- David Doray, Worcester
- Paul Dumouchel, Needham
Club Membership Growth, ’16-‘17
Our Presidents Speak
Rotary Leadership Institute of Northeast America Annual Meeting
Concord Rotary Golf Tournament Benefits Student Scholarships, Other Charitable Projects
To watch a two-minute video of the golf tournament by Concord President Steve "Captain" Kirk, click here.
August 26 Sentinel & Enterprise article by Peter Jasinski:
Political yard signs have popped up along roads across the country this year, but the newest ones coming to Leominster won't have anything to do with candidates running for office.
The Leominster Rotary Club kicked off a campaign of their own on Thursday to show their support for local police.
With some of the signs, from left, are Rotary members Frank Ardinger, Nikki Paglieroni, John Souza, past President Claire Freda, current President Jennifer Stacy and Bharti Bhakta, with Police Officers Michael Booth, Eric Craig, John Bouchard and Billy Taylor, and Rotary members Mary Dean and Victor Bhakta. Photo/John Love
Many Hands, Many Partnerships will be a community dialogue on how we can better work together to help individuals and families in a mental-health crisis get the support they need. It takes a community to manage a mental-health crisis. All too often, we rely entirely on the police to manage such a crisis. Although our local police departments play a valuable role in a crisis, emergency first-responders, mental-health clinicians, individuals with lived experience, and family members all play equally valuable roles.
The event will include a feature presentation and panel discussion. Audience questions and participation will be encouraged. Feature presenter, Chief Craig Davis of the Ashland Police Department, will speak on “Crisis Diversion and Linkages.” The topic of the panel will be “Crisis Intervention to Crisis Management to Family Need and Support to Recovery.” Chief Davis will join Chief Mark Leonard of the Marlborough Police Department and John Deronck of Emergency Services Advocates in the panel discussion.
Westborough Rotary Couple Builds Bridge Together
Pat and Skip Doyle Installed As 2016-2017 District Governors
Ukraine Rotarians have made significant community and global impact. An example of that is that one of the founding members of the Kiev Club, John Hewko, encouraged by his father, Lou Hewko, from the Clarkson, Michigan Rotary Club, went on to become Rotary International
general secretary.
- Service Above Self Award, 2016
- Global Woman of Action Award, 2015
On To Atlanta In 2017
Friday, October 14: Montachusett Area Rotary - 'Comedy Night,' Knights of Columbus, Leominster