District Positions: Trustees Of The District Funds
By Jim Fusco
The Trustees of the District Funds is the board that oversees the finances of the District. The Board of Trustees meets four times per year.
In accordance with District Resolutions Article VII, the Board consists of the following: the two most recent past district governors (Val Callahan and Doug Detweiler), with the senior PDG (Doug Detweiler) as chairperson; the current district governor (Jim Fusco); the district governors elect (Pat and Skip Doyle, with only one vote between them); the district governor nominee (Karin Gaffney); the district governor nominee designate (Steve Sager); the district treasurer (Lee Oullette); and six elected trustees of the District Funds.
The elected positions are staggered and each trustee serves a three-year term with two trustees being selected by the District Nominating Committee each year to fill the two expired terms. The current trustees are: Michael Thorton (2013-2016); David Frazier (expires 2016; appointed by District Governor Jim Fusco on December 14, 2105 to fill the vacancy created by Steve Sager becoming district governor nominee designate); Ed King and Allen Bell (2014-2017); and  Marcia Davis and Pam Anastasi (2015-2018) . The two incoming trustees are David Frazier and Paul Gauvin, with their terms commencing on July 1, 2106 and expiring on June 30, 2109.  The district secretary (Michelle Gasbarro) shall attend and keep records of all meetings but shall have no vote.
The six elected trustees of the District Funds must be past presidents of a Rotary club and shall serve a term of three years. Two new trustees shall be nominated and elected each year. A trustee who has served two consecutive three-year terms may not serve as a trustee, an advisor to the trustees, or on a committee of the Board of Trustees for one year before being eligible for re-nomination and/or re-election to another term as trustee. A trustee who has been appointed to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees shall not be precluded from election to the board.
The Board of Trustees shall have full authority to manage the affairs of the District Funds. The responsibility of managing District Funds includes the supervision of the investments of District Funds. The Board of Trustees shall receive and review all requests for disbursements from the various funds. Their review shall include a determination of the propriety of such a request and to ascertain that the request satisfies the purpose of the fund being addressed. All disbursements require a majority vote of those attending a duly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees at which a quorum is present.
Meetings of the Board of Trustees of the District Funds shall be called by the chairperson as required, but no fewer than four times per year. No payment shall be made to members of the Board of Trustees for meals or travel expenses.
Jim Fusco, 2015-2016 governor of District 7910, may be reached at jim.fusco2@gmail.com.