What Is The Mission Of RLI? - January 2, 2017
What Is The Mission of Rotary Leadership Institute?
By Doug Detweiler
"No ray of sunshine is ever lost, but the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest." - Albert Schweitzer
Those attending the three course days for their full duration will receive recognition of completion. Course methods will reflect the most innovative and participatory methods possible. Methods will include discussion groups, role-playing, problem solving workshops, group planning exercises, etc. Lectures are limited.
What are the courses?

The Institute offers a leadership-development program in three full-day sessions (Parts I, II and III), plus a Graduate course for those who have completed all three of the previous Parts. The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and to develop leadership skills for voluntary organizations. Some examples of course sessions include:
- A Look Outside the Club
- Membership Orientation and Activation
- Introduction to Leadership
- Creating Service Projects
- Problem Solving Workshops
- Vocational Service
- Effective Committees
- Membership Development
- The Rotary Foundation
- Analyzing a Rotary Club
- The Object of Rotary
- The District
- International Service
- Problems of Leadership
- Creative Service
- Written Communications
- Motivating Rotarians and Effecting Change
What are the courses? Click here.
For the complete RLI Northeast America schedule, click here.
Past District Governor Doug Detweiler, chair of the District Rotary Leadership Institute Committee, may be reached at rotary@detweiler.org.