Membership Corner - August 29, 2016
Unique Approach to Publicize Rotary by Northborough
By Tom Sturiale

The Rotary Club of Northborough came up with a unique approach to publicize Rotary to the public. Andy Dowd, a Northborough Rotarian, published a “Who We Are” Rotary statement in one of the local publications, which I repeat below. I think he did a great job of capturing the essence of Rotary in a few words. The club has received excellent feedback on the article. Has your club published similar articles in the local media? Send in examples for our weekly District Newsletter.
Who We Are: Rotary Club of Northborough
The Northborough Rotary Club meets on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. at the Northborough Senior Center, located at 119 Bearfoot Rd. Join us!
Join Our Club
We Rotarians worldwide are 1.2 million neighbors, friends and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world.
What Makes Us Different?
Our distinct point of view and approach give us unique advantages:
- We see differently: Our multidisciplinary perspective of our members helps us see challenges in unique ways.
- We think differently: We apply leadership and expertise to social issues – and find unique solutions.
- We act responsibly: Our passion and perseverance create lasting change.
- We make a difference at home and around the world: Our members can be found in your community and across the globe.
How Do We Work?
Our impact starts with our members – people who work within their clubs to contribute to solutions to some of the key challenges facing our community. Our efforts our also supported by Rotary International, our member association, and The Rotary Foundation, which turns generous donations into grants that fund the work of our members and partners around the world. Rotary is led by our members – responsible leaders who help to carry forward our organization’s mission and values in their elected roles.
How Did We Get Here?
We’ve been making history and bringing our world closer together for more than 100 years. Since forming in 1905, Rotary has taken on some of the toughest challenges and helped a wide range of international and service organizations – from the United Nations to Easter Seals – get started.
How Do We Use Our Funds?
Responsible leadership means more than just doing good work – it means making the most out of every donation we receive. Come join us and learn more about how we use our talent and treasure.
If you are interested in joining Northborough Rotary or want more information, please contact Club President Ed King at
Tom Sturiale, chair of District 7910's Visioning Committee and vice chair of its Membership Committee, may be reached at
For more information on Rotary memberships:
July 2016 'Membership Corner' articles: