District Positions - December 7, 2015
District Positions: Nominating Committee
By Jim Fusco
I believe that it is very important that our members understand the functions and responsibilities of our District 7910 positions and committees. To do so, I will be covering one committee or position each week. This week, I will look at the Nominating Committee.
By now, you should know that the District Nominating Committee has met and selected some of our future district leaders. I want to explain how this process, which is defined in our District Resolutions (click here), works. The District Resolutions can also be found in the 2015-2016 District Directory (click here).
The District Nominating Committee is comprised of  10 members: the six most recent, active, and registered Past District Governors (PDG); the current District Governor (DG); the District Governor-Elect (DGE); the District Governor Nominee (DGN); and, if confirmed, the District Governor Nominee-Designate (DGND). The most senior of these, in terms of position, shall be the Chairperson. This year’s committee consists of Chair/PDG Carol Toomey, PDG Mike Ellis, PDG Tom Polito, PDG Rich Dietz, PDG Doug Detweiler, PDG Val Callahan, DG Jim FuscoDGEs Pat and Skip Doyle and DGN Karin Gaffney.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting the DGND, District Treasurer (three-year term), Trustees of the District Funds (three-year terms), Trustees of the District Charity Fund (three-year terms), Sergeant at Arms (three-year term) and District Archivist (three-year term). On November 17, the Nominating Committee conducted live interviews for the open positions and made the following selections: Steven Sager of the Rotary Club of Westborough for the position of District Governor for Rotary Year 2018-2019; David Frazier of the Rotary Club of Worcester, Trustee of the District Funds for '16-'19; Paul Gauvin of the Rotary Club of Fitchburg, Trustee of the District Funds, '16-'19; and Cheryl Rosen of the Rotary Club of Hudson, District Archivist for '16-'19.
These five positions still need to be filled: one Trustee of District Funds; two Trustees of District Charity Fund; one District Treasurer; and one Sergeant at Arms. The Nominating Committee will be seeking applicants for these positions in January, at which time a request for nominations will be sent to each club.
If you want to know more details of the Nominating Committee, I recommend that you either read Article II of the District Resolutions or contact me at jim.fusco2@gmail.com.
Jim Fusco is the 2015-2016 governor of District 7910.