Governor's Message: Leadership Meeting a big success
By Pat and Skip Doyle
A highlight of last week for us was the annual Leadership Meeting. Participants were able to bring forward many very innovative and useful ideas using a facilitated format. These will be shared with all of you as we put them in spreadsheet form.
We would like to share a few of them now:
  • RYLA students attend meetings with their parents.
  • Invite these parents to another club meeting.
  • Invite parents to participate in a club project
  • Get e-mail addresses and send them the club newsletter.
  • The same can be said for Interact and ESSEX students.
We guess you can get the picture. There are ways to leverage your youth contacts to get new members. READ MORE
Click here to download or print the July 25 issue, in PDF format.
Click here to submit content for the August 1 issue.
Click here for past issues.

Welcome, New Rotarians!
Please join us in welcoming these new members at Rotary clubs in District 7910 (alphabetical order, by last name):
  • Daniel Brunelle, Worcester
  • Kimberly Goulette, Worcester
  • Fida Hasan, Shrewsbury
  • Kelli Robbins, Sturbridge
  • Kelly Stimson, Worcester

District & Club Rounds
District Leadership Meeting is a huge success
District Governors Pat and Skip Doyle held their Leadership Meeting last Tuesday at the DoubleTree Hotel in Leominster. This is an annual event for which DGs bring their District leaders and committee chairs together to review the goals for the new Rotary year.
This, year the event was presented in a facilitated format. The results will be consolidated and sent to all attendees so that the District Goals for each committee can be set.
Shown, left to right: Scribe Karen Fusco, District Governor Pat Doyle, and Scribe Christine Pinney
Shown, left to right: Bob Cassidy and Ed King

Pat and Skip Doyle Installed as 2016-2017 District Governors
Click here to view video

 Youth Exchange: Ayer Sponsors Student
Sixteen-year-old Julia "Jules" Cashman (shown) is very excited. She's heading to Spain for her senior year in high school, thanks to Ayer Rotary's support. The club is sponsoring Jules as part of the Youth Exchange Program.

The Youth Exchange Program is the opportunity of a lifetime for more than 8,000 students who participate each year. By sharing their own culture, and embracing a new one, students help foster global understanding.

Brun Mazie: ESSEX student from Acton-Boxborough

Sierra Diewaly: RYLA Stdent from Ayer
Sierra Diewalt (second from left) was chosen by Ayer Rotary to attend the recent Rotary Youth Leadership Awards annual conference at Fitchburg State University. Sierra is a home-schooled high school Sophomore from

DGE Karin Gaffney kicks off training for Class of '17-'18 presidents
District Governor-Elect Karin Gaffney said she was going to do things a little differently for her presidents for her 2017-2018 Rotary year. And this, she has done. She held a July 16 BBQ at Bob Anthony’s house  in Wellesley for the Presidents-Elect so they could get to know their classmates. This is just one of several events for the PEs that she will hold leading up to their Pre-Presidents Elect Training Session that will be held next February.
Shown, left to right: PE Bob Anthony (Wellesley); PE Susan Peghiny(Newton); PE Stephen Rathmill (Framingham); PE Alicia Yeh (Westwood); PE Mary Garcia (Nashoba Valley); PE Karen Rivero(Acton-Boxborough); and PE Ron Fraser (Worcester). 
Also present bu not shown: Assistant Governor John Sbrogna, District Governor-Nominee Steven Sager, President Frank Jelinch (Shrewsbury), and President Steve Kirk (Concord).

Jim Fusco presented with District Governor's Chair
It is a tradition in District 7910 that the outgoing District Governor is presented with a Rotary Rocking Chair (shown, left) as thanks for his or her service. This tradition held true as the district governor string - shown, standing, left to right: District Governors Pat and Skip Doyle, District Governor-Elect Karin Gaffney and District Governor-Nominee Steve Sager presented Immediate Past District Governor Jim Fusco with his chair at the Leadership Meeting on July 19 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Leominster. Jim said he will "use it wisely!"                                                                                                                                       

Auburn Rotary: Jen and Jim Reil inducted as newest members
Shown, left to right: Immediate Past District Governor Jim Fusco; Jen and Jim Riel, Auburn's two newest members; Auburn Immediate Past President Marcia Davis; and, new Auburn Secretary Heather Chivalatti.
For photos of the entire July 13 event, click here

Westborough Rotary: Jack Forman inducted as newest member
Shown, left to right: Sue Abladian; District Governor-Nominee Steve SagerJack Forman; and Bill Bloom.

Al Bowers Is new chair Of District Charity Fund
The District Charity Fund held a meeting on July 14 and one order of business was to select a new chair: Al Bowers of Athol-Orange Rotary. 
Congratulations, Al!
To read the Bylaws of the District Charity Fund, click here

RI Spouse/Partner Of Year Award presented to Auburn's Les Davis
Immediate Past District Governor Jim Fusco (left) presented Les Davis(right), spouse of Auburn Immediate Past President Marcia Davis(middle), with a Rotary International Spouse/Partner Award. This award recognizes service by a non-Rotarian spouse or partner of a Rotarian. Only 150 of these awards are presented each year throughout world. Congratulations to Les!
For photos of the entire July 13 event, click here.

30 Rotarians, Rotaractors attend Multi-District Wine Fellowship Event

District 7910 and 7930’Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship sponsored a Wine-Dinner on Monday, July 18 at La Morra Bicari Ristorante in Brookline Village. Thirty Rotarians and Rotaractors enjoy a delicious four-course meal with a total of four wine pairings(Rotaractors under the legal drinking age were not served wine.) 
This was an open event, including both members and non-members of the D7910/7930 Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship. We encouraged them to bring family, friends and co-workers who may be future Rotarians. Planning is already underway for our next wine-dinner event, to be held sometime in October at a yet-to-be-chosen outdoor location.
A big, hearty thank-you to our new international Rotary friends, Burak Berk Douluay (far left) of Cyprus and Hicham Teghlaoui (far right) of The Netherlands, for joining us at the wine-dinner event. They are shown posing with District 7930 Rotaract Representative Mallory McCoy (second from left) Boston Rotaract President Amy Collinsworth (second from right).
In between courses, the more than two dozen Rotarians in attendance had an enlightening and energizing conversation with those Rotaractors, facilitated by Sturbridge Rotarian and Past District Governor Carl Kaliszewski (facing camera, second from right), who shared about their own commitments to "service above self."
Following the wine-dinner event, Amy Collinsworth wrote to say that she is "looking forward to the continued conversation between Rotarians and Rotaractors in our districts. It was really wonderful to both feel and hear the support we have from everyone."
To view additional photos of the July 18 wine-dinner event, click here.
For more information, contact Carl Gomes of the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley at or 508-450-3374, or Steve Jones-D’Agostino of the Rotary Club of Auburn at or 508-930-8675. If you would like a short Fellowship presentation at your club meeting, please contact Carl or Steve.
To learn more about Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowships visit

District banners available
Our district banners are available for your to use when you have an upcoming event or fundraiser. 
If you want to reserve one of the banners, please contact PR Chair Laura Spear at

On to Atlanta in 2017
Planning to attend? Contact District Chair Steve Glines.
More than 43,000 attendees left the Rotary International Convention in South Korea inspired to end polio for good, to celebrate The Rotary Foundation's centennial, and to champion changes that will help Rotary appeal to a broader audience.
On the last day, RI President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran (right) shared a personal story of his mother’s triumph over polio. 
To read the story, click here.
To register for the 2017 RI Convention in Atlanta, click here

'16-'17 District Directory: Update your information - Here's how to do it
We want all of the information in the 2016-2017 District Directory to be up-to-date and as accurate as possible - so we need you to check your Member Profile on ClubRunner to ensure that all information is complete and accurate. (All members have access.)
We still need your help to ensure your club's membership information in the Directory Yellow Pages is complete and accurate.
How to do it for Members:
  1. Log into Club Runner at
  2. Go to “Administration”
  3. Go to “For Members”
  4. Click on “Edit My Profile” (Insert of headshot photo is possible)
  5. Assure that all Club Positions are filled in for the 2017-2018 Rotary Year. (Presidents-Elect, Secretaries and Executive Secretaries have access.)
How to do it for Executives and Directors:
  1. Log into Club Runner at
  2. Go to “Administration”
  3. Go to “District, Clubs & Membership”
  4. Click on “Edit Executives & Directors”
  5. Click on the “2016-2017” tab
  6. Click “Edit” for each position and use the drop down menu to select the member
Important: Do not change the “Sequence” or “Title” for any position.
Note: If your club has a position that does not show, click “Add New Position.”

Save The Dates: Rotary Golf Tournaments In Our District
Wednesday, August 3: Brookfields Rotary - 2nd Annual Memorial Golf Tournament honoring passed Rotarians, Quail Hollow Country Club, Oakham (see story, below)
Tuesday, August 16: District 7910 Golf League - Framingham Country Club, Framingham
Click here for event flyer, in  PDF format
Monday, August 22: Concord Rotary - 28th Annual Golf Tournament, Concord Country Club, Concord (see story, below)  <Click here>
Monday, August 29: Sturbridge Rotary - Golf Tournament, Cohasse Country Club, Concord <Click here>
Friday September 16: District 7910 Golf League - Monoosnock Country Club, Leominster
Click here for event flyer, in  PDF format
Monday, September 19: Wachusett Area Rotary - 24th Annual Golf Tournament, Oak Hill Country Club, Fitchburg
Click here for Save The Date flyer, in PDF format Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities flyer, in PDF format
Tournament Details:
Brookfields Rotary 2nd Annual Memorial Golf Tournament
The Rotary Club of the Brookfields will host the 2nd Annual Memorial Golf Tournament honoring its Rotarians who have passed away, on Wednesday, August 3, at Quail Hollow Country Club in Oakham. Shotgun start: 9:00 a.m. Cost: $320 per foursome, which includes 18 holes of golf with cart, chicken BBQ dinner, raffles and prizes. For more information, contact Judy at 413-436-5358.
Concord Rotary 28th Annul Golf Tournament
The Rotary Club of Concord will host the 28th annual Thomas R. Huckins Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, August 22 at the Concord Country Club to benefit the Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle and Rotary charitable projects.
The shotgun start is at 1 p.m., preceded by registration and lunch from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cocktails and dinner will be at 6:30 p.m.
To sign up as a sponsor and/or golfer at Make checks payable to "Concord Rotary Charitable Endowment Inc." and mail in care of Maurer, P.O. Box 354, Concord, MA 01742.

Framingham Rotary promotes Concerts On The Green


On Friday nights this summer, Concerts on the Green, organized by the Framingham Parks & Services Department, are taking place on the green on Edgell Road near Route 9. This year, the Rotary Club of Framingham is one of the financial sponsors of the family-friendly concert series, and has its usual information booth at each concert as well. Concerts are free and open to the public.

Nashoba Valley, Acton-Boxborough And Maynard Rotary's 'Wings & Wheels' Is Here: Every Thursday Evening

If it’s summer in Stow, it must be Wings & Wheels season! In cooperation with EAA #196, Friends of Minute Man Air Field, and Nancy’s at the Airfield Café, the Rotary clubs of Acton-Boxborough, Nashoba Valley and Maynard are holding their fourth annual Wings & Wheels program every Thursday evening through August 25.

Major District & Club Happenings: Summer & Fall
Through August 25: Nashoba Valley Rotary - 'Wings & Wheels'
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format

Through September: District 7910 - 'Golf Fellowship'
Next Outing: Wednesday, August 3, Quail Hollow Country Club, Oakham 
Click here for events flyer, in PDF format

Monday August 8: Framingham Rotary - 'The Golden Gates'
The Golden Gates will be the feature presentation at Framingham Rotary's regular meeting on August 8 at 12:15 p.m. at Ken's Steakhouse in Framingham.

The Golden Gates offers audiences an entertaining and authentic glimpse into Old Russia through music, song, and dance. The repertoire is centered on masterpieces of Russian folklore and represents the diversity of the culture, ranging from gently humorous songs, to elaborate lyrical suites, to pulsating dance numbers.


Saturday, August 13, Southbridge Rotary - 'Fireworks'
To read club newsletter, click here

Sunday August 14: Westborough Rotary - 'Triathlon'
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format
Click here for event article, in Word format

Monday, September 19: Shrewsbury Rotary - 'Amanda Graves: On being a polio survivor'
Don't miss the presentation. Amanda (shown) is the newest member of the District 79010 Polio Team, chaired by Carl Good III. READ MORE

Monday, September 19: Wachusett Area Rotary  - '24th Annual Golf Tournament'
Click here for save-the-date flyer, in PDF format
Click here for sponsorship opportunities, in PDF format

Sunday, September 28 - Northborough - 'Applefest Street Fair'

Submit Major Club Happenings
Send flyers of your club's major events and activities, in either JPEG or PDF format, to Jim Fusco at

Upcoming Events
You may submit event information per the District 7910 Promotional GuidelinesIf your club does not use ClubRunner, please send your event information to Rotary District 7910 Newsletter. And make sure to add to your club's distribution list.
Click here, for PDF version of July 25 issue of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter

District Events: July 25-August 18
Today: Monday, July 25
Holiday Inn. Boxborough

Tuesday, July 26
Holiday Inn, Boxborough

Friday, July 29
7:30–8:45 a.m.

Monday, August 1 
12:15-1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 2
8:00-9:15 a.m.

Tuesday, August 2
12:15-1:30 p.m. 
Wednesday, August 3
12:15-1:30 p.m.
Wednesday August 3 
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough
Thursday, August 4 
7:15-8:30 a.m.
Monday, August 8

6:30-8:30 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn, Marlborough

Tuesday, August 9 

12:15–1:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 10 
7:15–8:30 a.m.

Wednesday, August 10 
5:30–7:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 11 
12:15 –1:30 p.m.

Thursday, August 11 
6:00–7:15 p.m.

Monday, August 15
12:15–1:30 p.m.

Tuesday, August 16
12:30–5:30 p.m.
Framingham Country Club, Framingham

Tuesday, August 16 
6:30–8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, August 17 
7:15–8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 17 
12:15–1:30 p.m.

Thursday, August 18 
7:15–8:30 a.m.

Thursday, August 18 
12:15–1:30 p.m

RI Spotlight
Dean Rohrs: '16-'17 RI Director for Zones 24 & 32
District 7910 is one of 20 Districts in Zone 32 and Dean Rohrs is the RI Director for Zones 24 & 32. We want you to be aware that she publishes a newsletter each month titled "Beyond Borders" To read her latest newsletter, click here

Meet The '16-'17 RI President: John Germ
From the July 2016 issue of The Rotarian
Just before John Germ dropped by, Rick Youngblood took a deep breath. “You want to match his energy,” he says, “but he makes it hard to keep up.” Youngblood is the president and CEO of Blood Assurance, a regional blood bank in Chattanooga, Tennessee that Germ helped found in 1972.

Team RAAM Raises $300,000 For Polio Eradication
The Team Rotary RAAMs  Polio are extremely grateful and thanks to everyone for your support of our Race Across America effort.  We were successful in completing 2016 RAAM in seven days, one hour and 16 minutes (169 hours and 16 minutes). 

However, we are most honored that were able to raise $300,000 to fund the eradication of polio. Thank you!

What You Don't Know About The Campaign To End Polio
When was the last time there was polio in Europe? If you guessed 2002, the year the region was certified polio-free, you were wrong. The last time polio affected a child in Europe was last summer. In 2015, two Ukrainian children were diagnosed with paralytic polio. Given the way the disease manifests itself, that means many more were likely infected and didn’t show symptoms. At least one Western news outlet deemed the outbreak “crazy” – but the reality is that no place on Earth is safe from polio until the disease is eradicated everywhere.

What Millennials Love About Rotary
Millennials, an ethnically diverse, fiercely independent generation of digital natives, are doing more than just snapping selfies—they’re looking for a way to make a difference in their communities. For Rotary, the Millennial era could mean an influx of young, energetic members. READ MORE

Get Ready For Your District Rotary Foundation Seminar With 'Centennial Promotional Kit' 


The Rotary Foundation is celebrating its 100th year of Doing Good in the World. Take the opportunity to strengthen your district and clubs during your district Rotary Foundation seminar by using resources from

Go to the Promotional resources tab to download the following Centennial Promotional Kit materials:

  • Ideas and activities for clubs
  • Doing Good in the World promotional flier
  • Doing Good in the World bookmark
  • Sample press release
  • Centennial letterhead
  • Centennial PowerPoint template
  • History of the Rotary Foundation PowerPoint
  • Centennial postcard

Let others know about these materials they can use to promote the Foundation in their clubs and communities. 

New Tools For Membership Tool Belt
Looking to enhance your club membership experience? Do you want to find opportunities for growth in your club? Club and district leaders now have a set of updated Membership Assessment Tools (formerly Club Assessment Tools) to help them strengthen club membership and add value to your club membership experience, so that more people will join and fewer members will leave.
For your convenience, you can download the entire publication, or just the individual assessments that are most relevant to your club.
The individual assessments, which walk users through evaluation and development of an action plan, include:
  1. Representing Your Community’s Professions: A Classification Assessment READ MORE

A How-To Membership Leads Video







Click here for a new video that helps district and club leaders make the most of the recently enhanced Membership Leads resource. It shows how to track a prospective member from the initial membership-leads submission all the way to connection with a local club. It also outlines the role of club and district leaders in the redesigned process, highlighting how their participation will help strengthen membership, and features the new Rotary resources available to support them. Join the conversation in the Membership Best Practices discussion group to tell us how you’re using the new Membership Leads resource to grow and diversify membership.


RI Membership Resource Guide

To download in PDF format, click here

RI Makes Changes in 'Brand Center' Online Tool

We hope that you've found Rotary International’s Brand Center a useful tool to create customized logos and brochures - and to tell Rotary's story in a consistent and engaging way.


Rotary Global Rewards: Sign Up Today!
Click here for more information
Click here to e-mail District Chair Judy Merrimam
Have you tried Rotary Global Rewards — Rotary International’s new member-benefit program that offers discounts on travel, hotels, dining, entertainment and more? Rotary Global Rewards will make your Rotary membership even more rewarding.

2016-2017 Rotary Theme: 'Rotary Serving Humanity'
To download the image in JPEG format, click here.

Check Out Rotary Voices Blog
Check out Rotary Voices, the official blog of Rotary International. This blog features stories by and about Rotary members, Rotary program alumni, and the people we partner and work with.

Committee Reports
PolioPlus Update: Are you a polio survivor? Have you been on an NID?
By Carl Good III
I want to let you know that the District Polio Committee has been growing and we have now added Phil Sandler of Brookline Rotary and Author Amanda Graves (shown, below) as members. It is our intention to visit & educate all clubs on Polio as we are approaching the goal line. READ MORE

Foundation Note: Using and teaching ClubRunner Grants Module
By Sanjay Deshpande
The Grants Subcommittee members have learned the ClubRunner Grants Module. They are increasing their proficiency in using it and teaching it to the trained Rotarians from the 31 clubs that submitted District Grant proposals in March and have since qualified for grants participation.
District Grant Subcommittee Chair Jorge Yarzebski distributed the workload of entering the grant requests (proposals) into the ClubRunner Grants Module and the subsequent effort of sponsoring club contacts for entering the applications among the subcommittee members. The assignments are as follows: READ MORE

Membership Corner: Are we volunteers – or are we Rotarians?  What’s the difference?
By Tom Sturiale
Often we are asked, “What is Rotary?” A quick response is, “We are a service club.” Our motto is “Service Above Self!” followed by “We are a volunteer organization.” I suppose those responses are better than nothing. But do they suffice, and do they really capture the essence of Rotary?  When faced with difficult questions, I tend to revert back to fundamentals.  READ MORE

PR Tips: Get visual
By Laura Spear
Visual content engages the public and media outlets. According to a recent survey, 80 percent of North American journalists believe photos, infographics, and videos are key ingredients of effective content. Submit photos to your local newspapers, post videos and pictures on Facebook, share visual images from Rotary International, District 7910, and other Rotary clubs.
To learn more about PR for your club, click on the "Public Relations" section of the navigation bar of District 7910 website.
Laura Spear, chair of District 7910's Public Image Committee, may be reached at

Communications Link: Submit photo/video albums for District website and Facebook page
By Steve Jones-D'Agostino
Does your District committee or Club have Rotary-related photo and/or video albums that you'd like to share with other Rotarians? If so, post the album's link on the District's Facebook page. We'd then review your album for posting on either the District's Google Photos page or the District's YouTube page, with links on the District's Home page.
To view photos the District's Google Photos page, click here.
To "like" and post on the District's Facebook page, click here.
To watch videos the District's YouTube page, click here.
Your District committee's or Club's photo and/or video albums can reside on any platform - Facebook Photos, Google Photos, Flickr, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Just please make sure the albums you'd like to share are set for either "public" viewing by anyone or "limited" viewing by those with the album's link.
For more information, contact District 7910 Webmaster Steve Jones-D'Agostino at

Bandey-Hefler Prepares For Trip To England: The Plane Leaves in Just 56 Days!
By Victor Tom
Our travelers are anxiously awaiting their two-week trip to England that begins on September 19. Last week, a Travelers Meeting was held at the home of Bedford Rotarian Patsy Lloyd.
The Bandey-Hefler Fellowship Exchange chairpersons on both sides of the Atlantic are hard at work planning the District 7910 group’s return trip to England. Geoff Philpot and Hugh Barnard, in England, are making presentations and recruiting hosts. Patsy Lloyd and I, in Central Mass., are making the travelers list and getting information on flights to Heathrow in London.
The travel dates for the trip to England are:
  • Monday, September 19:Flight to Heathrow in London
  • Tuesday, October 4: Flight back to Logan in Boston
Click here to view photo highlights of the 2015 Rotary Bandey-Hefler Fellowship Exchange between District 7910 and Districts 1110 and 1145 in England.
Victor Tom, co-chair of District 7910's Bandey-Hefler Fellowship Exchange, may be reached at

Submit Content
To submit content for consideration for the Monday, August 1 issue of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter, please e-mail it to Past District Governor and Newsletter Editor Jim Fusco at
The submission deadline for that issue is Friday, July 29. All text must be in Word format. All images must be in either JPEG or PDF format. Please identify the people, left to right, who are shown in your photos, including their first and last name as well as their club or other title.

Past Issues
To view past issues of the weekly Rotary District 7910 Newsletterclick here

Explore Us Online
Visit our website

"Like" and "share" us on Facebook

Watch our videos on YouTube

Explore our Interact clubs


Explore our Rotaract clubs

Click here, for PDF version of the July 25 issue

Submit Events
You may submit event information per the District 7910 Promotional GuidelinesIf your club does not use ClubRunner, please send your event information to Rotary District 7910 Newsletter. And make sure to add to your club's distribution list.

Contact Us
© Copyright 2016-2017
Rotary District 7910, Central Massachusetts, USA
Immediate Past District Governor and Newsletter Editor Jim Fusco
District Webmaster Steve Jones-D'Agostino