Our goal this year is that at least half the clubs submit their applications and win an Award to be presented at the District Conference in May. Setting goals in writing is the first step in achieving those goals. Let's learn together how to use the Rotary tools to ensure the success of all our clubs.

On Sept 25 Joyce will hold the first in a series of monthly Open Doors meetings. All Presidents are asked to attend, and to bring with them anyone in the club who will be involved with the task under discussion.
In September we will talk about the criteria for this year's club awards, to be presented at the District Conference, May 17. Knowing the criteria, and keeping track of your club's achievements during the year will make it easy to apply for awards. Our goal is to see at least half the clubs apply and receive grants this year. We will celebrate your achievements together at the District Conference. Don't forget -- the President doesn't have to DO the bookkeeping -- you should include at this meeting the person or persons to whom you will delegate this task.
Register in advance for this meeting to keep the meeting secure: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItf-mprjwuG9MlxViaIOIU7RBw2gCDUWrx
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Other forthcoming topics include:

- Insurance coverage for your club and its events
- Bylaws and other organizations documents - Keeping up with the times

What other topics would you like us to cover? Please send ideas to dgjoyce2024@rotary7910.org

My door is open to any member - book time on my calendar at http://calendly.com/dgjoyce

Looking forward to working with you to make your club successful in meeting its goals!