Foundation Note - June 27, 2017
D7910 Foundation Grants Program for '17-'18
By Sanjay Deshpande and Michelle Gasbarro
We are happy to share the following information about District 7910's 2017-2018 Foundation Grants program, which include both District Grants and Global Grants.
Funds available
D7910 has $107,922 in District Designated Funds (DDF) available for all Foundation grants, out of which at least 50 percent, or $53,961, is required to be earmarked for Global Grants. Our district has again elected to initially reserve the entire balance for its '17-'18 District Grants program. After reserves for administrative (3 percent) and contingency (13.6 percent) expenses, we will have $45,000 available for District Grant projects by our Rotary clubs. This is the highest-ever amount for our District Grant program. We look forward to clubs stepping up to utilize these grants and double their own funds.
Participation eligibility
There was a big change for the Rotary year that begins tomorrow, July 1. The Rotary Foundation has asked that the eligibility criteria for Foundation Grants must be attainable by every club. As a result, there is no requirement for clubs to achieve a per-capita threshold in Foundation giving. All clubs should therefore be able to participate in Foundation grants in '17-'18.
There are four criteria to qualify for participation in Foundation Grants in '17-18:
- Execution of Club Memorandum of Understanding for '17-18: Clubs must execute the MOU each year. For the '17-'18 MOU, click here. We recommend that clubs get this done as soon as possible - surely, before applying for District Grants and/or Global Grants.
- Grant Management Training: Every club should have at least one member, preferably two, complete Grant Management Training. The training is valid for three years for the trained members. Eighteen clubs have not had any member receive Grant Management Training. A Grant Management Training webinar is scheduled for Monday, July 31 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m..
- Appointment of a club Foundation Committee chair: Every Club must appoint a club Foundation chair who provides leadership for the club’s efforts to support the Rotary Foundation's activities and programs. To see more specifics about the role of the club Foundation Committee chair, click here.
- Establish a goal for Foundation giving for the Rotary year: Every club must establish a goal for its contribution to the Annual Fund, which is required, and to other funds, which is optional, during '17-'18.
District Grants process
For '17-'18, the district leadership has established the following District Grant guidelines and limits:
- Clubs will be limited to one District Grant during the year.
- Clubs must have grants approved by November 30, 2017
- Grants will match club contributions on a 1:1 basis up to $1,500 for single-club grants.
- Larger multi-club projects will receive a 1:1 match for participating clubs’ contributions up to $4,500.
- District-sponsored projects focusing on common community needs in multiple communities will be undertaken to increase club participation in Foundation grants. Clubs can participate with small ($200 or more) or larger (up to $1,500) contributions provided they have not participated in another District Grant.
- The ClubRunner Grants Module will be used for the submission of both Grant Requests and Grant Applications after the Requests are accepted.
- Applications will be assessed by the District Grants Subcommittee, and will be scored using the Scoring Rubric for '17-'18. To view it, click here. Applications must score at least 20 points of a maximum 50 points to be eligible for approval.
- Application approval is complete when members of the District Foundation Advisory Board (district governor, district governor-elect, district governor-nominee, district governor-nominee-designate, and District Foundation Committee chair) concur with the recommendation for approval made by the District Foundation Committee chair.
- Clubs must advance all the project expenses to implement the project and then submit the project report on the ClubRunner Grants Module and upload all supporting documents.
- Upon approval of the Report, the club will be reimbursed the amount of the approved grant.
Global Grants process
The Global Grant application process will not change in '17-'18. It will continue to be a two-step process - a proposal and an online application -as described below:
- Clubs submit a District Global Grant Proposal form (click here), which is two pages plus attachments, must provide written evidence of commitment to cooperate from a partner Rotary club in another country, and must be confirmed by our district to be qualified to participate for Global Grants in '17-'18.
- The District Grant Subcommittee must approve the proposal and secure the concurrence of the District Foundation Advisory Board before the requested DDF for the proposed project is earmarked but not committed.
- After the GSC approval, Clubs initiate a global grant application at the Rotary Grant Center, complete all 12 sections of the application and then submit it. The District Designated Funds are then committed.
- Those clubs that submit a proposal will be counselled on the rest of the application and approval process. It is quite involved and can take between two and 12 months, depending on how quickly the two partner clubs respond to the Rotary Foundation's requests for information and changes.
We look forward to robust and active club participation during Rotary year 2017-2018. We will help clubs utilize the entire $45,000 - and perhaps even the District 7910's contingency reserve, when it is released for District Grants.
Let’s get going!
You may contact Sanjay Deshpande, chair of the District Foundation Committee, at
You may contact Michelle Gasbarro, chair of the District Grants Subcommittee, at
For the Foundation Notes archive, click here
Learn more about District 7910 Foundation Grants:
- Timeline for District 7910 Foundation Grants (Web Page)
- District 7910 Monthly Club Contribution Report - Total Per Capita as of December 30, 2016 (PDF Format)
- District 7910 Monthly Club Contribution Report - Alphabetical as of December 30, 2016 (PDF Format)
- Rotary Areas of Focus Policy Statements (PDF Format)
- District 7910 Eligible and Ineligible Activities in a District Grant (Word Format)
- District 7910 Grant Qualification Table (PDF Format)
- District 7910 Grant Proposals and Qualifications Status (Web Page)
- District 7910 2015-2016 Foundation Contributions Report - (Excel Format)
- Foundation Grants in 2016-'17 and Beyond (PDF Format)
- District 7910 2016-2017 District Grant Proposal Template (PDF Format)