Polio Plus Update - November 21, 2016
Our goal is $35.60 per member
By Carl Good III
Our goal as a district is that each club can generate $35.60 per member for Polio Plus during the 2016-2017 Rotary year, which ends next June 30.
Last week, Chris Spear, president of the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, reported that they have generated approximately $2,000 through Purple Pinkie Day activities, and Gerry Gross, president of the Rotary Club of Westborough, noted that they have raised $1,000. Congratulations to both clubs.
To date, our district has generated more than $10,000. We have a way to go. Let's keep it up.
Virtual-reality films bring a new dimension to polio fight
At this year’s World Polio Day celebration in Atlanta, Rotary harnessed the power of virtual-reality technology to build empathy and inspire action in our fight to eradicate polio.
Learn more about the films, click here.
To watch the video of World Polio Day in Atlanta, click here.
If you are had an event for World Polio Day (or Week), please send me a brief description. We are keeping track of the events.
Thank you for all you do to erase this terrible disease from the face of the Earth.
October was an important month for both The Rotary Foundation and Polio Plus.
For more information on this important month, click here.
Carl Good III, chair of the District Polio Committee, may be reached at carlgood@yahoo.com.