The Rotary Club of Newton's efforts to feed needy families, which help to keep restaurant workers employed, have attracted lots of local media coverage.
The Newton club's three food-assistance projects are:
- Nourishing Newton - a joint effort with local food pantries and restaurants that is directed by the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber of Commerce.
- Newton Food Pantry's Newton Community Freedge.
- The Boston Globe's Project Takeout.

Click here, to read The BC Heights story, "Newton Project Takeout And Nourishing Newton Support The Community." (Photo: Bruce Wilson)
Click here, to watch the Channel 25 story, "Food pantries team up with local restaurants to feed families and keep workers employed."

For more information, contact Sue Peghiny, past president of the Rotary Club of Newton, at suef0503@gmail.com
For comments, questions or technical issues, contact us at rotaryd7910@gmail.com.