Rotary International and especially our Zone in the U.S. have been doing a great deal of research to understand the key success factors for all clubs. They have canvassed thousands of clubs, and those that are flourishing share several key factors.

1. They have a named Membership Chair who focuses on growing and energizing the club.  (Click "Read more.") 

2. They have a Succession Plan. (Click "Read more.") 

Please work with others in your club to make sure you have these two key roles filled and named in ClubRunner no later than December 1.

Questions? Contact Joyce Graff,
1. They have a named Membership Chair who focuses on growing and energizing the club. The name of this person is registered in ClubRunner. Why? So that we know who this person is, and how to reach them with all the exciting new information coming out for Membership chairs. They are not alone -- we are ready and willing to assist!

2. They have a Succession Plan. Our Presidents serve for one year, but the Club persists both before and after that year. Every club needs to plan for at least a three-year period. The president, the immediate past president, and the president-elect should all be in communication with one another, work their shared goals, write them down, and have a plan that reaches beyond the current year. That continuity creates stability and consistency within the club, and helps the club evolve together toward a shared vision of the future.

Please work with others in your club to make sure you have these two key roles filled and named in ClubRunner no later than December 1.

Questions? Contact Joyce Graff,