District Interact Video Contest - January 2, 2017
District Interact Video Contest Rules: january 2017

Deliverable: Create a short (about two minutes) video on one of the following topics:
- What has the local Rotary club accomplished in your community?
- What has your local Interact club accomplished within your community?
Goal: Create awareness about the local Rotary and Interact clubs.
Award: $250 contribution to your Interact club and an invitation to show your video at the multi-district conference next April in Providence
Due Date: January 31, 2016
Award Date: February 2017
How to Submit: Publish your video on YouTube and e-mail the link to Interact Committee Member Bill Westerman at
whwesterman@yahoo.com and Chair Bob Anthony at rwa1645@gmail.com, along with suggestions and questions.

Video Tips and Tricks:
- Interview Rotary and Interact club members
- Interview people in the community
- Create a script that tells a story
- Set the stage with a theme
- Provide details that support the theme
- Recap the key points of the theme at the end