The Rotary Club of Bedford earned the Gold Award for Exemplary Public Image Presence this year. In their entry, they started with goals:
The goals for our club's public image efforts is to
1. Increase awareness of the club activities and initiatives within Bedford and neighboring communities.
2. Enhance the club's reputation as a leading service organization dedicated to community welfare.
3. Recruit new members and volunteers to expand the club's impact and reach.
4. Foster partnerships with local businesses, schools, and nonprofit organizations.

These goals have been our focus for a number of years.
We promote all our activities via our website, social media (Facebook events, and posts, and Instagram posts along with sharing to local groups), our own newsletter, articles and calendar entries in The Bedford Citizen news site, promotion on local cable access station Bedford TV (we sponsor an Interact club there), posting flyers at local venues and more! We regularly update the club's blog with articles, interviews, and photos showcasing our work and members. We use sandwich boards before events and use yard signs to increase visibility around town. We do this by emphasizing Rotary's commitment to service above self. We highlight specific projects and initiatives undertaken by the Rotary Club of Bedford, and showcase the impact of Rotary's work on the local community. All while communicating the club's values of integrity, diversity, and inclusivity.

The Bedford team also excelled at creating promotional materials and plans, and executed excellently. "The promotional materials we used at this event (Winter Community Breakfast) were flyers, yard signs, online news website articles, graphics at the event, a coloring book distributed to attendees. We created a special page on our website to showcase all things related to the event."