District Positions: District Treasurer
By Jim Fusco
The District Treasurer is elected for a term of three years by the District Nominating Committee (see "District Positions," December 7, 2015 Newsletter), is automatically a Trustee of the District Funds and, in accordance, with the District Resolutions shall not serve consecutive terms. Lee Ouellette of the Rotary Club of Dracut is the current Treasurer and her term will expire next June 30, 2016. The Nominating Committee is now seeking a Treasurer for the 2016-2019 Rotary Year to replace Lee. If you are interested or know someone who would make a good District Treasurer, please let me know.
The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the District’s financial books, paying District expenses, collecting District dues, maintaining detailed accounting of all financial transactions on the District’s QuickBooks Online program, keeping accounts of all District funds and operating accounts and presenting reports pursuant to section 4.10 of the District Bylaws. The Treasurer shall invest the funds of the district as directed by the Trustees of the District funds from time to time and, shall maintain detailed accounting records of all funds collected pursuant to Article XI of the District Bylaws, the permanent fund of the District and all other District funds.
The Treasurer shall receive an approved budget prior to an event and an income and expense statement from every chairperson responsible for a District 7910 event within 60 days from the termination of that event, and shall include such reports in his/her annual report. The income and expense statement shall be submitted on a form provided by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall provide financial information to the District Governor and the Trustees of the District Fund when reasonable requests are made for such information, but interim information must be available for Trustee and District Council meetings. The Treasurer must submit a formal interim financial report, which will include detailed analysis of the operating funds and each restricted fund, to the business session of the annual District Conference. The Treasurer must provide a final financial report to the immediate Past District Governor within four months of the completion of such District Governor’s term. This report shall be presented, discussed if need be, and formally adopted by the following District Conference.
Jim Fusco, 2015-2016 governor of District 7910, may be reached at jim.fusco2@gmail.com.