Photo: The Rotary Foundation offers a lifeline to Ugandan mothers and babies
There is a list of projects initiated by District 7910 at https://bit.ly/grants-seeking-partners
In addition, there is a new Project of Scale opening in Uganda which is looking for support. Every year The Rotary Foundation makes a grant of more than $2 Million to one project which is going well and is ready to scale up.
In Uganda, the leading cause of death is newborn mortality. 1 out of 50 dies in their first month of life, and 1 in 60 of Ugandan women dies during pregnancy. This Project strives to:
- Support over a 1,000,000 mothers and newborns with healthy deliveries
- Train 1,000 midwives and nurses
- Reduce maternal, newborn and infant mortality
So far, 80 local clubs, 40 international Clubs and 10 Districts are participating. International clubs' contributions range from US$2,000 to US$20,000 while Districts contributions range from US$10,000 to US$30,000.
If your club can pledge support for this project, please submit a letter of support using this model letter. Letters are due January 8. The funds are not due until June, once TRF has given its final approval to this Project of Scale.
In addition, there is a new Project of Scale opening in Uganda which is looking for support. Every year The Rotary Foundation makes a grant of more than $2 Million to one project which is going well and is ready to scale up.
In Uganda, the leading cause of death is newborn mortality. 1 out of 50 dies in their first month of life, and 1 in 60 of Ugandan women dies during pregnancy. This Project strives to:
- Support over a 1,000,000 mothers and newborns with healthy deliveries
- Train 1,000 midwives and nurses
- Reduce maternal, newborn and infant mortality
So far, 80 local clubs, 40 international Clubs and 10 Districts are participating. International clubs' contributions range from US$2,000 to US$20,000 while Districts contributions range from US$10,000 to US$30,000.
If your club can pledge support for this project, please submit a letter of support using this model letter. Letters are due January 8. The funds are not due until June, once TRF has given its final approval to this Project of Scale.