Foundation Note - February 28, 2017
michelle gasbarro becomes d7910 grant subcommittee chair
By Sanjay Deshpande
I am pleased to announce that Past President Michelle Gasbarro (shown, right), of the Rotary Club of Montachusett Area, has become District 7910's Grants Subcommittee chair, effective February 1. She has been an active member of the Grants Subcommittee during the 2016-2017 Rotary year, and stepped in to help outgoing Chair Jorge Yarzebski with some of his responsibilities.
Michelle also volunteered during the '15-'16 Rotary year year to close out five District Grants. Prior to then, she was president of Montachusett Area Rotary, and District Secretary in '15-'16 She is the primary international contract on Global Grant1 472022, which provided assistance to a school in Liberia. Michelle will also be district secretary during District Governor-Elect Karin Gaffney's year, which begins this July 1.
Please join me in congratulating Michelle in her new role, and extend her your full cooperation in her activities related to Foundation grants.
Please also join me in thanking Jorge Yarzebski for his valuable work during the past 10 months. Despite changes in his professional life last spring, and again this winter, he managed to move the District and Global Grants forward. Recently, he had a lot of demands on his time due to family issues and was relieved when it was suggested that he let someone else be the Grants Subcommittee chair for the next two or so years while he continues to serve on the Subcommittee and share his experience with Foundation grants.
If you have any questions about the District Foundation Committee, contact me
For the Foundation Notes archive, click here
Learn more about District 7910 Foundation Grants:
- Timeline for District 7910 Foundation Grants (Web Page)
- District 7910 Monthly Club Contribution Report - Total Per Capita as of December 30, 2016 (PDF Format)
- District 7910 Monthly Club Contribution Report - Alphabetical as of December 30, 2016 (PDF Format)
- Rotary Areas of Focus Policy Statements (PDF Format)
- District 7910 Eligible and Ineligible Activities in a District Grant (Word Format)
- District 7910 Grant Qualification Table (PDF Format)
- District 7910 Grant Proposals and Qualifications Status (Web Page)
- District 7910 2015-2016 Foundation Contributions Report - (Excel Format)
- Foundation Grants in 2016-'17 and Beyond (PDF Format)
- District 7910 2016-2017 District Grant Proposal Template (PDF Format)
- District Grant Proposal Form (Word Format)
- Global Grant Proposal Form (Word Format)
- District 7910 District Grants Scoring Rubric (PDF format)
- District 7910 Club Memorandum of Understanding (PDF Format)