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Action Unlimited / Concord Workspace
100 Domino Drive
Concord, MA 01742
United States of America

We are excited to bring Visioning back to District 7910. Visioning helps clubs produce a strategy to become irresistible, resulting in a plan for membership attraction and retention while creating impactful opportunities for service to our communities. Visioning is a facilitator-led exercise where we guide clubs to develop a strategic road map consistent with Rotary's Action Plan through a facilitator-led process. 

On October 26, two members of the International Visioning facilitators team will lead our Visioning team in a training workshop, allowing us to bring this important program to our Clubs. The training will introduce us to the principles of Club Visioning, and walk us through a Visioning session. Following this training, we'll be able to bring Visioning to our Clubs so that they can provide the best possible member experience.