Rotary District 7910 Newsletter - October 26, 2015

You may submit event information per the District 7910 Promotional Guidelines. If your club does not use ClubRunner, please send your event information to Rotary District 7910 Newsletter. And make sure to add to you club's distribution list.
2016 District Conference
by All Participating District 7910 Rotary Clubs
Saturday, November 14, 1-4 p.m.
Solomon Pond Mall, Marlborough/Berlin line
Invite all of your Rotary, Rotaract & Interact friends to our Facebook Event page
For more information, contact Steve Sager
To register, click here

Save The Dates!
May 20, 21 and 22, 2016
Radisson Hotel Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth
Next Session in/near District 7910: Saturday, October 31, Holiday Inn, Boxborough
RLI stands for Rotary Leadership Institute, a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions in various parts of the world. RLI is not an official program of Rotary International and is not under its control. RLI seeks to have Rotary Clubs in its member districts identify those Rotarians who appear to have the potential for future club leadership (not necessarily as club presidents) and provide those so identified with a quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills so important in voluntary organizations.
Registration for October 31 in Boxborough
Foundation Forum & Dinner
Interact Training

By District 7910 Foundation Committee
Wednesday, November 4
For more information, click here

By District 7910 Interact Committee
Monday, November 16
For more information or to register, click here
Club Visits
Visits By
District Governor
Jim Fusco
All my visits have now been completed. What a great experience.
If you have any special events you would like me to attend or any inductions/presentations you want me to make, just let me know.
For complete list of District/Club Events, click here
If your event does not show on that list, let me know.
DG Jim
District Events
Monday, October 26-Monday, November 9
Monday, October 26
6:30-9:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough
Tuesday, October 27
6:30-9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 28
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 29
6:00-9:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough
Thursday, October 29
7:00–9:00 p.m.
Wellesley Middle School, Wellesley
Saturday, October 31
7:30– 3:30 p.m.Holiday Inn, Boxborough -
Monday, November 2
6:30-9:00 p.m.
DoubleTree Hotel, Leominster
Foundation DinnerWednesday, November 46:00-9:00 p.m.Holiday Inn, BoxboroughThursday, November 5
6:30–8:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 7
7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.Chicopee
Saturday, November 78:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.United Nations, New York City -
To submit content for consideration for the Monday, November 2 issue of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter, please e-mail it Jim Fusco at
The submission deadline is Friday, October 30. Text must be in Word format. Images must be in either JPEG or PDF format

A Perfect Venue To Promote Polio Awareness
By Jim Fusco
I want to thank all the clubs that have participated in Purple Pinkie Day. I am still encouraging those clubs that have not yet participated to do so before October is over. Many communities are having Halloween Parades on Saturday, October 31, and this is a perfect venue to promote polio awareness through a Purple Pinkie Day effort. Read more
Click here for minutes of Conference Committee's October 2015 meeting (Rotary member login required)

This was an open event, including both members and non-members of the D7910 Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship, which
encouraged Rotarians to bring family, friends and co-workers who may be future Rotarians.

To learn more about Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowships, click here. For more information about membership in our district's Fellowship, contact either Carl Gomes of the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley at or 508-450-3374 or Steve Jones-D'Agostino of the Rotary Club of Auburn at or 508-930-8675.
Duxbury Rotarian Razia Jan Named One Of RI's 'Global Women Of Action'

Razia is a native of Afghanistan who moved in 1970 to the U.S. She has worked for many years to forge connections between Afghans and Americans. She began by rallying her adopted New England community to send more than 400 homemade blankets to rescue workers at Ground Zero after September 11, 2001. Her efforts expanded to include sending care packages to U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Through her involvement in the military’s Operation Shoe Fly, she coordinated the delivery of more than 30,000 pairs of shoes to needy Afghan children.
In 2008, Razia decided to give up her comfortable life in Duxbury and return to Afghanistan, where she founded a school serving seven villages in which females had not been educated. Today, her school, the Zabuli Education Center, educates more than 480 girls. Her nonprofit foundation, Razia's Ray of Hope, has just broken ground on the first-ever college for women in rural Afghanistan, which is sited next to the Zabuli Education Center. He humanitarian efforts won her recognition as a "CNN Hero" in 2012.
Razia’s Ray of Hope Foundation is a nonprofit organization that empowers young women and girls in Afghanistan through community-based education in the district of Deh'Subz. Founded on the belief that education is key to positive, peaceful change for current and future generations, the foundation provides young Afghans with the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing environment, so that they may work toward brighter futures — in their own villages and beyond. Their flagship project, the Zabuli Education Center, is an all-girl K-12 school that provides free, exemplary education to more than 480 students.
Exclusive sneak previews of the work-in-progress documentary What Tomorrow Brings will be hosted on October 28 by the Rotary Club
of Concord and on October 29 by Rotary Club of Weston-Wayland, and presented by award-winning filmmaker Beth Murphy of Principle Pictures and humanitarian Razia Jan. This heart-warming and life-changing film portrays the struggle of young Afghan girls to achieve education. Exclusive excerpts from "What Tomorrow Brings" will be interspersed with conversation and Q&A. The public is warmly invited. Click here for the three-minute trailer.

The RC Concord preview screening on Wednesday, October 28 will take place from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Nashoba Brooks School, located at 200 Strawberry Hill Rd. in Concord. The RC Weston-Wayland preview screening on Thursday, October 29 will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Wellesley Middle School, located at 50 Kingsbury St. in Wellesley. Refreshments will be served. To reserve your complimentary seat at this event, held in support of Razia’s Ray of Hope Foundation, click here.
Major District Happenings: November
Hudson Rotary Recognizes Student Achievers
The Rotary Club of Hudson invited Mark Hollick, principal of Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, and Brian Regan, principal of Hudson High School, to present student achievers at a recent club meeting.
Assabet Valley presented senior Jennifer Moore (shown, second from left) while Hudson High presented senior Bhumi Patel (shown, third from left). The students were recognized by special guests Skip and Pat Doyle (shown, second and third, respectively, from right), who are District 7910's co-governors-elect for 2016-2017. Also shown, are Hudson Rotarian Ed Soave (far left) and Greg Parker (far right), the current president of the Hudson club.
Newton Rotary Has Great Day At Harvest FairOn October 18, the Rotary Club of Newton had a great day at Newton's annual Harvest Fair! Thanks to the generosity of Realty Executives, owned by club member Marie Presti (shown, far left), the club sold delicious cider and cider donuts to attendees. Marie also arranged for an incredibly fun remote-control race-car game, and donated all the proceeds to the club. It was a wonderful day of fellowship, fundraising, membership attraction and publicity for Rotary. Also shown, left to right, are Marie's son, Brendan Presti, and Newton club members Andy Willinger and Susan Peghiny.

Dedham: Taste Dedham! - October 29
Worcester: Glow Ball Tournament - October 30
Brookline: Dancing With the Brookline Stars - November 7
Concord & Lexington: Stop Hunger Now - November 14
Billerica: Cribbage Tournament, November 14

Send flyers of your club's major events, in either JPEG or PDF format, to Jim Fusco at

Nomination Calls: Deadline for applicants extended to November 3
By Carol Toomey
The deadline has been extended to November 3 (from October 15) for submitting nominating applications for the following District positions: District Governor for 2018-'19; two Trustees for the District Funds, two Trustees for the District Charity Fund (DCF); District Treasurer; Sergeant at Arms; and District Archivist. Read more

Register Now: Interact Advisor Training Seminar, November 16
By Carol Toomey

Membership Corner: The Object of Rotary’s Fourth Goal
By Tom Sturiale
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. The fourth goal defining the Object of Rotary is stated, “The Advancement of International Understanding, Goodwill and Peace Through a World Fellowship of Business and Professional Persons United in the Ideal of Service.” Read more

Foundation Notes: Many Rotarians In D7910 Can Be Very Proud
By Ralph Hammond
Rotary International links us all together in doing “service above self” to mankind. Part of our service is the funding that we provide for our special community-service projects.
Rotarians all over the world help in their contributions. District 7910 had an average donation of $133 per member last year. As a result, our district was: Read more
Rotarians all over the world help in their contributions. District 7910 had an average donation of $133 per member last year. As a result, our district was: Read more
PR Tips: Every Rotarian Is A PR Member
By Laura Spear
Promoting Rotary to the general public can be as simple as wearing your Rotary pin or as elaborate as organizing an integrated marketing campaign. By increasing the public's understanding of Rotary, we're strengthening our ability to make an impact in communities around the world.
Laura Spear, chair of District 7910's Public Image Committee, may be reached at
Estate Planning Tips And Your Rotary Legacy
If you are in or approaching your retirement years, or just planning ahead, join us for a free webinar. A Rotarian financial planner will give an overview of tax- and estate-planning basics and review practical ideas that you can discuss with your advisors. No matter how comfortable you are with your existing plans, we hope you take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about how you can make sure that your legacy reflects your goals and values.
Miles To End Polio

Click here to make a contribution to help Rotary create a polio-free world.
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©Copyright 2015-2016
District 7910, Central Massachusetts, USA
2015-2016 District Governor Jim Fusco
Rotary District 7910 Newsletter Editor Steve Jones-D'Agostino