Upcoming Events
You may submit event information per the District 7910 Promotional GuidelinesIf your club does not use ClubRunner, please send your event information to Rotary District 7910 Newsletter. And make sure to add  jim.fusco2@gmail.com to your club's distribution list.
Click here, for PDF version of June 6 issue of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter

RYLA: Volunteers Sought
Volunteers are being sought for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards on June 23.
Click here, to volunteer now

Club Visits
Invite District Governor Jim Fusco to your club's Installation and Special Events!
If you have any special club events that you would like me to attend or any inductions or presentations that you would like me to make, please let me know.
DG Jim 

District Events: June 13-July 11
Tuesday, June 14 
6:30-9:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough

Thursday, June 16
1:00-6:00 p.m.
Butter Brook Golf Club, Westford
District Scholarship Committee Meeting
Thursday, June 16 
6:30– 8:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough

Friday, June 24-Sunday, June 26
Fitchburg State University
Wednesday, June 29 
6:30-9:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough

RI Spotlight
Is your club ready for July 1?
New club leaders begin their roles this July 1. How prepared is your club? Having a strong succession plan is the key to a smooth transition and can ensure your club builds upon its accomplishments and achieves long term goals. 

The end of the Rotary year is upon us -- so quickly!

Here is the Rotary Zone 24/32 Director Julia Phelps' final "Beyond Borders Update." 

  • Learn how Rotarians in District 5370 responded immediately to the Alberta fires - even before the flames were doused.
  • Hear from a Global Grants scholar  and a Rotary Peace Fellow whose disparate work is making a difference in Afghanistan, and learn the differences and similarities of the two programs.
  • Get the latest on the polio vaccine change.
  • Hear about an innovative club that partnered to create a social business that is raising money to return to the community.
  • Read a report from the Literacy and WASH in Schools Conference and gain the perspectives of a recent President's Rep
  • And the debut of a new column that will keep us focused on the Foundation Centennial
  • Updates on the upcoming Zone Institute in Winnipeg and Arch Klumph celebration in Cleveland
  • Good news on the Membership front:  Our membership is "up" for the Rotary year.

GLI: An Incredible Rotary Leadership Opportunity
Global Leadership InitiativeGlobal Leadership Institute is an intense leadership opportunity to be held this July 26 to 31 at the luxurious Dolce Convention Center in Norwalk, Connecticut. It is for global change-makers between the ages of 19 and 35. 

During that week, participants will be personally and professionally pushed to become the leaders they have the potential to be. In the past, our professional tract has brought in speakers from TedX, Coca-Cola, IBM, Linkedin, the U.S. military, the U.S. Congress and many more. Our personal tract focuses on personal-building skills such as communication, relationship building, networking, public speaking, confidence, personality training, and business etiquette. 

GLI will be accepting only 54 participants. This is one of the greatest benefits of the program. GLI has absorbed the Rotary model of "service above self" and the participant are given one-on-one help and guidance to learn what it means to be a global change-maker and great future or current Rotarian. 

GLI is partnered with the United Nations. During that week, participants will be in the UN building for various activities.
For more information, click here.

RI Council on Legislation 'Report Of Action' Now Available
By Sarah Christensen
With the conclusion of the 2016 Council on Legislation, I am pleased to provide you with theReport of Action.  In this report, you will find:
  • A letter from General Secretary Hewko
  • Legislation that was adopted at the Council, including amended legislation
  • Vote tallies for the adopted items
  • An Opposition to Legislation Report Form
Clubs may use the opposition form to voice their disagreement to an adopted enactment or resolution. Completed forms must reach Council Services by 15 August 2016. More information about this form can be found in General Secretary Hewko’s letter.
In addition to the Report of Action, I would like to give you an update on the Manual of Procedure (MOP). The 2016 MOP will consist of Rotary’s governance documents, which were included as the yellow pages in previous versions. Since the MOP is published once every three years, the reference information found in the former white pages quickly became out of date and inconsistent with the Rotary Code of Policies, thus it has been decided to no longer include it.
In order to help transition to a shorter MOP, Rotary will provide a list of resources and will also translate the Rotary Code of Policies into key languages, which will allow Rotarians to reference the current policies. The Rotary Code can be found on rotary.org. Additional information on the new MOP will be sent to club presidents and district governors in the next few months.
If you have any questions about the report or the Council on Legislation or the 2016 MOP, please let us know.
Sarah Christensen is supervisor of Council Services for Rotary International.

A how-to membership leads video

Click here for a new video that helps district and club leaders make the most of the recently enhanced Membership Leads resource. It shows how to track a prospective member from the initial membership-leads submission all the way to connection with a local club. It also outlines the role of club and district leaders in the redesigned process, highlighting how their participation will help strengthen membership, and features the new Rotary resources available to support them. Join the conversation in the Membership Best Practices discussion group to tell us how you’re using the new Membership Leads resource to grow and diversify membership.

RI Makes Changes in 'Brand Center' Online Tool


We hope that you've found Rotary International’s Brand Center a useful tool to create customized logos and brochures - and to tell Rotary's story in a consistent and engaging way.

We'd like to inform you of a recent change to the online tool. Starting today, April 4, any logos or brochures you create using one of our templates will be automatically deleted from your profile 30 days after your last change or edit. Logos and brochures created before April 4 will be deleted on May 2, unless you make a change or edit to the template.

We recommend that once you have finished your customized logo or brochure, you download the document in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format on your own computer.

Reminders of this change will be posted on Brand Center’s template and logo pages.

Zone 32 Foundation Webinar Now Available
On February 2, Rotary Zone 32, of which District 7910 is a part, held a webinar titled “Best Practices to Improve Foundation Giving." If you missed that webinar, click here to watch video of it, and click here to download the PowerPoint presentation for it.
To read Zone 24 & 32's February 2016 Beyond Borders newsletter, click here.

RI Membership Resource Guide
To download in PDF format, click here

New Tools For Membership Tool Belt
Looking to enhance your club membership experience? Do you want to find opportunities for growth in your club? Club and district leaders now have a set of updated Membership Assessment Tools (formerly Club Assessment Tools) to help them strengthen club membership and add value to your club membership experience, so that more people will join and fewer members will leave.
For your convenience, you can download the entire publication, or just the individual assessments that are most relevant to your club.
The individual assessments, which walk users through evaluation and development of an action plan, include:
  1. Representing Your Community’s Professions: A Classification Assessment
  2. Diversifying Your Club: A Member Diversity Assessment
  3. Finding New Club Members: A Prospective Member Exercise
  4. Improving Your Member Retention: A Retention Assessment and Analysis
  5. Enhancing the Club Experience: Member Satisfaction Survey
  6. Understanding Why Members Resign: Exit Survey 
Historical trends show that there’s an increase in membership soon after the new year, so this is the perfect time to consider how you welcome new members into your club. Read how one club is using our New Member Welcome Kits to enhance their welcome and orientation.

Rotary Global Rewards: Sign Up Today!
Click here to learn more
Have you tried Rotary Global Rewards — Rotary International’s new member-benefit program that offers discounts on travel, hotels, dining, entertainment and more? Rotary Global Rewards will make your Rotary membership even more rewarding.
Click here to tell us your Rotary story. How has your life or your community been touched by Rotary? We’d like to hear about your experiences, your accomplishments, and your favorite moments. Add a photo, a video, or just a few sentences to share your Rotary Story.

2016-2017 Rotary Theme: 'Rotary Serving Humanity'
To download the image in JPEG format, click here.

Check Out Rotary Voices Blog
Check out Rotary Voices, the official blog of Rotary International. This blog features stories by and about Rotary members, Rotary program alumni, and the people we partner and work with.

Governor’s Message 
Installations for the Class of 2016-2017 have begun
By Jim Fusco
This is a very special week because many clubs will be holding their installation ceremonies for their incoming officers. I want to congratulate each and every one of you for stepping up to the plate to lead your clubs for the 2016-2017 Rotary year, which begins July 1.
I was saddened to hear the tragic news of the nightclub shooting in Orlando, so we all should take a moment of reflection. Even with this tragedy, we still live in a great country and should realize that this is a special week. Tomorrow is Flag Day and a time to think about the great country we live in and the good that we do as Rotarians. I came across this special video about the history of our flag. I was so impressed by it that I want to share it with you and suggest that you think about playing it at your club meeting this week, prior to the Pledge of Allegiance. To watch the video, click here.
And, the third reason that this is a special week: Sunday is Father’s Day.
After this issue, I have only two more editions of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter to produce. While I will miss sitting down each week at my computer to write the “Governor’s Message,” I am sure I will find something else to occupy my time.
Before I get into details in this newsletter, I want to remind you of the following: READ MORE
Click here to download or print the June 13 issue, in PDF format.
Click here to submit content for the June 20 issue.
Click here for past issues.

District & Club Rounds
On To Atlanta
More than 43,000 attendees left the Rotary International Convention in South Korea inspired to end polio for good, to celebrate The Rotary Foundation's centennial, and to champion changes that will help Rotary appeal to a broader audience.
On the last day, RI President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran (right) shared a personal story of his mother’s triumph over polio. 
To read the story, click here.
To register for the 2017 RI Convention in Atlanta, click here.

District  ShelterBox Ambassador Presented $2,000 Donation
On June 9, “First Gentleman 2017-2018,” a.k.a. District 7910 ShelterBox Ambassador Dana Gray, an honorary member of Nashoba Valley Rotary, attended the Interact club meeting at Winnisquam Regional High School in Tilton, New Hampshire. During that meeting, that Interact club presented a check for $2,000 raised through this year’s fundraising activities to support ShelterBox.
The Interact club started just last year and has grown from fewer than 10 members up to 18 members. The club plans to continue fundraising for Shelter Box and hopes to raise enough money for another $1,000 donation later this year!
Thanks to Dana (shown holding the right side of the replica check) for accepting the donation on behalf of ShelterBox USA.

Auburn Rotary Assists Local Oboist, Installs Park Benches 
Auburn Rotary President Marcia Davis (second from right), Treasurer John Convent (far left) and President-Elect Steve Jones-D'Agostino (far right) pose with Auburn professional oboist Lydia Consilvio, a graduate student at Yale University. At the June 1 club meeting, they presented a $1,000 donation check to help cover the expenses for her trip later this month to the Pacific Region International Summer Music Academy in Powell River, British Columbia, Canada.
Meanwhile, six new benches are being installed at Goddard Memorial Park in Auburn. Half of the funding came from Auburn Rotary and the other half, from District 7910. The rocket is a Polaris missile that was installed when the park was first developed in the late '60s, during the Cold War. The park also contains a full-scale replica of the world's first liquid-fueled rocket, which pioneering scientist Robert Goddard, a Worcester native and WPI graduate, launched in 1926 at his Aunt Effie's farm (now Pakachoag Golf Course), a short distance away in Auburn. The replica, which was also installed as part of the original park development nearly 50 years ago, is in the process of being refurbished at Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School in Charlton, of which the Town of Auburn is a member.
To learn more about Auburn Rotary, click here.
Westborough Rotary Honors Scholarship Recipients, Presents Library Donation
Westborough Rotary had the honor of hosting its scholarship recipients and their families during a club meeting earlier this month. They are a very impressive lot of students. Club members enjoyed hearing about their college plans, and wished them the best of luck and success in the future. 
Shown, are the scholarship recipients: back row, left to right, Rakasa Pattannaik,Brittany Chapin, Will Kelley, Juliet Ross, and Samantha Mack; and front row, left to right, Michala Sockol, Julie Hutchinson and Melissa Sullivan.
Meanwhile, on June 1, Westborough Rotary had the pleasure of celebrating another gift from the club to a close partner in town. Maureen Ambrosino (shown on right in photo at right), director of the town's public library as well as club secretary, accepted a club donation for $700 to support the library. The club encourages Maureen to "'keep up the great work." She is shown posing with club President Jim O'Connor (left) and club member Betsy Moquin (middle).

Dedham Rotary Scoops Seniors
Dedham Rotary recently held its annual Ice Cream Social for the seniors in Dedham at their community room. Club members serviced ice cream sundaes with all the fixings. The social was well-attended and enjoyed by all.
Shown are, left to right, Dedham Rotarians Tony Freitas, Carrie Crossland, Marie-Louise Kehoe, Barbara Gula, Sandy Nelson and Jeannine Lathum.
Shown at right, is Dedham Rotarian Carrie Crossland serving a table of seniors.

Framingham Rotary Promotes Concerts On The Green, Duck Pluck And Summer Carnival
On Friday nights starting this June 17, Concerts on the Green, organized by the Framingham Parks & Services Department, will be take place on the green on Edgell Road near Route 9. This year, Framingham Rotary is one of the financial sponsors of the family-friendly concert series, and will have its usual information booth at each concert as well. Concerts are free and open to the public.

MetroFest is a signature event of the Metrowest Visitors Bureau. You won't want to miss this great family-fun day, which takes place on June 25. Besides the incredibly popular Framingham Rotary Duck Pluck booth, this year's event also features food trucks, a Classic Car Show, 100 exhibitors, stage entertainment, and a Kids Town play area. Event will be at Bowditch Field at 475 Union Avenue from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  
The Summer Carnival sponsored by Framingham Rotary returns in July and will be located at Framingham State University.The funds raised through this event will help support the club's service projects in the 2016-2017 Rotary year that begins on July 1. They will also go to fund the club's grant process, which allows the club to financially support other important service organizations with their missions in the Framingham community. The club gives a special thanks to FSU for this great, highly visible Route 9-facing location.  

Needham Rotary Seeks Help From Four Other Clubs To Fund India Solar Project
Needham Rotary is looking to install a solar array on the roof of a school in India through $1,500 allocated by club, a hoped-for District 7910 Simplified Grant, and $500 each from four other Rotary clubs. The proposed Film Nagar High School solar project is being done in partnership with Jubilee Hills Rotary in Hyderabad, India.
The proposal calls for the following: Delivery - Six to eight weeks from placement of order; Payment - 50 percent is due with the order; 40 percent is due when solar panels arrive; and 10 percent is due when the solar panels are operational; Timing - The system can be installed at any time, even when the school is in session; and Vendor -  A well-known company run by a local Rotarian in India. It's the same company that installed the school's current three-kilowatt system (shown in photo) a year ago
For more information on this solar project, click here.

Wellesley Rotary Makes Magic At Pancake Breakfast
Magicians Jerry Schiowitz, Michael Granoff, and Gil Stubbs (shown, seated) had a great time doing close-up magic for four morning hours at the Wellesley Rotary's Pancake Festival on May 21 at Wellesley Middle School as they have done many times in the past. They also provided visitors with information on the Society of Young Magicians, and instructions to see 24 of Gil Stubbs' "World of Magic" programs online via Wellesely Public Media while at home.
In addition, they shared instructions on how to see performances of the nation's premier female stage illusionist, Lyn Dillies. And, they provided information on the June 3 magic show of the International Brotherhood of Magicians at the Regent Theater in Arlington.

Bedford Rotary Spearheads Student-Led ‘MIT PSC IDEAS Global Challenge’ Effort
IDEAS LogoThis is fourth year that local Rotary clubs have assisted student-led project teams in the MIT PSC IDEAS Global Challenge contest. TheMIT Priscilla King Gray PSC has the same focus areas as Rotary, which makes for a natural partnership.
Bedford Rotary has spearheaded this effort and has members and spouses volunteering as project reviewers and judges throughout the year. As part of this effort, the club is also forming a world-wide network of Rotary clubs who either have MIT alumni or have members interested in learning more about assisting these innovative, high-payoff, feasible projects in a phase-2 development following a successful phase-1 prototype. In addition to Bedford, noteworthy clubs who are currently part of this network include: Shanghai, China; Beverly Hills, CA; andCooperstown, NY.
Shown posing at MIT in Cambridge, are Victor Tom (left) past president of Bedford Rotary, and AJ Willmer, past president of Beverly Hills Rotary. 
 As a result of tracking successful pilot programs in the IDEAS Grand Challenge Contest, Bedford Rotary has identified the 1Room project as the first project that is very worthy of support from a Rotary Global Grant. 1Room is a project that will develop and rigorously evaluate an affordable model for delivering high-quality secondary education to the world’s poor at scale – initially, in Kenya.
The main idea: 19th century one-room-schoolhouse meets 21st century technology, and education is delivered through personalized learning centers. Bedford Rotary is currently raising funds and applying for matching district grants. So far, the club has financial commitments from Shanghai, Beverly Hills, and Bedford along with a District 7910 district matching. The goal is to reach $70,000 to fund three personalized learning centers in Kenya.
Shown, left, is MIT project team leader Michael Beeler, with Kenyan students.
If you would like to learn more about either joining the Rotary-MIT PSC network or participating in the 1Room Global Gant, please contact Victor Tom atvictor.tom@baesystems.com.

Districts 7910, 7930 Team Up For Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship Wine-Dinner on July 18 in Brookline Village
Rotarians, family and friends - including non-Rotarians - are invited to join District 7910 and 7930's joint Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship Wine-Dinner on Tuesday, July 18 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at La Morra Bicari Ristorante, located at 48 Boylston St. in Brookline Village. Enjoy a four-course meal with carefully chosen wine pairings. Can you think of a nicer way to enjoy fellowship with Rotarians and friends in Eastern and Central Massachusetts than over wine and dinner? 
The cost is $70 per person for those interested in sampling the wines and $50 per person for those interested in the meal only. Tax and tip are included in these prices. Participation is limited, so don't delay. Register here!
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format
Click here for sample menu, in PDF format

Milford Rotary Celebrates 10th Wine and Food Tasting
The Rotary Club of Milford's 10th Wine and Food Tasting was held recently at The Crystal Room in Milford. Gateway Liquors was again the sponsor and be offered a wide selection of wines and micro beers. Milford Rotary also had the following restaurants joining the event: The Alamo; Alicante; Oliva's; Restaurant 45; Pandolfi's Fine Chocolates; The Cupcake Girl; and Hens and Chicks Cookie Company.
Shown at left, left to right, are: Mike DiCicco, executive secretary; Tom Sawyer, media relations; and Al Holman.

Shown below, left to right, are:Allan Villatoro, president; Rotarians Ann Gonyea, Paul Tamagni, Tania Medina and Mel McKeeTony Khoury, lead sponsor and principal of Gateway Liquors; Mike DiCicco,executive secretary;John Khoury, son of Tony Khoury; and Jorge Valez, employee at Gateway Liquors.

Marlborough Rotary, Three Other Groups Tackle Human-Services Issue
In answer to a pressing problem for many deserving families, the Rotary Club of Marlborough, Marlborough Lions Club, Marlborough Junior Women’s Club, and Marlborough Community Development Corp. (MCDC) have joined forces. Families want to be clean. They want to get or keep a decent job. Teens want the other kids in school to like them. However, they cannot afford shampoo or deodorant – or even soap. Alas, they cannot purchase toiletries or cleaning supplies with Food Stamps.
During June, the four organizations are working together to collect toiletries and cleaning products for families in need of these products that are so much a part of our basic human dignity. When there is a sale on toiletries or cleaning products, the organizations urge their members to buy a few extra.
Marilyn Perry, chair of MCDC and a Marlborough Rotarian, says, “I am delighted that these local organizations are seeking to fulfill this need, and I am equally delighted to see these groups join together to tackle an important problem.”
Members of the public who may wish to help should contact a member of one of these service clubs or bring them to the MCDC office at 40 Mechanic St., Suite 300, Marlborough (the old Post Office Building off Monument Square).
Marlborough Rotary announced this multi-organization project at last weekend's District Conference and asked attendees to donate any of their unused hotel toiletries. That club were gratified to see the number of Rotarians who responded to this appeal.
Click here for the event flyer, in PDF format.
Nashoba Valley, Acton-Boxborough And Maynard Rotary's 'Wings & Wheels' Headed Our Way

Mark your calendar: Thursday evenings are Cruise-in/Fly-in Nights this summer in Stow.

If it’s summer in Stow, it must be Wings & Wheels season! In cooperation with EAA #196, Friends of Minute Man Air Field, and Nancy’s at the Airfield café, the Rotary Clubs of Nashoba Valley, Acton-Boxborough, and Maynard are holding their fourth annual Wings & Wheels program, a summer-long cruise-in/fly-in event at the Minute Man Air Field (302 Boxboro Rd.) in Stow. The event runs onThursday nights from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., which started June 2 and ends August 25 (no event on July 7).
Each week features different makes of cars. However, all cars are welcome to cruise to the airfield every week. The event also features a fly-in for airplanes. Fun for the whole family, the public is invited to attend to see the cars and airplanes on display. Leashed pets are allowed. The event also features great food, including wood-fired pizza, burgers, and hot dogs from the award-winning Nancy’s at the Airfield, as well as popcorn, lemonade, and libations. News this year: an online ordering system with a credit-card payment option!
Admission is free with donations requested. Proceeds will benefit local and international Rotary service projects, such as local scholarships and high school programs, senior citizen projects, and international health and relief programs.
Sponsors include Action Unlimited, Active Communications, Acton Ford, AlphaCars & Ural New England, Avidia Bank, Boston Bijoux, Burke's Dog Care & Walkers, Clinton Offset Printing, Colonial Automotive Group, Colonial Spirits Acton, Cruises Inc., Dentistry by Dr. David, Domino Veterinary Hospital, Enterprise Bank, ET&L, Fowler-Kennedy Funeral Home, Global Fitness Stow, Holiday Inn Boxborough, Infinite Automotive, Keller Williams Realty, Kotlarz Realty, Maynard Motors, National Aviation Academy, Nikopoulos Insurance, Patterson’s Auto Body, Russell’s Convenience Store, Visiting Angels, and Westford Regency.
For more information, weather-cancellation information, and “rules of the runway,” visit WingsgsandWheelsMA.com. "Like" the event on Facebook at Facebook.com/WingsandWheelsMA.

Next Nashoba Valley Rotary, Bolton Local Repair Café On June 25
What do you do with a broken toaster or lamp? Or with a shirt or blouse with a seam that is ripped out? Toss it? No way! Bring them to the Bolton Repair Café. The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, with help from BoltonLocal, is hosting the next Bolton Repair Café on Saturday, June 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Westborough Public Library, located at 55 West Main St. in Westborough. Residents of Bolton and surrounding towns are invited to come and find out what a Repair Café is all about.
(Note: the June 18 event at Ayer Town Hall has been canceled.)
At the Repair Café, sponsored by Nashoba Valley Rotary, everything centers on making repairs. Knowledgeable volunteers will help repair items such as clean, mendable clothing, lamps, small appliances, computers and other electronics, bikes, toys, outdoor power equipment, and jewelry. They can also sharpen knives, scissors, and garden tools. You only pay for needed parts. If you know what parts are needed, please get them ahead of time and bring them to the Repair Café to save time.
Volunteers at the Repair Café will look at all items brought in and try to repair them. If the volunteers cannot repair something, they will offer suggestions about where you could go for repairs.
Unlike a “fix-it” shop, where people drop off items to be repaired and continue about their day, the Repair Café is meant to get people involved with the repair process and create connections with others in the community. People bringing in items for repair are asked to stay while your items are being fixed. You can just watch, help with the repair, fix the item yourself with help from volunteers, or just have a snack and visit with neighbors.
Promoting repairs will help reduce mountains of waste. According to organizer Ray Pfau, a Nashoba Valley Rotarian, “We throw away lots of things that often have almost nothing wrong with them, things that could easily be used again after a simple repair. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten that they can fix things. Repair Café wants to change all that.” (Shown, right, is Ray Pfau addressing a recent Worcester Rotary meeting. Click here to view additional photos of that event by Worcester Rotarian Rich Prager.)
Repair Café is also meant to put neighbors in touch with each other in a new way. Neighbors may discover that a lot of know-how and practical skills can be found close to home. Pfau added, “If you repair a bike, a CD player, or a pair of trousers with previously unfamiliar neighbors, you look at them in a different light the next time you see them. Jointly making repairs can lead to connections in the community.” Making repairs can also save money and resources.
The Bolton Repair Café is sponsored by Nashoba Valley Rotary with support from Bolton Local and the Repair Café Foundation. The Foundation has been organizing Repair Cafés since 2010 in the Netherlands and has provided support since January 2011 to local groups in and outside the Netherlands wanting to start their own Repair Cafés.
Click here for a recent Boston Globeprofile of the Bolton Repair Cafe.
For more information, contact Ray Pfau at 978-779-5545 orray.pfau@alum.mit.edu, or visit www.nashobarotary.org.

Adventures in a Korean Emergency Room
By Steve Glines
Editor's note: This blog was posted during last week's Rotary International Convention in Seoul, South Korea. The author, a member of the Rotary Club of Littleton, was attending the conference.
I’m in South Korea visiting my daughter and attending a Rotary convention. Yesterday, I tried to attend a breakfast at the convention that started at 7:30 a.m. I’m an hour and a half by bus from the convention site so I left at 5:15 a.m., without benefit of coffee, and headed towards the bus stop. Getting there entails crossing six lanes of traffic. There is a stop light and a walk sign. As I rounded the corner I noticed that the walk sign was lit with 14 seconds showing on the sign and counting down.
I’m not 35 anymore. I’m 64. I thought I could sprint across the intersection in record time. Four or five long strides into my sprint, about one-third of the way across, my left leg refused to move forward. I was made aware of this fact by the sharp pain of a muscle ripping apart. Then, I felt the unusual sensation of flying through the air. The next thing I remember is my head hitting the pavement. I don’t know if I was unconscious for any amount of time but when I became aware of my surroundings, I realized that I was face down in the middle of a six-lane highway.
When I tried to get up I discovered that my left leg was almost useless, painfully refusing to allow me to stand or walk normally. I felt the trickle of liquid dripping down my forehead. I tried to raise my right arm but discovered, to my surprise, that moving it caused another burst of extreme pain. A great lump protruded from the side.
“Oh crap, I’ve broken my arm,” I thought. In spite of the pain I did manage to raise my arm and wipe away the blood. My right arm was writhing in pain and my right hand was covered in blood. READ MORE
Steve Glines may be reached at steveglines@gmail.com.

Major District & Club Happenings: Spring & Summer
Through September: District 7910 - 'Golf Fellowship'
Next Outing Thursday, June 16, Butterbrook Golf Course, Westford
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format

Through June 30: Marlborough Rotary - 'Toiletry and Cleaning Products Collection'
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format

Through August 25: Nashoba Valley Rotary - 'Wings & Wheels'
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format 

Saturday, June 18: Brookfields Rotary - 'Music & Raffles Scholarship Fundraiser'
Click here for fundraiser flyer, in PDF format

Sunday, June 26: District 7910 - District Governors Installation & RYLA
Click here, for event flyer, in PDF format


Monday, July 18: Rotarian Wine Appreciation Fellowship - 'Wine-Dinner at La Morra'
Click here to register for this event
Click here to download event flyer, in PDF format
Click here to download sample menu, in PDF format


Thursday, July 21: Westborough Rotary - 'Rotary Night with the Worcester Bravehearts'
Click here for event flyer, in PDF format

Submit Major Club Happenings
Send flyers of your club's major events and activities, in either JPEG or PDF format, to Jim Fusco at jim.fusco2@gmail.com.

Committee Spotlight
Foundation Note: District Grant applications to start during this week
By Sanjay Deshpande
Rotarian Jorge Yarzebski, who chairs District 7910’s Grants Subcommittee, and members of that subcommittee have started notifying fully qualified clubs, which had submitted District Grant proposals (the first of the two-step process), that they can start submitting the application online (the second step). The can do so using the D7910 ClubRunner Grants Module, which can be accessed here.
Fully qualified clubs are those that have contributed at least $100 per member to The Rotary Foundation during the 2015-2016 Rotary year that ends this June 30, have signed the ‘16-‘17 Memorandum of Understanding, and have had at least one member receive Grant Management Training.
There are 21 clubs in the group, and they are, alphabetically: Athol-Orange Area, Auburn, Ayer, Bedford, Brookline, Concord, Framingham, Gardner, Leominster, Lowell, Milford, Montachusett Area, Nashoba Valley, Needham, Neponset Valley Sunrise, Northborough, Shrewsbury, Sturbridge, Wachusett Area, Wellesley and Westborough. These clubs are eligible for the Full District Grants (up to $1,500) as well as to lead Mentor Grants with clubs that have not qualified. READ MORE

Membership Corner: The Object Of Rotary's Second Goal
By Tom Sturiale
The second goal of the Object of Rotary is stated as: “High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.” This is another well-stated objective that is not so easy to communicate to non-Rotarians and, possibly, some of us as well. 
What does it mean to us? How do we interpret the intention of the second goal of the Object of Rotary? Some clubs have new members review their professions and backgrounds through biographical sketches at club meetings, referred to as "classification talks." These are always interesting talks affording us the opportunity to learn about our fellow members. READ MORE

PR Tips: Set a goal for your social media program
By Laura Spear
The starting point for any social media program is to have clearly defined goals of what you want to achieve before you begin. For example, do you want to strengthen awareness of your club’s brand? Of the Rotary brand in general? Do you want to drive two-way conversations with other service organizations? Establish relationships with fund-raising sponsors? Engage potential  members? When you start with specific, high-level objectives like these, the strategies for achieving them through social media become easier to formulate.
To learn more about PR for your club, click on the "Public Relations" section of the navigation bar of District 7910 website.
Laura Spear, chair of District 7910's Public Image Committee, may be reached at laura@spear.net.

Bandey-Hefler Prepares For Trip To England
By Victor Tom
The Bandey-Hefler Fellowship Exchangechairpersons on both sides of the Atlantic are hard at work planning the District 7910 group’s return trip to England. Geoff Philpot and Hugh Barnard, in England, are making presentations and recruiting hosts.Patsy Lloyd and I, in Central Mass., are making the travelers list and getting information on flights to Heathrow in London.
This week, once the chairs have a confirmed current number of hosts, they will send e-mails to all of the travelers and to those still on a waiting list. There will be a mandatory organizational meeting this summer in Bedford, hosted by Patsy Lloyd to go over travel details, hand out badges, etc.
The travel dates for the trip to England are:
  • Monday, September 19:Flight to Heathrow in London
  • Tuesday, October 4: Flight back to Logan in Boston
Victor Tom, co-chair of District 7910's Bandey-Hefler Fellowship Exchange, may be reached atvtom0@yahoo.com.

RYLA Reminder: Volunteers sought

By Christine Pinney

Volunteers are being sought for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Click here, tovolunteer now. Add your name to your sessions and favorite slots.
If you have any questions, visit www.ryla7910.org.
Christine Pinney, vice chair of District 7910's RYLA Committee, may be reached at christine@christinepinney.com

DGE Report: Now In Hawaii After RI Conference In South Korea
Pat and Skip Doyle have departed Seoul, South Korea, where they attended the 2016 Rotary International Conference, and are now in Hawaii. (They're shown at Waimea canyon on Kaua'i.) Upon their return, they will share their RI Conference experience with us. We wish them a good journey. Or, as they say in Hawaiin, Ka Huaka`i Maika`i!
District Governors-Elect Pat and Skip Doyle may be reached at pwdoyle2@verizon.net and skipdoyle2@verizon.net, respectively. 

Mark Your Interact and Rotaract Calendars!
District 7910 will hold a joint Interact and Rotaract Training Seminar on Tuesday, September 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at place to be determined. This event is a follow-up to the separate Interact and Rotaract Training Seminars that were held last fall and this winter, respectively.
Read more about the Rotaract Advisor Training Seminar held on February 29 at Framingham State University, including video and slide presentations.
Polio Plus Report: District contributions status; New RI funding; New vaccine type

Status of District 7910 club contributions
By Carl Good III
To review and download the District 7910 polio-contributions report compiled by Rotary International,click here. To read the May 2016 edition of End Polio Now Newsletter, click here.
Carl Good, chair of District 7910's Polio Plus Committee, may be reached at carlgood@yahoo.com.
Boston Globe highlights Rotary role in polio fight
Click here to read a recent front-page article in The Boston Globe about the change in polio vaccines, which mentions the role of Rotary in the fight to end polio.
RI provides $35 million in new funding
Rotary International has released $35 million in new grants to support the global effort to eradicate polio. The funds will build on last year’s historic achievement of stopping transmission of the wild poliovirus in Nigeria and all of Africa. Just two countries reported wild polio cases in 2015, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Rotary’s funds will go toward efforts to end the disease in those countries and seven others. Read more
New type of polio vaccine
A new type of polio vaccine has been produced that can provide a better injectable to people in Third World countries.Click here to watch a recent Australian TV news report on the Vaxxas Nanopatch.

Bandey-Hefler Reflections: Farewell photos and promo video 
imageClick here to view photo highlights of the 2015 Rotary Bandey-Hefler Fellowship Exchange between District 7910 and Districts 1110 and 1145 in England.
imageClick here to view the promotional video for 2015-2016 Bandey-Hefler program in District 7910

Submit Content
To submit content for consideration for the Monday, June 20 issue of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter, please e-mail it to District Governor Jim Fusco at jim.fusco2@gmail.com
The submission deadline for the June 20 issue is Friday, June 17. All text must be in Word format. All images must be in either JPEG or PDF format. Please identify the people, left to right, who are shown in your photos, including their first and last name as well as their club or other title.

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© Copyright 2015-2016
Rotary District 7910, Central Massachusetts, USA
2015-2016 District Governor Jim Fusco
Rotary District 7910 Newsletter Editor Steve Jones-D'Agostino