- Aaron Aykanina, Marlborough
- Jack Forman, Westborough
- David Morticelli, Marlborough
- Steve Roach, Marlborough
- Darlene Trainor, Marlborough

Joan Pena as Secretary
Donna Savary as Sgt at Arms
Melissa Fetterhoff as Board of Director
Karen Strickland as Board of Director
John Gervais as Board of Director

It is important to have a wrap-up meeting after a major event and that is just what the RYLA Committee did this past Sunday. The committee met for brunch at the Northborough home of District Governors Pat and Skip Doyle to review the

Within the past three years, [South County Physical Therapy Inc.] has donated more than 200 bottles of water to support Rotary Race participants in their pursuit of the finish line at Westborough High School, 90 W. Main St.

Montachusett Area Rotary Grant in LiberiaAids Liberian School Project & Doug Larson, resident of Boxborough,

On To Atlanta

- Fill in the Yellow Pages Order Form (the form was mailed to you on Thurs 6/30/16). For Order Form <click here>
- Assure that you enter “Classification Requested” (only one classification per ad)
- For Business-Card-Size Ads, include you business card
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- Mail the order form along with your check, business card and ad copy (No. 4, only) per instructions on the Yellow Pages Order Form

- Log into Club Runner at www.rotary7910.org
- Go to “Administration”
- Go to “For Members”
- Click on “Edit My Profile” (Insert of headshot photo is possible)
- Assure that all Club Positions are filled in for the 2017-2018 Rotary Year. (Presidents-Elect, Secretaries and Executive Secretaries have access.)
- Log into Club Runner at www.rotary7910.org
- Go to “Administration”
- Go to “District, Clubs & Membership”
- Click on “Edit Executives & Directors”
- Click on the “2016-2017” tab
- Click “Edit” for each position and use the drop down menu to select the member

Westborough Rotary Launches New GEMINI Site

Meanwhile, the Summer Carnival sponsored by Framingham Rotary returns in July and will be located at Framingham State University.The funds raised through this

Mark your calendar: Thursday evenings are Cruise-in/Fly-in Nights this summer in Stow.