available for Reduce, Reuse, and Repair Projects! 2024-03-28 04:00:00Z 0
Four District Conference • May 3 - 5 Elliott Rittenberg 2024-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Environmental Awards!

2023/2024 Environmental AwardsNew this year! Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards to recognize club and individual efforts to support the environment, fight climate change, reduce plastics use, or other initiatives that will help us leave a cleaner, more healthy and livable world for our kids and grandchildren.
For more information about the Environmental Awards click HERE. The application is available by clicking HERE, and the deadline for submission is April 13, 2023. 
The goal of these awards is to encourage clubs and members to undertake environmental initiatives and projects.
Environmental Awards! Susan Peghiny 2024-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Club Public Image Awards

"Increase awareness" is an annual Rotary goal. Successful public image initiatives raise awareness and stimulate membership interest. 
The 2024 District 7910 Public Image Awards will celebrate excellence and spotlight effective, high-impact initiatives in four categories: 
  1. Outstanding Public Relations Work, Promotional Efforts & Materials
  2. Outstanding Web Presence
  3. Outstanding Social Media Presence
  4. Exemplary Public Image Presence
The Rotary 7910 Public Image Awards Entry Form is available to you now. You can start (and complete) your entry and edit it until the entry deadline on April 13. 
    Club Public Image Awards Rotary 7910 2024-03-27 04:00:00Z 0
    District Awards Programs (Plural!) Elliott Rittenberg 2024-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

    Westford Rotary Club Busy in April &May with Community Service 

    The Westford Rotary Club members and volunteers will be very busy during April and May with Community Service projects. 
    The Westford Rotary Club will have a table at the Westford Health &Wellness Fair on Saturday, April 6 from 10 am - 2 pm at Stony Brook School. Westford Rotary Club will have free veggie, herb, and flower seeds available at the table for individuals and families to plant.  They will have information available on the other 2 events below too.
    Westford Rotary Club Busy in April &amp;May with Community Service 2024-03-26 04:00:00Z 0
    RYLA RIGHT NOW - Student Registrations are due April 15 Christine Pinney 2024-03-26 04:00:00Z 0

    Climate Cafe: Million Solar Panel Challenge on April 30th at 6:30pm.

    Join us on April 30th to learn about this new and exciting ESRAG-sponsored project: the Million Solar Panel Challenge.
    Elizabeth Henke, of the ESRAG Renewable Energy Task Force, will tell us all about the Challenge, how it works, and how you and your club can participate. Click HERE to register!
    Climate Cafe: Million Solar Panel Challenge on April 30th at 6:30pm. 2024-03-22 04:00:00Z 0

    It's Not Too Late to apply for Rotary Youth Exchange 2024-2025!

    Do you know a teenager who is 15 to18.5 years old and who is looking for the adventure of a lifetime? The Rotary Youth Exchange program is still accepting applications for both the Short Term and Long Term exchange programs. But do HURRY! Time is running out...Short Term (summer month) applications are due by June 1, 2024, and Long Term (school year 2024-25) are due by May 1, 2024!
    It's Not Too Late to apply for Rotary Youth Exchange 2024-2025! 2024-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

    Second Annual Rotary Club of Concord MusicFest to be Held on May 25

    The Rotary Club of Concord will host the second annual MusicFest at Rideout Park in Concord, MA on May 25 from 1:00-7:00pm. The event features local musicians: Concord Carlisle High School, the Joy of Music School, Rockabye Beats, Ya Mon Mr. Hot Pepper, and headline entertainer The Bruce Marshall Group.

    The event is free to the public and will also offer food trucks, arts and nonprofit vendors, and lots of fun.

    All proceeds will benefit the Domestic Violence Services Network (DVSN). DVSN is based in Concord and serves adjacent towns in nearby communities.
    Second Annual Rotary Club of Concord MusicFest to be Held on May 25 2024-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

    Hope for the Hungry - April 27

    The Rotary Clubs of Bedford and Concord have teamed up to pack meals for the hungry and food insecure right here in MA. Many don't realize that fully 33% of adults in MA were food insecure in 2022, and that number jumps to 62% when looking at adults in the Latin community.  Food pantries are still seeing unprecedented demand due to COVID, the end of COVID-era benefits, and then high inflation. No one should have to choose between paying for rent, medications or food. Come join the FUN on April 27 at 10am at Middlesex Community College (Bedford Campus). Click here for details & registration.
    Hope for the Hungry - April 27 Victor T. Tom 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

    Passing of Chris Spear

    The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley was devastated to learn that Chris Spear passed away unexpectedly in late February. Chris was a founding member of our club and involved in everything we did until he and his wife Laura moved to Providence in early 2022. After they moved they got involved in Rotary in Providence, but Chris (and Laura) were still very supportive of RNV and stayed involved behind the scenes. 
    Passing of Chris Spear 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0

    Celebration of Life for Ray Pfau

    As reported in the 12/1/23 7910 District Newsletter, Ray Pfau passed away in late November 2023. Please join family and friends to celebrate the life if this amazing man on Saturday April 20, 2024, Davis Hall at First Parish Church, 673 Main St Bolton MA, 2-5pm
    Celebration of Life for Ray Pfau 2024-03-20 04:00:00Z 0
    District Learning Assembly - Saturday, April 20 2024-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

    The RY-Llama says I can't wait to meet all the students!

    Are you surrounded by a plethora of potential RYLA students?

    Have Sophomores in your area applied to your Rotary club? Are enthusiastic young people getting ready to talk about their experiences and their passions during interviews?

    Now is the time for you to begin interviewing and selecting your students!

    Student Online Registration is open now and DUE APRIL 15.
    The RY-Llama says I can't wait to meet all the students! 2024-03-13 04:00:00Z 0
    Umbrellas Needed for People with Disabilities In Kenya 2024-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

    Boy Scout Troop 157 Pasta Dinner April 5 in Weston

    Rotary Club of Weston & Wayland is the chartered organization for Boy Scout Troop 157. The troop is having their annual Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction, on Friday, April 5th from 6-8:30 pm at the community center.
    Rotarians who would like to help cook at the event should contact Rich DeVito. Rotarians who can support the event by donating a silent auction item of between $50 or greater should contact Renae Shaday at ALL Rotarians are strongly encouraged to attend this fun event and support scouting in Weston.
    Boy Scout Troop 157 Pasta Dinner April 5 in Weston 2024-03-11 04:00:00Z 0

    Warming Hearts and Houses

    Lowell Rotary is fine tuning their approach to giving by selecting causes that are beneficial to specific needs. We were "Heart Beat" sponsors for the Heart Ball 2024 event to benefit children suffering from cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart). We also contributed to the SPC Matthew Pollini Memorial Fund, which is a non-profit dedicated to helping Veterans in need to heat their homes. Both contributions were gratefully acknowledged and put to good use.
    Photo: Rotarian Patricia Witts presents a check to Kate and Scott Middlemiss, Big Heart Foundation chairs.
    Warming Hearts and Houses 2024-03-11 04:00:00Z 0

    District Awards

    You and your Club members work hard all year to meet your goals.  You’ve accomplished a lot - now it’s time to be recognized for your effort and hard work!!!  Here is the 2023 – 2024 Club Awards Worksheet. Complete this form as if today were June 30 and assume that what you have planned for the rest of the year, you will accomplish. Remember, THE FOUR WAY TEST applies here!!!
    Note that the worksheet automatically calculates the points you earn for each line item. Simply fill in the yellow cells and the spreadsheet will do the rest.
    Questions? Contact our awards committee (PDGs Klaus Hachfeld, Bob Cassidy & Victor Tom) by sending an email to We will all see your question and you’ll receive a quick response.
    Once completed, submit your form to THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF YOUR AWARDS FORM IS APRIL 13.
    Good Luck!! The District WANTS to recognize your efforts….please take the time to complete and submit the form so we can celebrate your Club’s accomplishments!
    District Awards 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Citation

    Each year, Rotary International publishes criteria for a club to obtain the Rotary Citation.
    By now, you should have entered your goals in Rotary Club Central – now you simply need revisit the goal center at (My Rotary login required) and document the goals that you’ve achieved.  
    There are 26 categories - YOU select goals in 13 of them. If you achieve these goals, you get the Citation….simple as that!!
    See the 26 goal categories and instructions here. They also be accessed from Rotary Club Central at If you haven’t already set your goals, there’s still time!
    Rotary Citation 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

    Significant Service Award and the Avenues of Service Award.

    Two awards you may wish to consider as Club President are the Significant Service Award and the Avenues of Service Award.
    The Significant Service Award recognizes a Club whose project has addressed a significant need in your community. The Significant Service Award is designed to give districts an opportunity to recognize club projects that address a significant problem or need in the local community.
    (Note that International service projects are not eligible for this award). 
    As club president, you can nominate your club via this form to be recognized for a significant service project that addressed a need in your community. This is a simple, online application which your can access at
    Avenues of Service Award (District recognition)
    With an award from their District, clubs can honor a Rotarian or Rotaractor who participates in service activities in one of the five Avenues of Service — club, vocational, community, international, and youth service. Club Presidents nominate members for this award using an online application form you can access at
    When you submit a member’s name for this award using the online application, nominations are then sent to the District Governor who will review and decide whether to recognize each nominee for the Avenue of Service Award with a certificate.  This document,  “Awards Examples of Avenues of Service Activities” describes the criteria for this recognition.
    Significant Service Award and the Avenues of Service Award. 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0
    Special Forum 4/3: Harnessing Climate Fears into Positive Action -- free &amp; open to the public 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0
    Food Packaging Event Saturday Mar 23 @ Nashoba HS, Bolton  Christine Mudgett 2024-03-04 05:00:00Z 0
    Family Movie Matinee (Shrek), Mar 30th, 12:30pm at Maynard Fine Arts Theater Christine Mudgett 2024-03-04 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Needs You!

    What is the number one strategic objective for Rotary International, District 7910, and your club? The answer is quite simple, increase membership! Establishing a goal to "increase membership" is very common amongst clubs, however, being successful at it is another story. How do we increase membership at all levels?
    Rotary Needs You! Mark Vital 2024-03-04 05:00:00Z 0
    Save the Date! Weston Kids Fishing Derby Returns April 21st Aaron Roy 2024-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
    Children's Business Fair ~ KidPreneurs: Apply now for May 18 Fair 2024-02-29 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Peace Fellowship Applications Now Open!

    Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully-funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of our peace centers. 
    The 2025-26 Rotary Peace Fellowship application is available online through 15 May 2024. If you know a potential candidate, use our referral form so they can receive more information.
    Rotary Peace Fellowship Applications Now Open! 2024-02-28 05:00:00Z 0
    Like, Follow &amp; Share our New District Facebook Page Elliott Rittenberg 2024-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Collecting LEGO Bricks the Month of March

    The Changemakers Rotary of Central Mass will be collecting LEGOS and DUPLOS for local children in need. We will have collection boxes at O'Connor's Restaurant and Bar in Worcester, AllCom Credit Union on Park Avenue in Worcester, and the office of Boy Scouts of America in Rutland.
    Collecting LEGO Bricks the Month of March 2024-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

    How Do Global Grants Make Sustainable Change in the World?

    One remarkable aspect of The Rotary Foundation is that opportunities for significant projects exist wherever there’s a need — in large countries and small ones, in metropolitan areas and rural ones. 

    Global grant projects are built on international partnerships, and those collaborations can take many forms. A district in Canada may be the international sponsor, with a U.S. district as the host sponsor. A club in France could sponsor a global grant project in Germany. The need, not the location, determines the project.

    How Do Global Grants Make Sustainable Change in the World? 2024-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Fitchburg East Rotary Club 43rd Annual Superbowl Brunch

    On February 11, 2024, the Fitchburg East Rotary held their 43rd Annual Superbowl Brunch. The event was spectacular with hundreds of people enjoying themselves. The food was fantastic with an ice cream sundae station, “The best ever” someone said. There were approximately 20-22 baskets being raffled off and the crowd was overwhelming keeping the ticket sellers very busy. The silent auction made almost $5,000 which was the highest ever. The community does a great job donating wonderful items for the brunch. This year, the Rotary made over $25,000 in gross revenue. The Superbowl Brunch raises money for high school scholarships and community projects.
    Fitchburg East Rotary Club 43rd Annual Superbowl Brunch 2024-02-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Club of Westford 1st Annual Cornhole Fun Day March 10, 2024

    Westford Rotary Club's First Annual Cornhole Tournament!
    Check-in at 1pm; Bags fly at 2pm!
    $70 per team to sign up. $500 Cash Prizes for 1st place and $200 consolation prize!
    All proceeds from this event support the wide-ranging charitable activities of the Westford Rotary Club. Recent club activities have included support for both local organizations (such as the Department of Children and Families, and the Greater Lowell Food Bank) and global projects (such as providing clean water to remote villages in Ghana). 
    Click the image to see it bigger. 
    Rotary Club of Westford 1st Annual Cornhole Fun Day March 10, 2024 2024-02-24 05:00:00Z 0
    The Ry-Llama Says! March 1st is the deadline to submit payments! 2024-02-24 05:00:00Z 0

    D7910's "Rotary Climate Action Now" is live!

    D7910's Environmental Action Group is happy to announce the release of an environmental project designed for clubs and communities – and you don’t have to get your hands dirty!

    The Rotary Climate Action Now (RCAN) project is an educational program designed by Rotarians and community members to help clubs and members understand the urgency of the climate crisis, inspire them to take action, and then (most importantly!) provide resources to help you take that action.
    D7910's "Rotary Climate Action Now" is live! 2024-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

    Wachusett Area Rotary Club Left-Right-Center Tournament March 8, 2024

    Don't miss a fun evening at the Wachusett Area Rotary Club's Left-Right Center Tournament on Friday, March 8, 2024! Win cash prizes while having a blast with your friends. The game is easy to learn and easy to play - no experience necessary. Space is limited - reserve your tickets now! $30 admission includes game play and light hors d'oeuvres. A cash bar will also be available. For tickets contact Rotarian Richard Traina 978-549-7700 | Learn more on our website
    Wachusett Area Rotary Club Left-Right-Center Tournament March 8, 2024 2024-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

    Dancing with the Watertown Stars Returns on April 26th! 

    The Rotary Club of Watertown is delighted to announce the return of our most highly anticipated annual event on April 26th, 2024! Please join us for this fun event! Money raised will help to support our keystone programs such as our High School Senior Scholarship program, Senior Cookout, support of local food pantries, and more. Please refer here: for more information. Hope to see you there!
    Dancing with the Watertown Stars Returns on April 26th! 2024-02-23 05:00:00Z 0

    The Ry-Llama Says! Its time to begin selecting your students!

    Reminder that Payments are due March 1st!

    Congratulations on making it through the first 3 steps of the club action plan. Now it is time to begin selecting the students you want to send. Refer to steps 5, 6 and 7 of the club action plans for instructions on how to select your students. 

    April 15th is the deadline for submitting student names, so please take steps to ensure the selection process is completed in time (do not leave this to the last minute). 

    For form and letter templates and all other support documents please use the support materials website

    RYLA Dates: June 21,22,23
    RYLA cost: $325 per student
    Have Questions?
    The Ry-Llama Says! Its time to begin selecting your students! 2024-02-11 05:00:00Z 0
     Join Westford Rotary at the March 10 Cornhole Tournament  Patti Mason 2024-02-10 05:00:00Z 0

    What are District and Global Grants

    The Rotary Foundation has spent more than US$3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects around the world. Rotary members can work with communities through Foundation grants, and two key options are district and global grants.

    District grants fund small-scale, short-term activities that address needs in your community and communities abroad. Your district chooses what activities it will fund with these grants, such as humanitarian projects, scholarships, youth programs, or vocational training teams.

    Global grants fund large, international activities with sustainable and measurable results in Rotary’s areas of focus. These can include humanitarian projects, scholarships for graduate-level study, or vocational training teams.

    To make these grants happen we need your help and donations: DONATE NOW.
    What are District and Global Grants Roy A. Balfour 2024-02-05 05:00:00Z 0

    Wachusett Area Rotary Club Left-Right-Center Tournament March 8, 2024

    L-C-RJoin the Wachusett Area Rotary Club on Friday, March 8, 2024 for a fun evening playing Left-Right-Center! The game is easy to learn and easy to play - no experience necessary. Win cash prizes! There will also be a 50/50 raffle for more opportunities to win cash prizes.

    Space is limited - reserve your tickets now!

    $30 admission includes game play and light hors d'oeuvres. A cash bar will also be available.
    For tickets contact Rotarian Richard Traina 978-549-7700 |

    Wachusett Area Rotary Club Left-Right-Center Tournament March 8, 2024 2024-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Leadership Institute Feb 27+29, 2024

    Virtual Rotary Leadership is popular request.

    WHEN: 2 evenings, February 27 + 29, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
    WHERE: From the comfort of your own home!
    WHO: For any Rotarians who want to learn more about Rotary’s structure, programs, leadership styles, fundraising, and service opportunities. It is not necessary to be on a club leadership track to participate.
    COST: $25 for the combined 2 nights. 
    NEW FLYER: Download this PDF to print & hand out to club members
    Register now at and then, on the left side, click on More Info under the heading "RLI NEA Seminar - Dist 7930-Wakefield, MA-Virtual; February 27th 2024"
    Rotary Leadership Institute Feb 27+29, 2024 2024-01-29 05:00:00Z 0
    Rotary Climate Action NOW! Susan Peghiny 2024-01-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Win Dinner On Us, from the Natick Rotary. Enter by Feb 29.


    Natick Rotary Club’s “Dinner On Us" offers multiple chances to win gift cards to great area restaurants. The Grand Prize is worth $2,000! Enter by midnight on February 29th (Leap Day!). 

    "Dinner On Us" is raising money for Natick Community grants program and for an international non-profit, Humans for Education, that trains women entrepreneurs in Kenya, breaking the cycle of generational poverty. 

    The Grand Prize is ten $200 gift cards to Natick Rotary members' favorite restaurants, a $2,000 value. There's also a $1,000 Second Prize (10 $100 gift cards) and 10 Third Prizes (each a $100 gift card).

    Participating Restaurants include: Smith and Wollensky, Buttercup, The Local, Sweet Basil, Dudley Chateau, Lola's, Dates and Olives, 7 South Bottle + Kitchen and Morse Tavern. 

    Enter here

    Before midnight on Thursday, February 29, 2024. 
    Win Dinner On Us, from the Natick Rotary. Enter by Feb 29.  Dawn Carberry 2024-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Advertise your business, Honor your leaders (NE PETS)

    Rotary AdThis year NE PETS is offering an opportunity for Rotarians to feature their businesses with business card size images. These ads will reach all 500+ attendees from Rhode Island and Connecticut to Maine and southern Quebec.

    Clubs and individuals are also invited to Honor their incoming President or other leaders with a 100-character message.

    Either ad can be submitted here. Thank you for helping to support this important learning experience for all our leaders for 2024-2025!
    Advertise your business, Honor your leaders (NE PETS) Joyce Graff 2024-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Environment & Peace - Lessons Learned • Zoom 1/30/24

    REGISTER HERE for this timely and important discussion where we'll examine lessons learned about the connection between environment and peace, two of Rotary's Areas of Focus.
    Dr. Michele Devlin of the Army War College is Professor of Environmental Security and an expert on the Arctic. She also serves as Professor of Arctic Health and Human Security with the National Science Foundation's UNI ARCTICenter.
    Environment &amp; Peace - Lessons Learned • Zoom 1/30/24 2024-01-13 05:00:00Z 0

    Youth Outreach

    ATTN: Club Presidents and YEO's. 
    The 7910 District Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is still accepting applications for Short Term summer 2024 international exchanges for youth 15-181/2. This is a club service for a family to family exchange with no impact on club budgets. Students are matched with another student in the country of their choice. Students’ families host each other.
    For more information contact Sherrie Whittemore, 7910 RYE Short Term Coordinator at, text (508) 494-5978.
    Youth Outreach 2024-01-12 05:00:00Z 0

    2024-2025 Rotary Theme Announced!

    Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is ""The Magic of Rotary"" and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives.
    "Don’t misunderstand me – we are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand and saying some funny words,” Urchick told incoming district governors at the Rotary International Assembly on 8 January. “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member."
    2024-2025 Rotary Theme Announced! 2024-01-12 05:00:00Z 0
    The Ry-Llama says! RYLA Deadlines are coming up soon! 2024-01-10 05:00:00Z 0
    Toast for the Holidays TWO Amazing Rotary Clubs Meet 2024-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

    The Fix is Free at the Repair Cafe Feb 24

    Repair Cafe flyerPlan ahead for this popular event. Have something that needs fixing? Don't throw it away before you give the Repair Café a chance to extend its life!! Bring it to Scott Hall 24, Vernon Street, Framingham on Feb 24 from 2 to 5. Co-sponsored by Rotary Club of Framingham and Transition Framingham.

    We're looking for additional volunteers who can sharpen knives (or want to learn how!), repair clothing, repair jewelry and fix sewing machines; If you can help, sign up at:
    The Fix is Free at the Repair Cafe Feb 24 Dennis Banville 2024-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Braille Book Needed In Villages In Malawi


    The poster has a brownish-red background. In the center is a picture of a teacher helping a student read a braille book.  At the bottom is the logo of the Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy In many countries, advancements in technology have led to a decrease in the use of braille books. However, in the villages of Malawi, braille books are still in high demand but not always readily available. To address this need, the Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy is focused on supplying these villages with books for children who aspire to learn. We are looking for books in countries like the United States that are no longer in use, and we will ship them to Malawi. These books will be distributed to the areas that need them the most. Please write to 
    Thank you.
    Braille Book Needed In Villages In Malawi  Ken Masson 2024-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

    What Are Some Ways to Leave a Legacy of Doing Good?

    You can qualify as a Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation by making an outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment or notifying the Foundation that you’ve included the Endowment as a beneficiary of that amount in your estate plan. 

    Benefactors receive a certificate and insignia to wear with a Rotary or Paul Harris Fellow pin.

    If you make a commitment for a future gift of $10,000 or more to the Foundation, you’ll be invited to join the Bequest Society. 
    What Are Some Ways to Leave a Legacy of Doing Good? Roy A. Balfour 2024-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

    Nashoba Valley Rotary: Preserving history of 1st black-owned golf course in USA

    Through a District Grant in the 2023-2024 year, our club will collaborating with the Stow Historical Society to to preserve the historical significance of the former Mapledale Country Club, now Stow Acres Country Club, in Stow MA. Mapledale was owned and operated by Robert H. Hawkins, a black businessman who opened the course in 1926. It was the first black-owned golf course in the USA, at a time when black golfers were not able to play at golf courses due to segregation. 

    Nashoba Valley Rotary: Preserving history of 1st black-owned golf course in USA Christine Mudgett 2024-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

    Help Us Address Mental Health and Addiction Awareness

    Unfortunately, mental illness has impacted our lives, personally or professionally. According to the National Alliance in Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 adults (1 in 6 youth aged 6 to 17 years old) living in the United States experience mental illness each year. 

    Gordan R McInally, President of Rotary International has encouraged clubs and districts to undertake activities that erase the stigma associated with mental health, which happens to coincide with addiction. He has made it known that he lost his brother Ian in 2014 to suicide from his mental health.
    Help Us Address Mental Health and Addiction Awareness Mark Vital 2024-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

    Mental Health Checkups Every Friday 

    The Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy is excited to announce a series of mental health discussions with Dr Tristaca McCray, the club's Mental Health Ambassador. The discussions will be posted every Friday on various social media platforms, but the best place to view them is on the club's Facebook page at If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to
    Subjects will include: 
    • Self-Care 
    • Love Yourself First
    • Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You
    • Healing from Within
    • The Art of Forgiveness
    • Community Outreach and Mental Health
    • Family Time and Mental Wellness
    • Ultimate Self-Care: Reflection and Gratitude
    And More

    Mental Health Checkups Every Friday Ken Masson 2024-01-07 05:00:00Z 0

    Wachusett Area Rotary Club hosts Valentine’s Breakfast for Seniors – Volunteers Needed

    On Saturday, February 10th the Wachusett Area Rotary Club will bring Valentine’s cheer to 425 senior citizens who will attend their annual “Hearts of Rotary” breakfast. Held at The Manor in West Boylston, the club has partnered with senior centers in their service area (Boylston, Holden, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, Sterling and West Boylston) to extend invitations to the event, which requires pre-registration.

    The event runs from 8:00 am until approximately 11:00. Volunteers are needed to help with set up, serving during the event, and for cleanup. Please reach out to Chairperson Richard Traina at to sign up to help.
    Wachusett Area Rotary Club hosts Valentine’s Breakfast for Seniors – Volunteers Needed Betty-Jean Lane 2024-01-04 05:00:00Z 0

    Save the Date: Concord Rotary Club Musicfest is on May 25 at Rideout Park in West Concord

    The Concord Rotary Club will host the second, annual Music Festival at Rideout Park in West Concord on May 25, 2024. The day of music will feature local artists and feature headlining act, The Bruce Marshall Group. The event admission will be free to the public and feature music, vendors, and entertainment that appeals to all ages.

    Proceeds will benefit the Domestic Violence Services Network (DVSN), a local nonprofit organization that supports clients in 13 partner communities: Acton, Boxborough, Bedford, Carlisle, Concord, Maynard, Lexington, Lincoln, Stow, Sudbury, Wayland, Weston and Hanscom Air Force Base.

    DVSN collaborates with local police departments, Hanscom AFB Security Forces, Emerson Hospital, Eliot Center, the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office, Concord District Court, and an extensive network of community agencies to provide victims of domestic violence with emotional support, risk assessment, safety planning, guidance, support groups, and connections to appropriate community resources. Since its inception in November 1998 through February 2021, DVSN has held nearly 20,000 sessions with clients from 180 communities throughout New England and beyond.
    Save the Date: Concord Rotary Club Musicfest is on May 25 at Rideout Park in West Concord Rebecca Lynch 2023-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

    Guatemala Mangrove Grant - Info Meeting January 17

    Our Global Grant application for our mangrove restoration project in Guatemala has been approved by Rotary International. March 16 - 23, we'll travel to restore valuable mangroves to help protect our planet. 
    All are invited to work together to protect our planet. Watch this short video about the importance of mangroves in preserving critical ecosystems. Come to an informational meeting on January 17 at 5:30pm at Action Unlimited in Concord (thanks to PDG Carol Toomey).  Please register here to attend the meeting.
    Guatemala Mangrove Grant - Info Meeting January 17 Elliott Rittenberg 2023-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

    Discover Best Foundation Fundraising Strategies • January 17 @ 7pm on Zoom

    The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. On January 17, join us on Zoom as special guest Eileen Rau, Rotary Regional Foundation Coordinator, leads a discussion about strategies to increase giving to our Foundation. Those donations come back to our District, funding grants for our Clubs and making possible the many projects we undertake to help make our world a better place. This interactive discussion will provide ideas to inspire both Rotarians and friends of Rotary to contribute, helping us to increase our impact and expand our reach. Please register here to receive the Zoom link for this important program.
    Discover Best Foundation Fundraising Strategies • January 17 @ 7pm on Zoom Elliott Rittenberg 2023-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

    RYLA Right Now

    The RYLAma wishes everyone in Rotary District 7910 a very Happy New Year.
    Bonne AnnéeFrohes neues Jahr • Buon anno! • Feliz Ano Novo! • ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! • Gott Nytt År!

    Now it's time to put these important 2024 RYLA dates on your calendar.
    • Jan 18 or Jan 24 (pick one) RYLA required training - Zoom @ 6 pm
    • Feb 1, 2024 - RYLA Space Reservations are due (new!) Tell us how many students you will sponsor for RYLA 2024: Visit, and click on the link for Rotary Clubs
    • March 1, 2024 -RYLA payments are due
    Watch the RYLlama in this space for all the news you need to know about RYLA 2024
    RYLA Right Now Patricia Doyle 2023-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

    Calling all Presidents-Elect!

    We can't wait to meet you and learn together at this year's Northeast Presidents-Elect Training Seminar. are you registered for PETS? (Hint hint; click the link!) 
    Even if you have gone to PETS in the past, this year will be even more exciting!

    Stephanie Urchick, Rotary International President-elect, will be with us, along with other members of Rotary’s global leadership team
    Calling all Presidents-Elect! Joyce Graff 2023-12-29 05:00:00Z 0
    Climate Cafe on January 16th: The Environmental Impact of Private Jets Susan Peghiny 2023-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Announcing Environmental Awards for District 7910!

    New this year! Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards to recognize club and individual efforts to support the environment, fight climate change, reduce plastics use, or other initiatives that will help us leave a cleaner, more healthy and livable world for our kids and grandchildren.
    Announcing Environmental Awards for District 7910!  Susan Peghiny 2023-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotarians - Beacons of Hope

    As we approach the end of another transformative year, let’s stop to reflect on the incredible impact we are making together. Though there are many challenges that test our resilience, Rotarians remain steadfast in our commitment to "Create Hope in the World."
    In the spirit of hope and unity, we recognize that ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere profoundly impact individuals and communities. Rotary stands as a beacon of hope, emphasizing the importance of understanding, compassion, and collective action.
    Rotarians - Beacons of Hope 2023-12-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Let's Wake Up Your Rotary Foundation • Join Us January 17

    Our Rotary Foundation is the engine that fuels our ability to create positive change in our communities and across the globe. Donations to our Foundation fund local grants, the eradication of polio, our Rotary Peace Centers, global grants and more. This year, funding from the Foundation enabled more than 20 of our clubs to engage in District and Global grant projects that are helping to Create Hope in the World. Join us on Wednesday, January 17 at 7:00pm for an exciting fast paced virtual event to learn about the value of our donations to the Rotary Foundation. We'll discuss strategies to motivate both Rotarians and non-Rotarians to understand why supporting our Foundation is essential to our success as an organization. We'll hear from Eileen Rau, our Zone Regional Foundation Coordinator, as she provides a motivational overview about the power of our Rotary Foundation, and why it's essential that every Rotarian is engaged in its support every year. Please register here to attend this important and informative event.
    Let's Wake Up Your Rotary Foundation • Join Us January 17 2023-12-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Have you registered for RLI yet? (It's Jan 27!)

    The District will be hosting the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) on Saturday, January 27th from 7:30 AM until 3 PM at the Assabet Regional Technical High School on Fitchburg Street in Marlborough. The cost is $85 which covers the breakfast, snack, lunch, and materials. Members should check with their Clubs for assistance in covering the cost of registration.

    Classes are filling up! Register today.  Contact D7910 RLI Chair Mark Vital with questions or if you have issues with registration.
    Caption: Happy faces from last year's RLI.
    Have you registered for RLI yet? (It's Jan 27!) 2023-12-13 05:00:00Z 0

    NEPETS 2024 Registration is now OPEN!

    We're thrilled to announce that registration for the 2024 Northeast Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (NEPETS) is officially open, and we can't wait for you to be a part of it! Please register here and there is an early registration incentive. 

    The NEPETS program is a Mandatory Training Assembly for all incoming Club Presidents and Assistant Governors. The event will take place at the Boston Marriott Newton from 1:30PM Thursday, March 7, 2024 through 12pm Saturday March 9, 2024. We ask that you please initiate your registration today!
    NEPETS 2024 Registration is now OPEN! Johnny Ahern 2023-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Club of Southborough Helps With Diaper Drive! Need Donations of Sizes 3,4,5,6 (to Jan 12)

    Santa's sleigh will be filled with toys, but what about diapers? Hm... maybe not! So please donate new diapers, in sizes 3,4,5,6 ONLY to one of the 2 upcoming diaper drives by local organizations that the Rotary Club of Southborough is helping support. 

    The CLUB ELEVATE diaper drive runs December 11th, 2023 to January 12th, 2024, with drop offs at Club Elevate in Framingham, or the Southborough Food Pantry. 

    The Algonquin Regional High School diaper drive, for students, faculty and parents, runs December 11th, 2023 to December 22nd, 2023, with drop off at the High School or the Southborough Food Pantry

    About 36% of Massachusetts families with young children could not afford enough diapers throughout the pandemic, and that need continues to this day. So please contribute to the diaper drives! For more information go to:

    #Southboroughrotary #ClubElevateDiaperDrive #AlgonquinHSdiaperdrive #SouthboroughRotaryClub #rishabyarala #diapers #size3456 #babies #nappies 
    Rotary Club of Southborough Helps With Diaper Drive! Need Donations of Sizes 3,4,5,6 (to Jan 12) 2023-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

    RYLA Right Now

    Now! Before you do anything else, watch the RYLA 2023 Video(30 sec trailer). 

    RYLA 2024 is June 21, 22, and 23, 2024
    3 days / 2 overnights
    Cost $325 / student

    Now watch this video: RYLA 2023 full video(4 min):

    Put these important due dates on your calendar:
    • Jan 18 or Jan 24 (pick one) RYLA required training - Zoom @ 6 pm
    • Feb 1, 2024 - RYLA space reservations are due (new!) Tell us how many students you will sponsor for RYLA 2024: Visit, for Rotary Clubs
    • March 1, 2024 -RYLA payments are due
    Watch the RYLlama in this space for all important up coming information.

    RYLA Right Now Christine Pinney 2023-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Westborough Rotary Club Holds "Baby Shower" at The Blessing Barn (Dec 6)

    On December 6, members of the Westborough Rotary Club (WRC) held a "Baby Shower" at The Blessing Barn in Mendon, part of Compassion New England, bringing bags of baby gifts for families in need. 

    Compassion New England is a non-profit organization which supports local families and communities with basic necessities. They operate four main programs including: Room in the City, The Blessing Barn, Crisis Care, and The Happy Place, which includes a bookstore. The Blessing Barn is their primary funding source for CNE; they take clothing donations from the community, then sell the items and use all of the revenue to operate the other programs of CNE.

    Westborough Rotary Club Holds "Baby Shower" at The Blessing Barn (Dec 6) Reina Rago 2023-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Passing of Leominster Rotarian, Rennie P. Shattuck

    It is with a heavy heart that we share of the passing of Leominster Rotarian and Past President, Rennie P. Shattuck, 83, of Lunenburg. Rennie passed unexpectedly on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at Health Alliance – Leominster Hospital.

    Rennie’s family will receive relatives and friends at calling hours from 4-7 PM Thursday, December 14, 2023 at the Anderson Funeral Home, 25 Fitchburg Road, (Rte. 2A) Ayer.

    Funeral services will be held 1 PM Friday, December 15, 2023 in the funeral home. Interment will follow at North Cemetery, Lunenburg.

    Passing of Leominster Rotarian, Rennie P. Shattuck 2023-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Brookline Rotary Gets Another District Grant To Ensure Food Security

    Brookline Rotarians, BU Rotaract Members and BU Occupational Therapy students will cook and serve alongside Brookline Teen Center student participants. 

    This year's project will include providing 1-2 meals/month from December 2023 to June 2024 at the Brookline Teen Center, Mondays at 3 pm. This is an extension of the two BBQ dinners the Club hosted this past summer and fall. 

    Brookline Rotary Gets Another District Grant To Ensure Food Security Shawna V Carboni 2023-12-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Webinar on Conflict in Israel

    Please join us for a special webinar hosted by our neighboring District 7390  - Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 7:30AM - Register Here
    Topic:  Everyday life changed on October 7, 2023, in Israel.
    Join District Governor Bashir Nusair from District 2490 in Israel, Rotarians from Israel and District 7930 Governor Lori Karas.
    During this meeting you will hear firsthand accounts from Rotarians on life with warning sirens and rockets.  Learn what they are doing to support one another and the community.  We’ll also talk about how we can help, too.  Register here.
    Webinar on Conflict in Israel Elliott Rittenberg 2023-12-01 05:00:00Z 0

    Saying Goodbye to Ray Pfau

    We are saddened to share the news that longtime Nashoba Valley member Ray Pfau passed away this week.  Among his many accomplishments, Ray was instrumental in bringing the internationally renowned Repair Cafe program to our District. He was deeply committed to environmental and social justice and always generous with his actions and time.  
    Pictured here, he helped initiate, grant write, fundraise and then physically help build safer drinking water and cooking for a village in Guatemala.  He was instrumental in building the Club's relationship to Razia's Ray of Hope, educating young women in Afghanistan and he was always there to help with every project and initiative locally that his club was a part of, from building barns for Cultivate Care Farm to wrangling dogs at the dog fest to teaching high school kids about career and financial choices at the annual Reality Fair.
    Saying Goodbye to Ray Pfau Elliott Rittenberg 2023-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

    How Does The Rotary Foundation Recognize 
    Rotary Clubs?

    Donations to the Foundation are essential to securing and expanding our programs throughout the world. We recognize with gratitude clubs that make extraordinary contributions.
    • 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club: These are clubs in which all dues-paying members are Paul Harris Fellows. The club receives a banner. This is a one-time recognition, but the intent is that the club will maintain its status.
    Keep going, there's more....
    How Does The Rotary Foundation Recognize Rotary Clubs? Roy A. Balfour 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Lowell Rotary lights up the City of Lights Parade

    The Rotary Club of Lowell did a great job of increasing awareness of Rotary and raising some money Saturday, Nov. 25th at the City of Lights Parade in downtown Lowell. We set up grills and sold marshmallows to be roasted by kids (and big kids) with the proceeds going to fund scholarships for high school seniors and other charitable endeavors. Our attention getter is the marshmallow man, posing for pictures and adding some magic to the day.!

    The club was well represented and we had additional help from Mark O'Flaherty, Worcester club President. We were also fortunate to have Charles Lubowa, President Elect of the Kampala North club of Uganda in attendance. A good time was had by all and we left a lot of happy sticky faces behind.
    Lowell Rotary lights up the City of Lights Parade John Finegan 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Veteran's Day Breakfast co-sponsored by Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley

    On Veterans Day (Nov 11, 2023) our club had the honor of co-hosting a breakfast with Town of Stow, to thank Veterans who live or work in Stow. Rousing speeches from Representative Kate Hogan and Senator Jamie Eldridge were capped off by our Keynote Speaker Retired Rear Admiral Edward Cashman. This was a group effort, led by JP Benoit (Stow Fire Chief and Scoutmaster) and the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, and supported by the Town of Stow, the Stow Council on Aging, Stow Veterans' Services, the Scout Troop of Stow and many others. We were all moved to tears when the Stow chapter of the national organization "Quilts of Valor" presented 25 Veterans with handmade quilts to honor their service. It clearly meant so much to each of them and to all of us as well. Breakfast was donated and prepared by The Pleasant Cafe Inc. of Maynard and Ayer and was absolutely delicious!
    Veteran's Day Breakfast co-sponsored by Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley Christine Mudgett 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Watertown Rotary and the Watertown Business Coalition will host a Toy Drive & Holiday Mixer on December 4th!

    The 2nd Annual Holiday Mixer and Toy Drive, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Watertown and the Watertown Business Coalition will take place at the Mosesian Center for the Arts!

    When: Monday, December 4 2023 5:30pm to 8:00pm

    Where: Mosesian Center for the Arts
    321 Arsenal Street, Watertown


    There is a cash bar & light bites will be served thanks to fabulous local restaurants, including BranchLine. Cash bar. Admission is free to anyone bringing a toy to donate. Those coming without a toy are encouraged to bring a $20 minimum donation to the Whooley Foundation.

    This is a joint event put on by both the WBC and the Watertown Rotary – but anyone from our community is welcome to join us for some Holiday Cheer!!! See you there!!!
    Watertown Rotary and the Watertown Business Coalition will host a Toy Drive &amp; Holiday Mixer on December 4th! Kim Severino 2023-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Winter Community Breakfast in Bedford on 12/10

    The Rotary Club of Bedford’s Winter Community Breakfast (formerly known as Breakfast with Santa) is returning on December 10, 2023 from 9 AM to 12 PM at Bedford High School!  Once again this year, we will hold a treasured family tradition, an event that is inclusive of all members of our growing and diverse Bedford community.  
    As in years past, there will be a hot pancake breakfast, winter crafts, photos with Santa, and a commemorative coloring book for the children to take home.  Children will enjoy games and activities from several cultural traditions, celebrating the coming of winter together. New this year - tickets can be purchased online at
    Any individual or business/organization who wants to host an activity table at the event or place an ad in the commemorative coloring book that will be distributed to 300 children can do so through Friday, Dec. 1. Learn more on the sponsor page. Student and adult volunteers are also needed to help run the Winter Community Breakfast. Please sign up via Signupgenius
    Winter Community Breakfast in Bedford on 12/10 2023-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Holiday Craft Fair in Framingham

    Over 110 crafters and artists will be at Keefe Regional Technical High School, 750 Winter St in Framingham, on Saturday, December 9 from 10am to 4pm, offering their handmade items for sale. Items include jewelry, appeal including alpaca, quilts, original art and photographs, bath and body products, wooden bowls, pens and boards, and more.

    Come join us at our Rotary Holiday Craft Fair. Plenty of parking. Easy accessibility.
    Holiday Craft Fair in Framingham Phil Reimann 2023-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

    RLI is Almost Here!

    Our district's RLI will be held at Assabet valley regional Technical High School on Saturday, January 27th from 7:30 am to 3 PM (breakfast and lunch is provided)

    RLI has Three Parts + a Graduate Program (Succession Planning) - A detailed description of the content covered is listed below.
    RLI is Almost Here! Mark Vital 2023-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Polar Plunge to Fight Polio - Dec 17

    Come join us for a dip! The Rotary Club of Marlborough and its Interact Clubs invite you to the Polar Plunge to Fight Polio. The dip is scheduled for Sunday, December 17th at 10 AM at memorial Beach in Marlborough. The entry fee is $20 and you get a vintage long-sleeve tee-shirt and a mug of hot chocolate. Sign up.
    Polar Plunge to Fight Polio - Dec 17 Mark Vital 2023-11-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Not Your First Rodeo? (Rotary Int'l Conference 2024)

    Do you have roots in Canada? Perhaps in Calgary? We are looking for people who would like to help us cultivate a contingent from our district to attend the Rotary International Convention in Calgary, June 21-25, 2025.

    Some of us will go to Singapore in 2024. But the reason the Convention moves around the world is to make it more accessible occasionally to every part of the Rotary world. 2025 will see it in North America for the first time since Houston in 2022.
    Not Your First Rodeo? (Rotary Int'l Conference 2024) 2023-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet Alexander Ganzi, Rotary New Generations program participant from Austria

    Alexander Ganzi is a graduate student from Klagenfurt, a city in the south of Austria, who is in Worcester until the end of January working on his thesis about circular economy at WPI with Dr. Joseph Sarkis, Professor of Management within the Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Business School. He is here through the Rotary New Generations program. 
    Meet Alexander Ganzi, Rotary New Generations program participant from Austria Sandy Burgers 2023-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

    Join our Holiday Party • December 14 at the Boxborough Regency

    Come to the District 7910 Holiday Party! Please join us for fun, fellowship, and food as we celebrate the season at the Boxborough Regency Hotel.
    • December 14 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    • Boxborough Regency Hotel, 242 Adams Place, Boxborough, MA
    • Includes complete buffet dinner. 
    • Only $45 per person. 
    • Register here
    Don't wait - space is limited and registration is closing soon!
    Join our Holiday Party • December 14 at the Boxborough Regency Elliott Rittenberg 2023-11-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Guatemala Mangrove Trip Info Session - December 6

    Looking to get your hands dirty?

    In March of 2024, Rotarians from District 7910 will travel to the Pacific Coast of Guatemala to restore a mangrove forest.  From preventing coastal flooding to filtering water, mangroves help the planet in numerous ways. Because they live where land and sea connect, one of their most important ecosystem functions is to protect the former and serve as a frontline defense for people and property in coastal areas. Mangroves also serve to protect marine habitats from harmful nutrients and runoff that can harm seagrass, coral reefs and fisheries. The roots help filter water coming off from the land, including pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides and agricultural runoff. Learn more about the importance of mangroves and Rotary's commitment to them through this article on Rotary's web site.
    Guatemala Mangrove Trip Info Session - December 6 2023-11-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet Penny Hamel - District Governor 2026 - 2027

    Our Nominating Committee has selected Penny Hamel from the Rotary Club of Westford as our District Governor for the Rotary year 2026 - 2027. Penny has been a Rotarian since 1989, has served as Club President, Assistant Governor, co-chair of Bandy Hefler, District Trustee, Chair of District Friendship exchange, District Secretary and is a Paul Harris Fellow. 
    Professionally, Penny works in the financial industry and brings more than 20 years of experience to her role as Vice President and Mortgage Loan Officer at U.S. Bank. Penny received her Bachelors of Science degree from Merrimack College, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Throughout her career, she has received many accolades and awards including Massachusetts Housing Originator of the Year in 2013 and 2015, and Northeast Realtor Association Business Partner of the Year in 2007, 2015 & 2022.
    Meet Penny Hamel - District Governor 2026 - 2027 2023-11-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Taking Registrations

    District 7910's next RLI will be on Saturday, January 27th at the Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School on Fitchburg Street in Marlborough.

    What is RLI? RLI seeks to provide quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills to Rotarians interested in developing their Rotary participation and to those identified by Rotary Clubs as having a potential in club leadership.

    Registration is now open. Please go to the RLI-North East America event page to register. Learn more about RLI here
    Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Taking Registrations Mark Vital 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

    District 7910's Interact Council Forming

    Attention all Interact Chairs! District 7910 is putting together an Interact Council. This student-driven council will establish a mission, objectives, and hopes to present a program at the District's Annual Conference (May 3-5). Please have your club's Interact student-leader contact Raissa Santana (Marlborough Club's AMSA Interact President) at to participate in this exciting opportunity. The deadline for participating in the creation of the Interact Council is November 30th
    District 7910's Interact Council Forming Mark Vital 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

    26th Annual Breakfast for the Bands - Nov 19

    Entering the 28th year of The Breakfast for the Bands Event, this is an incredible community event presented jointly by the Rotary Clubs of Fitchburg and Leominster. Although tied to their historic rivalry, this event is all about supporting the bands and is one of the largest community performances that they give. Roughly 750-1000 people from our two communities turn up to hear both bands play, and we want YOU to be there!

    Fitchburg is hosting the Breakfast on Sunday November 19th from 8-11:30am (don't worry about the flier, they will be playing until 11:30 and you will still be fed!). The bands will be playing a unique set of music on the hour every hour, first combined with Leominster at 8am, then at 9am, 10am, and for those who love a late brunch, finally at 11am. You do not want to miss their gold medal winning band.
    26th Annual Breakfast for the Bands - Nov 19 Karen Fusco 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Harvest Dinner and Dance for Seniors

    On October 24th the Rotary Club of Lowell collaborated with the Dracut club to hold our annual event for area seniors. It's a fun afternoon that includes a sumptuous meal, open dancing with a dj and a juried dance competition that even includes trophies! Many thanks to Lee Ouellette (Dracut), Naomi Prendergast (Lowell) and Michael Conway (Lowell) for judging.

    We also have drawings throughout the afternoon with lots of prizes. The biggest prize for us was the smiles of the 172 attendees and an opportunity to work with our neighbor club. We couldn't have put this together without the help of Ann Tinnirella and the rest of the Dracut club. A real testimony to combining strengths in today's challenging world.
    Harvest Dinner and Dance for Seniors John Finegan 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley - Devens DogFest October 2023

    Our little club helped found this amazing event many years ago with Clear Path for Veterans New England, raising money and awareness for service dogs for our American Veterans! It has grown into a dynamic event over time, taking place yearly at Devens Mass (the former site of Fort Devens.) This year we had several dog contests (including the much loved “best tail wagger” category), State Police dog demonstrations, and much much more. We also added trick or treating and costume contests for kids this year.

    Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley - Devens DogFest October 2023 Christine Mudgett 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Westford Festival of Trees and More + Rotary 7910 Decorating Challenge; Starts Dec 8

    Westford Festival of Trees, Wreaths and Creative Gingerbread/Gnomes and More…..
    The Westford Family FunFest* and Westford Rotary Club invites Rotary District 7910 Clubs to a Holiday Decorating Challenge!! 

    Visit the 13th Annual Festival of Trees, Wreaths and Creative Holiday/Cultural & Gingerbread/Gnomes Celebration. Festival held at the Westford Regency Inn - 219 Littleton Rd. Westford from December 8, 2023- January 2, 2024. The Westford Regency Atrium and Lobby and selected other areas will be decorated with trees, wreaths, and creative holiday and gingerbread/gnome creations.
    Special Prizes will be given for Rotary Decorations. The entry can be a fundraiser for club if entered in the Silent Auction too. 
    Visit for details and the application to be part of the Festival, or email to request the application. Definitely click through to read more!
    Westford Festival of Trees and More + Rotary 7910 Decorating Challenge; Starts Dec 8 Patti Mason 2023-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Learn About the Negative Environmental Impacts of Private Jets

    Join our Climate Cafe on January 16th at 6:30pm and learn about the negative environmental impacts of private jet use, and why allowing expansion of this use at Hanscom Field is bad for the entire region. Our speaker will be Alex Chatfield, a leader of Stop Private Jet Expansion. Please click HERE to register
    Learn About the Negative Environmental Impacts of Private Jets Susan Peghiny 2023-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

    Reduce Your Food Waste and Help Fight the Climate Crisis!

    Project Drawdown recently released a new analysis ranking the top 20 high-impact climate actions households can take to cut their carbon footprint by up to 25 percent. Do you know what the number one action is? Reducing food waste!

    Every year, a full third of the food produced on this planet is thrown out. That amounts to some 1 billion tons. And when it decays, it generates about 8 percent of the world’s heat-trapping gases. That’s more than double the impact of all the flights in the world. How can YOU reduce your food waste?

    Reduce Your Food Waste and Help Fight the Climate Crisis! Susan Peghiny 2023-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

    Climate Cafe Tuesday, November 14th at 6:30pm!

    Pollinator Research Right Here in Massachusetts! Dr. Robert Gegear, founder of the Gegear Lab at UMass Dartmouth, will be our speaker. He'll tell us about how his lab studies factors influencing the dynamic interplay between pollinators and the flowering plants that they service. Their current research projects address such questions as: What is the functional significance of floral display complexity? Why do foraging preferences vary among pollinator species? What are the causes and consequences of global pollinator decline? How effective are different restoration and conservation strategies for native pollination systems? To address these questions, they use highly integrative experimental approaches that combine concepts and methodologies from fields such as animal behavior, human psychology, molecular biology, community ecology, and computational biology. Don't miss this fascinating talk on important research being done right here in Massachusetts.

    Click HERE to register!
    Climate Cafe Tuesday, November 14th at 6:30pm! Susan Peghiny 2023-11-01 04:00:00Z 0
    Lower Your Carbon Footprint - Not Your Standards Susan Peghiny 2023-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

    Updated District Directory Now Available

    The 2023-24 District Directory contains a wealth of information, including contact information for District officers, assistant governors and committee chairs, our calendar for the year ahead, along with information about our Clubs and their officers.
    The Directory also includes biographies of Rotary leaders, a list famous Rotarians (are you on it?), a history of our Four Way Test, past award recipients, and much more. Thank you to PDG Jim Fusco for the many hours that went into producing this comprehensive document.
    Download the Directory at or through this link
    Updated District Directory Now Available 2023-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

    Lewiston - How Can We Help?

    Many of our members have asked how we can help the Lewiston, ME community. I received this message from Rotary District 7790 Governor Tina Chapman:

    "As you know, this has been a very difficult week for those of us in Maine.  On Wednesday evening, October 25th, we lost 18 of our fellow citizens. Several more were injured, a few of whom remain hospitalized. So many people were impacted - the families and victims of this terrible event, as well as the people of Lewiston, Auburn, Winthrop, Bowdoin, and several other towns in Maine that were directly impacted during the frightening hours and days after the shootings.
    Lewiston - How Can We Help? 2023-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

    Key Roles for Club Success

    Rotary International and especially our Zone in the U.S. have been doing a great deal of research to understand the key success factors for all clubs. They have canvassed thousands of clubs, and those that are flourishing share several key factors.

    1. They have a named Membership Chair who focuses on growing and energizing the club.  (Click "Read more.") 

    2. They have a Succession Plan. (Click "Read more.") 

    Please work with others in your club to make sure you have these two key roles filled and named in ClubRunner no later than December 1.

    Questions? Contact Joyce Graff,
    Key Roles for Club Success Joyce Graff 2023-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

    Pints For Polio 2023 - Event & Fun Report

    On Tuesday, October 24th nearly 60 Rotarians and friends from District 7910 showed up at Revolution Hall in Lexington, MA to help eradicate polio. In our small sliver of the world, we did our best to participate in a fun and unique drinking beer!

    It was a beautiful autumn evening in New England with unusually warm weather which was perfect. Craft Food Hall has a gorgeous beer garden that they donated for the cause as well.
    Rotarians and friends enjoyed pints of beer from the beer wall which allowed them to pour their own beers. A giant inflatable Rotary Wheel was positioned for all to see. There was a table with information regarding how Rotary has helped end polio around the globe and how you can get involved. 

    SERVPRO had a table giving out free swag and information regarding their services. 
    Pints For Polio 2023 - Event &amp; Fun Report Aaron Roy 2023-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Moment


    Rotary is committed to raising US$50 million every year for polio eradication. Through our partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, every $1 of that is matched 2-to-1.
    Rotary Moment Roy A. Balfour 2023-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

    Inbound Rotary Youth Exchange Students Are Here!

    7 District 7910's 2023-24 Rotary Youth Exchange Students are here! Val is from Belgium and is hosted here by the Marlborough Rotary Club. Diego is from Mexico and is hosted by the Weston-Wayland Rotary Club. Our students have settled into their new school routines, are enjoying their host families, and have met exchange students from other regional districts at their Orientation weekend in September and apple-picking at Tougas Farm In October. Diego is playing soccer for WHS while Val is helping MHS expand its Interact Club activities. These wonderful students are willing to talk with any 7910 Club about their home countries and exchange experiences as part of your Club meeting programs.
    Inbound Rotary Youth Exchange Students Are Here! Jane Schroeder 2023-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

    Social Media -Wicked Fun!

    Westford Rotary is everywhere on social media. This did happen overnight because a 20-something insisted we had to have it. Our consistent presence on Facebook and Instagram seeks to achieve two goals: awareness of our mission and contributions to the community, AND a way to attract younger members.

    Nicole Hamel is the architect of our social media program. She is a past president (at age 24, now 30) who firmly believes in the bonuses of "being seen". We originally met to create our service calendar but a spirit took over Nicole and suddenly we had a plan for daily postings on FB and IG.
    Social Media -Wicked Fun! Mary Foerster 2023-10-26 04:00:00Z 0
    RC Needham Pancake Breakfast Festival Nov 4 7-11am Bill Paulson 2023-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

    Is it Time for Your Club to Have a HEALTH CHECK?

    Just as routine doctor’s visits help us identify health risks before they become serious, a club health check can diagnose problem areas and prescribe remedies. By using this health check, you’re taking a step to maintain your club’s health and preserve its value for members and the community.

    Clubs should conduct a "Health Check" every couple of years. If there is a "problem area" identified, the club's board of directors can address the problem before it becomes severe. Clubs can also find help from their assigned assistant governor. In addition, there are many district executives that would welcome the opportunity to assist a club.
    Is it Time for Your Club to Have a HEALTH CHECK? Mark Vital 2023-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

    Littleton Rotary Collected Personal Care Items

    Reaching out to help those in need in local communities, the Rotary Club of Littleton gathered personal care items to distribute to the clients of Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry at Devens. Loaves & Fishes serves residents of Ayer, Devens, Groton, Harvard, Littleton, and Shirley. The individuals and families who seek help from the pantry have been especially hard hit by inflation, COVID, and an uncertain economy.

    Our goal was to gather enough items - including shampoo and conditioner, disposable razors, small containers of shaving cream, bars of gentle soap, packets of tissues, deodorants, toothpaste and toothbrushes, mouthwash, bandaids, chapsticks, and wipes - to fill at least 100 bags. We're happy to announce that not only did we fill 100 bags with toiletries, we had lots of items left over and brought them to Loaves & Fishes to hand out to clients at different times.
    Littleton Rotary Collected Personal Care Items Judy Grande 2023-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

    Rotary's Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza

    Recognizing there has been protracted suffering in the long history of conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza, Rotary International urges all parties to seek avenues to peace.

    At the same time, we unequivocally condemn the horrific attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians and are appalled at the number of people who have been injured, killed, and kidnapped.

    As the war between Israel and Hamas intensifies, we remain deeply concerned about the potential for further escalation as well as the loss of life and the humanitarian crisis that is occurring in Gaza. We denounce the violence against innocent civilians and support upholding international humanitarian law.

    Peacebuilding is both a cornerstone of Rotary’s mission and one of our areas of focus. At our core, Rotary is a common ground for people to come together – across nationalities and religions, cultures and histories – and connect around their shared belief in a better tomorrow. That connection is what humanizes us in times of conflict and builds a foundation for lasting peace.

    Rotary remains committed to working with our members, partners, and communities to find long-term, sustainable solutions that support peace and development in the region and elsewhere.

    – 13 Oct 2023 (from

    Rotary's Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza 2023-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

    District Grants Finalized

    Twenty projects have been approved by our District 7910 Grants Subcommittee. A total of $31,237 has been approved for distribution to our Clubs in support of a wide range of humanitarian projects. This year's grants include projects related to food insecurity, suicide prevention, building and delivering bunk beds for children in need, science education, mental health, environmental sustainability and so much more. Our funding from the Rotary Foundation is anticipated to arrive shortly and will be distributed upon receipt.
    District Grants Finalized 2023-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

    Seeking 2023 - 24 District Nominations 

    We are nearing the end of this year’s nominating cycle for District leadership positions and this is an exciting time for District 7910 (deadline is October 20, 2023). The future of our clubs depends on qualified candidates serving in leadership roles throughout the District.
    In order for our Clubs to grow and have more impact addressing local and international needs, there must be Rotarians who will fill leadership roles and provide vision and management skills in support of the business aspects of running our District.
    The link for the general call for nominations is found here, and the link for the applications for DGND, District Trustees and District Foundation Trustee is found here For more information about the responsibilities of any of these positions, please contact the 2023 District Nominating Committee Chair, IPDG Victor Tom  (
    Seeking 2023 - 24 District Nominations 2023-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

    District Interact Council Starts Small

    Interact Clubs are an important branch of the greater Rotary youth programs that invite students between ages 12 and 18 to get important chances to develop leadership skills while also focusing on the Rotary credo of “Service-Above-Self.” In fact, many high schools across the United States and the world have their own chapters of Interact Clubs that allows students enrolled in those schools to work together and be a part of many different community service programs and initiatives with their sponsoring Rotary Club.
    District Interact Council Starts Small 2023-10-11 04:00:00Z 0
    Climate Cafe: 6:30pm November 14; Gegear, Pollinator Research @ UMass Dartmouth Susan Peghiny 2023-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

    NPR Spotlights Climate Solutions!

    Most reporting on climate change emphasizes weather disasters; and while it’s important to understand the risks climate change poses, it’s inspiring and motivating to learn more about solutions that can help pave the way to a better future. 

    In her introduction to this series, NPR’s climate solutions reporter, Julia Simon, said: “I know that things are bad right now. But what if we reframe the conversation? With climate change, it’s not like this is a meteor hurtling toward Earth and there’s nothing we can do about it. Humans are driving global warming. And that means we humans can find solutions to change our trajectory.”

    NPR Spotlights Climate Solutions! Susan Peghiny 2023-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

    Framingham Club President Patti McCarthy pins Paul Harris Fellow pin on husband Dan.

    Dan McCarthy surprised at recent Framingham Club Social by being presented with a Paul Harris Fellow.

    Dan is the husband of our current president, Patti. Ever since she joined the club, she has been an active member and he hasalways been there, behind the scenes, doing the driving, the cooking, the shlepping, etc. always attending club events with her...his involvement on behalf of Rotary has been impressive such that a member of the club anonymously provided the PHF.
    Framingham Club President Patti McCarthy pins Paul Harris Fellow pin on husband Dan. Richard Manelis 2023-10-09 04:00:00Z 0

    Hudson Rotary Club Supports Local Community

    After hosting 1,200 participants at the annual Hudson BrewFest, Hudson Rotarians are reaching out to support our community. After connecting with our Fire Chief, we supplied his department with light duty, and heavy duty pumps and hoses. "We want to be able to support residents who call for help with flooded basements, and our inventory was low. We're very grateful to the Hudson Rotary Club or reaching out and donating this equipment", said Fire Chief Brian Johannes.  

    Hudson Rotary Club Supports Local Community Sidney Browning 2023-10-09 04:00:00Z 0
    World Mental Health Day Webinar • October 10 Elliott Rittenberg 2023-10-01 04:00:00Z 0

    Pints for Polio - October 24  @ Revolution Hall, Lexington

    What you can do on October 24, 2023: Come to Revolution Hall in Lexington, drink beer & eat heartily to support the Rotary End Polio Now campaign. And bring all your Rotary members, friends, and family. RSVP to attend here. 
    Host & Sponsor: Revolution Hall is donating up to $1,000 of gift cards to use to purchase food and beverages. ServPro, as a sponsor, will donate $1 per pint purchased that day. 
    Pints for Polio - October 24 @ Revolution Hall, Lexington 2023-09-30 04:00:00Z 0

    DGN Johnny (got) Bounced for the Foundation

    At Toronto’s Learning to Lead, Rotary Zones 28 and 32 contested a "Zorb faceoff."
    On Friday evening in Toronto there was a series of “battles” to see who can stay in the ring while bouncing off each other in Zorbs (an inflatable bubble that you wear).
    The intrepid Johnny Ahern represented our District 7910 in this amazing (and amusing) competition. He got bounced, literally and figuratively. See the video.
    Our District 7910 pledged $1000 of the $50,000 goal to support the Foundation for this event and has generated $1,010 in contributions. Total contributions are now above $100,000. Thank you!
    If you'd like to add to that, please make a donation online this week. 
    DGN Johnny (got) Bounced for the Foundation 2023-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

    Confused about Rotary's Logo rules?

    Rotary's rules for the use of its logo have changed. If you were an expert in logo use even two years ago, you probably need a refresher! In fact the rules changed in 2013, but many of us are still catching up.

    Every large corporation evolves its logo usage over time to keep its look fresh and modern. It is important that we all adhere to the international brand guidelines to keep the look of our club fresh and consistent with all the other clubs throughout the world.
    Confused about Rotary's Logo rules? Joyce Graff 2023-09-28 04:00:00Z 0

    District 7910 Assists Leominster Recovery

    On Sept. 11th, 2023, Leominster experienced historic and damaging floods when almost 10 inches of rain fell in the city within a few hours. Flash flooding caused massive sinkholes, washed out numerous roads, and left many residents and businesses with several feet of water causing massive damage. The Fix, where the Rotary Club of Leominster meets, was under 7 feet of water! Even with the loss of property, vehicles and more, the city is extremely fortunate that there were no reported major injuries or casualties.
    Photo: Sump pumps and fans provided to OEM on behalf of District 7910
    District 7910 Assists Leominster Recovery Johnny Ahern 2023-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

    Successful Rotary Night at Fenway

    What a fantastic night was had while Rotarians, friends, and family watched the Boston Red Sox take on the Chicago White Sox on Sep. 22nd for Rotary Night at Fenway Park! Over 50 people across three districts joined together and cheered on the Red Sox for their 3-2 victory. Not only were tickets very affordable, but the Boston Red Sox were able to make a $255 donation to our district which we will pass along to The Rotary Foundation as part of our ticket sales. We are looking forward to doing this for years to come and expanding our group each year. Thank you to everyone that attended!
    Photo: Our section of Rotarians at the Red Sox vs. White Sox Game 9/22/23
    Successful Rotary Night at Fenway Johnny Ahern 2023-09-27 04:00:00Z 0
    What does Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Have for Course Content? Mark Vital 2023-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

    Left Right Center - October 20

    The most fun you’ll have playing a game that takes under 3 minutes to learn!
    Cash Prizes, Raffles, 50-50, Pizza, Popcorn & Cash Bar !
    When:  Friday October 20, 2023
    Doors open at 6:00 pm & Game starts at 7:00 pm
    Where:  The Elks Lodge, 134 North Main St., Leominster, MA
    Tickets:  $20.00 per person    /    Tables of 10 Available /   Seats are Limited 
    FOR TICKETS: Contact: Paul Gauvin  978-855-2145

    21+ Event

    Proceeds to benefit the charitable endeavors of both Rotary clubs

    Left Right Center - October 20 Karen Fusco 2023-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

    The Rotary Foundation Moment


    We concentrate our efforts in order to maximize our local and global impact. Our most successful and sustainable projects and activities tend to address these causes, and all humanitarian projects, scholars, and vocational training teams funded by The Rotary Foundation’s global grants work toward specific goals in these areas of focus:

    The Rotary Foundation Moment Roy A. Balfour 2023-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

    Brookline Dog Day - October 22

    October 22, 2023, Brookline Rotary will host its third Dog Day from 11:00 - 3:00 at Brookline Avenue Playground at 575 Brookline Avenue. This has been an extremely popular community event for the entire family and a very successful fund raiser for the club. It includes vendors, interactive activities such as a costume parade and doggie yoga, food trucks and dog training demonstrations by the Brookline Canine Patrol, among other events. Attendees and volunteer can sign up by going to the Brookline Rotary club website: or tickets: and to volunteer: and click volunteer.
    Brookline Dog Day - October 22 Susan Rack 2023-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

    Hoarding Disorder: Addressing Mental Illness

    In support of Rotary International President Gordan R. McInally’s commitment to mental health, the Westborough Rotary Club has invited accomplished speakers to discuss this critical issue.

    At the club’s September 13 meeting, Lynn Faust, Executive Director of Metro Community Development Corporation, a regional non-profit corporation that promotes self-sufficiency in the MetroWest and greater Boston, specifically addressed
    hoarding disorder.
    Hoarding disorder, often called a “Disorder of Control, " is not new. However, as the public is destigmatizing mental illness, hoarding is beginning to come out in the open. Here’s the reality: Five percent of people are hoarders, which means 1 in 5 individuals suffer from this disorder. This disorder not only causes immense anxiety for the hoarder but also for their families.  
    Hoarding Disorder: Addressing Mental Illness Reina Rago 2023-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

    Acton-Boxborough Rotary Co-Sponsoring NE Walk Against Hate - October 15

    HATE is an anathema to everything Rotary stands for – consequently the Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough is one of 25 diverse local community organizations who are co-sponsoring a New England WALK AGAINST HATE on Sunday, October 15, 2023.

    The walk will be an inspiring family-friendly event, bringing together individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs. It's not just a walk - it's an event that demonstrates the collective power of Community.

    Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors, and encourage them to participate in this important Community event.

    Acton-Boxborough Rotary Co-Sponsoring NE Walk Against Hate - October 15 Dean Roberts 2023-09-17 04:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Club of Northborough Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser - October 7

    Please help the Rotary Club of Northborough grow our work for the community by supporting our big fall fundraiser - happening now! Take a chance on a hole in one during the sky-high Golf Ball Drop. Your golf ball may be the lucky one that reaches the target, and wins a prize of $500!

    Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 4:00 PM
    Juniper Hill Golf Course, Northborough
    You don’t need to attend the drop in order to participate. The winner will be notified.

    Register at the website:

    Proceeds to benefit the work of the Rotary Club of Northborough, including local, national, and international projects.
    Rotary Club of Northborough Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser - October 7 Leslie Harrison 2023-09-17 04:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Club of Concord Presents the Al Filipov Awards on 9/11

    Each year on 9/11 The Rotary Club of Concord hosts an appreciation awards ceremony in memory of a beloved Concord Rotarian, Al Filipov, and all those who perished 22 years ago during the attacks at the World Trade Center. "Al Filipov was a humble man, who was all about making people's lives better," stated Sharon Spaulding. "He prioritized service to the community. It is fitting on this day that we honor the first responders in Concord who keep us safe every day."
    Photo: Left to right, Sergeant Tia Manchuso of the Concord Police Department, Concord Rotarian Steve Levitsky, Firefighter Samantha McChesney of the Concord Fire Department
    Rotary Club of Concord Presents the Al Filipov Awards on 9/11 Helen Halloran 2023-09-17 04:00:00Z 0

    Why Should You Attend Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)?

    There are many different reasons why you should join Rotary Leadership Institute. RLI will offer you a positive experience with other Rotarians and the more you learn, the better Rotarian you will become.
    1. You will gain a greater understanding of Rotary. 
    2. You will be in an environment where you can exchange ideas.
    3. You will be engaged with other Rotarians just like you.
    4. you will improve communications.
    5. You will learn how to build teams.
    6. You will gain project leads.
    7. You will be an enhanced member.
    8. You will understand public image.
    9. You will have fun!
    Why Should You Attend Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)? Mark Vital 2023-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

    ESRAG Provides Guidance for Clubs to be Carbon Friendly

    Visit to learn how YOUR club can become carbon friendly in its meetings, events, and other activities. The site identifies projects that clubs can consider doing, and ideas on how to make what you're already doing more gentle on the environment. The process can also be used for your residence, other organizations you may belong to, businesses and municipalities.

    If you’d like a slideshow to use to present the idea to your club, click HERE to download.
    ESRAG Provides Guidance for Clubs to be Carbon Friendly 2023-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

    Weston Classic & Antique Car Show on September 23rd!

    Weston-Wayland Rotary Club member and Car Show chairman, Richard DeVito Jr., spoke with Weston Media Center about the upcoming Classic & Antique Car Show on September 23rd.
    Rich spoke about the long history behind the car show that began with his father, what you can expect for its 26th rendition, and more! Check out the video and we hope to see you there!

    Weston Classic &amp; Antique Car Show on September 23rd! Aaron Roy 2023-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

    Climate Cafe September 28, 2023 at 6:30pm!

    Join us on Thursday, September 28th at 6:30pm to learn about some fascinating pollinator research being done right here in Massachusetts!
    Dr. Robert Gegear founder of the Gegear Lab at UMass Darthmouth and his team are attempting to answer questions such as: What is the significance of floral display complexity? Why does foraging vary among pollinator species? What are the causes and consequences of global pollinator decline? How effective are different restoration and conservation strategies for native pollination systems?
    To address these questions, they use highly integrative experimental approaches that combine concepts and methodologies from fields such as animal behavior, human psychology, molecular biology, community ecology, and computational biology.
    Click to learn more about the Gegear Lab.
    Climate Cafe September 28, 2023 at 6:30pm! Susan Peghiny 2023-09-16 04:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Foundation Moment 


    The SHARE system is how The Rotary Foundation distributes funds to districts. 

    When you contribute to Annual Fund-SHARE, the first 5% is deducted for operational costs. The remainder of the contribution is divided between the World Fund and District Designated Funds (DDF). The Trustees of the Rotary Foundation allocate money from the World Fund, and your district allocates DDF to the programs that people in your area want to support.

    The name defines what the system does, because contributions are shared throughout the world.

    You can help our district and support meaningful projects by giving to the Annual Fund-SHARE!
    Rotary Foundation Moment 2023-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

    D7910 Morley Scholarship Awarded to Resident of Stow (sponsored by Rotary of Nashoba Valley)

    The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley is delighted to announce that the David and Eleanor Morley Endowed Global Grant Scholarship has been awarded to Katherine Painter, a lifelong resident of Stow. RNV sponsored Katherine as a candidate for this scholarship and is thrilled that she was selected! This unique Scholarship was established in 2002 by David and Eleanor Morely, to be granted to a resident of Rotary District 7910 who will be doing graduate-level study outside the US in one of Rotary’s areas of focus. David Morley was a Rotarian, a graduate of Worcester Polytech Institute, and had a long career at General Electric. 
    Photo: Katie and RNV members
    D7910 Morley Scholarship Awarded to Resident of Stow (sponsored by Rotary of Nashoba Valley) 2023-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

    Climate Cafes are Back!

    Join us on Thursday, September 28th at 6:30pm to learn about some fascinating pollinator research being done right here in Massachusetts! Dr. Robert Gegear founder of the Gegear Lab at UMass Darthmouth and his team are attempting to answer questions such as: What is the significance of floral display complexity? Why does foraging vary among pollinator species? What are the causes and consequences of global pollinator decline? How effective are different restoration and conservation strategies for native pollination systems? To address these questions, they use highly integrative experimental approaches that combine concepts and methodologies from fields such as animal behavior, human psychology, molecular biology, community ecology, and computational biology. Click HERE to learn more about the Gegear Lab.

    Click HERE to register!
    Climate Cafes are Back! Susan Peghiny 2023-09-03 04:00:00Z 0