Rotary Means Business - December 12, 2016
Rotary Means Business Holds First Event in Our District
By Ron Bott

On December 7, our district's new business-networking fellowship, Rotary Means Business, was launched. More than 30 Rotarians and guests met at the Sheraton Hotel in Framinhgam.
Rotary Means Business was founded in 2013 as an official Rotary International Fellowship. RMB provides Rotarians with business networking events to meet and socialize with other Rotarians in business. It encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.
Clockwise, starting at top, are: an unidentified guest; Ron Facenda of Newton Rotary; Gerry Gross of Westborough Rotary; Tony Gallo of Milford Rotary; Peggy Thorsen of Marlborough Rotary; Nancy Gilroy of Bedford Rotary; Cheryl Rosen of Hudson Rotary; and District Governor-Nominee Steve Sager of Westborough Rotary.
For more information, contact me as chair of the District Rotary Means Business Committee at 978-423-0564 or