Video Available On District Fundraising Goals
We are all well aware that The Rotary Foundation is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2017. Steve Kirk, president of the Rotary Club of Concord, has produced a five-minute video that outlines our own district’s fundraising goals for the current Rotary year, which ends next June 30.
To learn more about The Rotary Foundation, click here.
Auburn Picks Heather Chivallatti as President-Elect, Installs Rick Stock as Member
Heather Chivallatti (left), president-elect and secretary of the Rotary Club of Auburn, and newly installed Auburn Rotarian Rick Stock (middle) pose with Assistant Governor Cliff Gerber (right) on December 7 at Chuck's Steak House in Auburn. The club voted unanimously to choose Heather as president-elect for the Rotary year that begins next July 1. Cliff installed Rick, who was sponsored by Heather.
Auburn Helps Auburn Middle, Bay Path High Raise $632 in Purple Pinkie Campaign
The Rotary Club of Auburn has helped students at Auburn Middle School and Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School to raise $632 for the 2016 Purple Pinkie campaign, promoted by Rotary International’s global drive to End Polio Now. Because the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation matches 2-to-1 every dollar raised to eradicate polio, $1,896 will directly go to the worldwide vaccination effort. The two schools held their fundraisers on October 24, World Polio Day, with club President-Elect and Secretary Heather Chivallatti coordinating the Auburn Middle School push and club Interact Chair Jennifer Reil, a Bay Path teacher, and Rick Carrero, also a Bay Path teacher, overseeing that school’s effort. “Auburn Rotary is proud to have played a small but important part in the global movement to wipe out polio,” states club President Steve Jones-D’Agostino, “We are grateful to Auburn Middle and Bay Pay High for their generous support of this noble cause.”
To learn more about the Rotary Club of Auburn, click here.
Fitchburg Holds Breakfast With Santa
The Rotary Club of Fitchburg participated recently in Breakfast with Santa at Hollis Farm in Fitchburg. This was third straight year that Fitchburg has sponsored Santa Claus and provided photo services.
Left to right: Fitchburg Members Paul Gauvin and Karen Fusco, Fitchburg Immediate Past President Wayne Carney, and Santa Claus. Can you guess who is playing Santa?
Tewksbury Rotary, Lions Teaming Up for Sock Hop
The Rotary Club of Tewksbury and the Tewksbury Lions Club are teaming up for an all-new event, complete with live entertainment, dancing and raffle prizes. The event, called Sock Hop, will be held on Friday, January 20 at 7:00 p.m. at Tewksbury Country Club. Reminisce, a New England-based vocal group will perform songs of the 1950s and '60s.
To learn more about Tewksbury Rotary, click here.
Westborough’s Free Holiday Store Open Through December 24
The Rotary Club of Westborough had produced a photographic supplement focusing on its free Holiday Store, which provides toys and gift cards to Westborough families in need during the holiday season. The store opened on December 8 and will operate through Saturday, December 24. Congratulations to the club’s photographer extraordinaire, Ron Goodenow, for creating this supplement.
To learn more about Westborough Rotary, click here.
Worcester Awards $10,000 To Be Like Brit Foundation
On December 15, the Rotary Club of Worcester celebrated its annual Holiday Glogg Party. During the event the club presented a check for $10,000 to Cherylann Gengel and the Be Like Brit Foundation to be used to provide water to an orphanage the Gengels built in Haiti. Left to right: Worcester President Barbara Guthrie; Cherylann Gengel of the Be Like Brit Foundation; Patty Eppinger; and Worcester Member Mark Fuller.
Worcester Donates $41,000 Opioid Education, Addiction Prevention
On November 29, the Rotary Club of Worcester presented a check for $41,000 to the City of Worcester. The city will use the donation for opioid education and addiction prevention. Left to right: Worcester Members Richard Prager and Mauro DePasquale; Worcester Past President Satya Mitra,;Worcester Members Chris Gates and Amy Mosher Berry; Worcester Immediate Past President Bob Mangan; Worcester President Barbara Guthrie; and Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty.
Worcester Receives Humanitarian Award from WCCA-TV
On November 17, the Rotary Club of Worcester received the Father Michael Bafaro Humanitarian Award from WCCA-TV, the cable community-access channel for Worcester. The award celebrated Worcester Rotary's humanitarian contributions to Worcester. Left to right: Worcester Member and WCCATV General Manager Mauro DePasquale; Worcester President Barbara Guthrie; and Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty.
Rotary Means Business Holds First Event in Our District - Next Event on January 25
On December 7, our district's new business-networking fellowship, Rotary Means Business, was launched. More than 30 Rotarians and guests met.
Clockwise, starting at top, are: an unidentified guest; Ron Facenda of Newton Rotary; Gerry Gross of Westborough Rotary; Tony Gallo of Milford Rotary; Peggy Thorsen of Marlborough Rotary; Nancy Gilroy of Bedford Rotary; Cheryl Rosen of Hudson Rotary; and District Governor-Nominee Steve Sager of Westborough Rotary.
Clockwise, starting at top: Carol Toomey of Nashoba Valley Rotary; Larry Perrault, a guest; Ron Fraser of Worcester Rotary; Vinny Tingley of Natick Rotary; Paul Gauvinof Fitchburg Rotary; and Eric Lazzari of Natick Rotary.
Video of Governor Baker's Address to District Rotarians Now Available
The Rotary Club
of Billerica has provided a video of Governor Charlie Baker's address to District 7910 Rotarians on September 27 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bedford. To watch the two-hour-47-minute video, click here.
The Rotary Clubs of Bedford, Billerica, Lowell, Newton and Shrewsbury sponsored the event, which was a unique opportunity for Rotarians and friends to discuss partnering on humanitarian projects affecting our local communities. To viewevent photos, click here.
Meet Tatsuya Hayase, Our Rotary Scholar
To Have Tatsuya Speak to Your Club, Contact Indira Desai
Meet Tatsuya Hayase(second from left), a Rotary Scholar from District 2760(Aichi Prefecture in Japan) who is visiting our district. He is spending the year at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in Waltham studying Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution.
Left to right: Newton Rotarian Chris Chu; Rotary Scholar Tatsuya Hayase, his wife, Marie Hayase, and their son, Yuto Hayase; Host Counselor Indira Desai, immediate past president of Newton Rotary; Newton Rotary President Paul Sullivan and his wife, Monica Sullivan; District Scholarship Chair Tory DeFazio, a Wellesley Rotarian; and Newton Rotarians Tony Bibbo and Tom Keery.
Athol-Orange's Al Bowers Makes Foundation Presentation
The Rotary Club of Athol-Orange held its annual Christmas Party at the home of Member Bill Howland. Club Foundatioin Chair Al Bowers, immediate past District Charitable Fund chair, attended and made a wonderful presentation on The Rotary Foundation. A surprise Paul Harris recognition was bestowed on club Secretary Carol Courville by Assistant Governor Karen Fusco.
Posing during the Athol-Orange Christmas Party with club Foundation Chair Al Bowers, seated, are, left to right, Assistant Governor Karen Fusco, club Secretary Carol Courville, club Member Ted Ledgard, club President-Elect Tanya Quinn, and club Member Barbara Robichaud.
Bay Path Interactors Perform at Their School's Santa Claus Pancake Breakfast
The Bay Path Educational Foundation, which supports Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School in Charlton, held its annual Santa Claus Pancake Breakfast on December 10 at the school. Members of the Interact Club of Bay Path (shown) participated, playing characters from Disney's 2013 hit movie "Frozen," inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen." The Bay Path club is co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Auburn and the Rotary Club of Southbridge.
Shown: Bay Path Interact President Veronica Martinez (middle),Treasurer Kayleigh Blanchard (second from right) and Member Matthew Pecore (second from left) are shown posing with Auburn Rotarian and Bay Path Teacher Jen Reil (far left) and Bay Path Teacher Rick Carrero (far right), both of whom advise the Bay Path club.
Photos: Steve Jones-D'Agostino, Auburn Rotary
Learn more about:
Chelmsford Donates $1,000 to The Wish Project
The Rotary Club of Chelmsford made a $1,000 donation to The Wish Project at a recent meeting. The project's mission is to "help end homelessness by providing otherwise-expensive home and baby items for free so that families moving out of shelters succeed the first time."
Left to right: David Fitzgerald, executive director of The Wish Project, Chelmsford Past President Dawn Ferrari; Chelmsford Treasurer Tony Kalil; and Chelmsford President Paul Cohen.
Fitchburg Throws Holiday Party for Its Past Presidents
Left to right, bottom: David Moquin, Gerry Martel, and Bernie.
Left to right, middle: Karen Fusco, Bill Lakso, and Paul Gauvin.
Left to right, top: Gill, and Linda Largey
Maynard Marches in Christmas Parade
Left to right: Maynard President Matthew Farrow, and Maynard SecretaryAnn Heinonen.
Littleton Tree-Lighting Kicks Off Holiday Season
Hundreds of people gathered on December 4 at Littleton Common to kick off the holiday season with the town's tree-lighting ceremony. The event was co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Littleton and the Littleton Electric Light Department.
Photo: Alexander Silva, Wicked Local
Montachusett Area Installs Mattie Merchant as Newest Member
Mattie Merchant (right), director of recreational programs for The Arc of Opportunity in Fitchburg, has been installed as the newest member of the Rotary Club of Montachusett Area. The Arc is a corporate member of the club and Mattie will be the lead member for the Arc. She was installed by Immediate Past District Governor Jim Fusco (left), who is a past president and present member of the Montachusett Area club. Also shown, is Montachusett Area President Jennifer Peck (middle).
Wachusett Area Rotary, Chamber Hear State Secretary Jay Ash Offer Local Economic Outlook
Jay Ash, secretary of the state Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, shared his outlook on economic development in Central Massachusetts on December 2 at a breakfast co-hosted in West Boylston co-hosted by the Rotary Club of Wachusett Area and the Wachusett Area Chamber of Commerce.
Left to right: Secretary Jay Ash, Chamber President Iain McKinlay, State Senator Anne Gobi, State Representative Kim Ferguson, and Rotary President Gary Hough.
To learn more about Wachusett Area Rotary, click here.
District Holiday Party A Great Success
Past District Governor Klaus Hachfeld (right) of Sturbridge Rotary and Sergeant Kevin Williams (left) of the Brookfield State Police Barracks pose with some of the many donated Teddy bears.
District Governors Pat and Skip Doyle hosted the annual District Holiday Party on Sunday, December 4 at the Publick House in Sturbridge. Ninety-five attendees enjoyed the festivities. with entertainment provided by the Tantasqua Regional High School"Choraleers." Attendees brought Teddy bears. which were presented to Sergeant Kevin Williams of the Brookfield State Police Barracks. The grand finale was the "coronation" of Pam Anastasi of the Rotary Club of Billerica as district governor-nominee-designate. She will serve as district governor for Rotary year 2019-2020. Thank you to Past District Governor Klaus Hachfeld and his wife, Glenys Hachfeld, both of whom are members of the Rotary Club of Sturbridge for planning this event, and to MC Steve Jones-D'Agostino of the Rotary Club of Auburn, and our ace district photographers, Immediate Past District Governor Jim Fusco of the Rotary Club of Montachusett Area and Cheryl Rosen of the Rotary Club of Hudson.
Tantasqua Regional H
igh School "Choraleers," led by Derek Ternullo (second from left), performed several holiday-season songs in acapella style during the Holiday Party. They were introduced by Past District Governor Klaus Hachfeld (far right) of Sturbridge Rotary
Bay Path High Wins District’s First Interact Video Contest
The newly formed Interact Club at Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School in Charlton has won the District Interact Committee’s first Interact Club Video Contest - and with it, the $250 prize. The winning video, for the November contest, was inspired by Bay Path High’s participation in the sixth annual Worcester County Coat Drive, conducted by the Worcester County Sheriff's Office. (see “Auburn Supports Bay Path High’s Participation in Worcester County Coat Drive,” below).
The Interact Committee is also pleased to announce that all Interact clubs are again invited to submit a video for a December competition.
Bay Path’s Interact Club is sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Auburn and Southbridge. To learn more about Auburn Rotary, click here. Tolearn more about Southbridge Rotary, click here.
Franklin Rotaract Club Installed at Dean College
The new Rotaract Club of Dean College was installed on November 17. Shown, are the 18 of the 19 charter members of the Rotaract club posing with Rotary Club of Franklin President Terry Katsaros(left, behind podium) and District Governor-Nominee Steve Sager(right, behind podium).
Shown, is Frank Cusano (right), immediate past president of Franklin Rotary, accepting the Rotary International citation for membership retention on behalf of his club from District Governor-Nominee Steve Sager (left)
A Great Fundraising Idea for All Clubs
Milford Distributes '16 Tab to 13,000 Homes - Record sales, 94 photos, 334 smiling faces