Thank you for the opportunity to serve as District Governor. It has truly been an honor and privilege. It’s hard to believe that it’s been an entire year since we last passed the gavel. It’s been a year filled with joy as I’ve watched and participated in many of the wonderful projects our clubs and members bring to their communities. It’s also been a year of heartache as together we continue to bear witness to war, violence, injustice, the effects of climate change, and the growing intolerance within our society. And finally, it’s been a year of connection as we’ve worked together to strengthen our clubs and committees that allow us to soften that heartache as we fulfill our mission of Service Above Self.
Of all that I have learned this year, I think the two most important takeaways are first, that the world needs Rotary and the things we do more than ever, and second, that none of the jobs we do in Rotary are jobs that we do alone.
Now, I’d like to share with you a story about connections. Early this year, I received an email, out of the blue, from a Rotary club president in the U.K. He was asking for help contacting a local company based in Marlboro. As District Governors, we receive numerous requests for help during our terms – many are outside of our ability to respond, but occasionally a request comes in where you think, “maybe we can help here”. This was one of those.
It turns out that the British club purchased a used mammogram machine, originally produced by this local company, from a hospital in York, and donated it to a teaching hospital in Gambia, a small and somewhat poor country in West Africa. However, the mammography unit needed a couple of parts to make it fully operational. The machine, which was built in 2010, had been declared end of life, so parts were hard to find. The Club in the UK asked if we knew anyone working at the company who could help.
Of all that I have learned this year, I think the two most important takeaways are first, that the world needs Rotary and the things we do more than ever, and second, that none of the jobs we do in Rotary are jobs that we do alone.
Now, I’d like to share with you a story about connections. Early this year, I received an email, out of the blue, from a Rotary club president in the U.K. He was asking for help contacting a local company based in Marlboro. As District Governors, we receive numerous requests for help during our terms – many are outside of our ability to respond, but occasionally a request comes in where you think, “maybe we can help here”. This was one of those.
It turns out that the British club purchased a used mammogram machine, originally produced by this local company, from a hospital in York, and donated it to a teaching hospital in Gambia, a small and somewhat poor country in West Africa. However, the mammography unit needed a couple of parts to make it fully operational. The machine, which was built in 2010, had been declared end of life, so parts were hard to find. The Club in the UK asked if we knew anyone working at the company who could help.
Now this email arrived in my inbox the evening before the Rotary Leadership Institute session that took place this last January. At RLI, I spoke with Mark Vital, past president of the Marlborough club, to ask if any of the members in their club happened to work at the company in question. Mark said yes, he thought that a relatively new member, Lindsay Spada, worked at the company. I forwarded the email I received to Mark, which he then sent on to Lindsay who responded right away. She confirmed what the UK club president had shared – that the specific unit in question was no longer produced, and that obtaining parts could be a challenge. But that didn’t stop her. It took a few months, and Lindsay had to navigate several hurdles, but finally, I received an email that Lindsay had found the parts, and that they were headed to the UK for subsequent transfer to the hospital in Gambia. I’ve since learned that the parts have been delivered and will soon be installed in the mammogram unit that will diagnose and save the lives of women in Gambia.
Making connections - this is the power of Rotary. Talk about People of Action. About Expanding our Reach and Increasing our Impact. This is why the world needs Rotary more than ever before.
You know, in the last week, I read there are now more fake news sites than real news outlets in our media and on the internet. And many people are concerned about the implications of AI, with fears that telling what’s real from what’s not is only going to become more difficult. Wouldn’t it be amazing if everyone lived by our Four Way Test? Isn’t it reassuring that when you speak to a Rotarian, you don’t have to ask, “Is it the truth?”.
The world needs Rotary more than ever before.
Earlier, I mentioned that none of the jobs we do in Rotary are jobs we do alone, and that’s particularly true for the role of District Governor. There are so many people who contribute to the work we do together, and although I can’t possible thank everyone in the limited time we have here, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the amazing help and support I received along the way from some very special Rotarians.
Diana Nesterova, my advisor, for your wise counsel, humor and most of all, your friendship
Jim Fusco – for always being there and for the myriad of things you do behind the scenes to keep D7910 running smoothly
Our entire incoming DG string Joyce, Johnny & Penny – for all your support and friendship, and more importantly, for what you’re about to do
Karin Gaffney – for the wisdom and experience you bring to our team
Victor Tom – for always finding the way to “yes we can”
Now for nearly two years, this team has met every week to provide guidance concerning the issues that come before our district. Thank you all for your dedication.
Karen Fusco - our AG coordinator
John Marchiony and our public image team for making us look great!
Carol Courville – our treasurer, whose amazing attention to detail keeps are books balanced
Heidi Bogner - our District secretary for diligently documenting the proceedings of our meetings
Roy Balfour and Bob Worth for their work on behalf of the Rotary Foundation
Jack Colamaria – for leading our District Conference and just being everywhere we needed him to be
Dick Manelis – for his wise counsel as District Parliamentarian
Sue Peghiny – for leading our Environmental Action Group and spearheading our Climate Action Now project
Richard DeVito for leading our District Charity Fund
Jorge Yarzebski – for all of the time spent to make our Mangrove trip to Guatemala a reality, and for bringing your knowledge and passion to the role of International Service chair
Klaus Hachfeld & Bob Cassidy tor their help with this year’s awards program
Jane Schroeder, Jeannie Reimon & Sandy Burgers for their passionate support of your Youth Exchange Programs
Christine Pinney, along with husband Tom and daughter Katie and their entire team who this weekend will once again bring us the “Best RYLA ever”. RYLA is perhaps the best, and certainly biggest, event we do each year, and it would not be possible without Christine’s passion and dedication.
A special thank you to almost DG Joyce for your kindness, perseverance, and inspiration. I can’t wait to see what next year brings with your leadership
And thank you to all of you – because you are the reason we’re here.
And there’s one more – last, but certainly by no means least. To my beautiful wife Reina without whose love and support this past year would not have been possible. I love you and thank you.
One year ago, I stood before you with anticipation of all that we would accomplish together. I had quite a list. Did we get it all done? Not even close. But we did make progress, and that’s all I can ask. And I know that along the way, we were able to change more than one life through the work we do. We had a wonderful year. If I were to choose just one thing about which I’m most proud, it would be that together we’ve built a world class leadership team that is dedicated to strengthening our clubs, growing Rotary and Creating Hope in the World. As we pass the gavel to Joyce this evening, I have no doubt that she, Johnny and Penny, along with all of the Rotarians who are stepping up to play a part, will continue to bring the Magic of Rotary here to District 7910.
I love you all. Now let’s go make some magic! Thank you.
Yours in Rotary,
District Governor 2023 - 2024