On Thursday 11/21, there will be 7-8pm ZOOM Forum on Rotary's responding to current polio risks in the Middle East. Mike McGovern, RI Chair of the International PolioPlus Committee will be the speaker.
FREE and OPEN TO ALL ROTARIANS AND THE PUBLIC by registering at brooklinerotary.org/event/rotary-7pm-zoom-forum/
The Forum is sponsored by Brookline Rotary and co-sponsored by Needham, Cambridge and Parkway Rotary Clubs.
FREE and OPEN TO ALL ROTARIANS AND THE PUBLIC by registering at brooklinerotary.org/event/rotary-7pm-zoom-forum/
The Forum is sponsored by Brookline Rotary and co-sponsored by Needham, Cambridge and Parkway Rotary Clubs.
Again, this Forum is free and open to all Rotarians and the public. Register asap at brooklinerotary.org/event/rotary-7pm-zoom-forum/ and the Zoom link for the 7 to 8 pm Forum will be sent to you. Past Brookline Rotary President Richard Segan is the contact person for questions.