Upcoming Events
Email burotar@bu.edu to sign up!
Fellowship Rotaract Meeting 
Wednesday, April 11th
Sargent College 107
635 Commonwealth Ave
Mentorship Rotaract Meeting 
Wednesday, April 25th 
Sargent College 107
635 Commonwealth Ave
Cooking Workshop with Thriving
Tuesday, May 1st
Sargent College 610
635 Commonwealth Ave
End of Semester Party
Wednesday, May 2nd
Sargent College 107
635 Commonwealth Ave
Rotaract Pre-convention to the Rotary International Convention
Friday-Saturday June 22-23
Toronto, Canada 
Faculty Advisor: Karen Jacobs
Hometown: Stony Brook, NY
Major/area of study at BU: Occupational therapy
Best thing from summer: Spending time with my family
Favorite thing to do: Photography, reading, cooking, cross country skills, kayaking and swimming
Looking forward to Rotaract: Advising Rotaract and working on service activities with members
5 words that describe you: kind, enthusiastic, creative, committed, friendly
Fun fact: I have traveled to all 50 states
Developing Projects and Partnerships
Screening of the Documentary Seven Women
Stephanie Woollard founded the organization, Seven Women, to empower marginalized women through education, skills training and income generation. A documentary was developed over the course of 4 years, capturing the story of these women in Nepal and how this organization provides meaningful impact on their lives. Rotaract will organize a documentary screening to learn more about this incredible organization. For more information visit here
The Gift of Life
In the past legacy of our club we have raised funds to donate to a child in need of life saving medical attention they would otherwise not have access too. Rotaract not only provided funds support operations, they also coordinated housing and meals for the family to use for the duration of their stay in Boston. This year one of our children is in need of an additional procedure and we are developing ways to best assist this child and his family. For more information visit here 
One Can Help 
Fundraise to help support an organization to help provide scholarships and resources to children in need within the juvenile court system to make a positive change when no other funds are available. For more information visit here
*These are some of the projects in development, we are happy to begin new projects of your interest, or alter the course of these projects if you have ideas! 
February 2025
Boston University Sargent College Rotaract
Boston University Sargent College Rotaract Club
Our rockstar Rotaractors made 13 Housewarming Baskets!
Rotaract is a part of a global organization with over 1.2 million members in 160+ countries. We are people of action who embody the philosophy of Rotary, and the 4 way test- 1. Is it the Truth? 2. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build good will and better friendships 4. Is it beneficial to all concerned?
We provided impactful community service because we know it needs to be completed. There is no other motive. There are no strings attached. Rotaract is filling in the gaps when needed and works to bridge accessibility. Rotaract and our partner Rotary Clubs provide incredible professional development conferences, meetings, workshops, and scholarships that you, being a Rotaract member, have access to. The opportunities are endless! Rotaract is a welcoming and inclusive community, you can go anywhere in the world and know you have a home! Come and see for yourself! 
We have impactful projects, meetings, and events in store for this year. Rotaract has defined three pillars of Service, Fellowship, and Mentorship. Each pillar has their own chair and will have one event or meeting a month that falls under each pillar. This opens up more opportunities for member contribution, shaping, and involvement, after all this is your club!
Descriptions of the pillars are as follows:
Service Pillar
  •  Development of service projects and events designed based on the needs of our community
Fellowship Pillar
  • Development of goodwill and better friendships to ensure we create a supportive and inclusive network of friends
Mentorship Pillar
  • Outreach to mentors in the community to develop the professional skills and networking of our club members to become well rounded young professionals
2017-2018 Rotaract Year in Review
Image from Cantina Night Fundraiser on December 7th 2017
Executive Board Members 2017-2018
President: Sarah Tuberty Vice President: Cole Koerber Secretary/Social media: Melissa Braun Treasurer: Sam Metiliz Service Chair: Jenna Stitik Mentorship Chair: Ioana Moldovan Fellowship Chair: Gabi Menendez Rotaract Liaison: Jesse Lao
Elected Executive Board 2018-2019
President: Ioana Moldovan Vice President: Jesse Lao Secretary: Melissa Braun Treasurer: Hailey Cerrentani Social Media Chair: Pooja Sonikar
Meetings: 18 total, Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00pm in Sargent College room 107, sent out weekly newsletters via club runner. To join the email list email: burotar@bu.edu
Total members; ~20 Regular members: ~10 (50% increase from last year!)
Gained 15 new followers on social media accounts in the last semester
Service Projects:
  • Brookline Day Back Pack Awareness Table: gave away a bunch of backpacks and provided education on back pack safety.
  • EPIC Boston Serve: painted a local Boston school in groups led by individuals with disabilities who are empowered through service in their community - we also raised $85 for their organization!
  • Friends of Boston's Homeless/Woods Mullen Shelter: served dinner at the shelter and provided 13 housewarming baskets with items that we donated, collected and sorted in meetings for individuals who are moving into new housing arrangements.
  • Cradles to Crayons: created 3 fleece-tie blankets in a meeting and donated to their facility as well as volunteered at their Giving Factory to help with sorting shoes for care packages for children in need.
  • Pancake Breakfast: helped serve breakfast, bus tables, promote the silent auction, give away prizes and face paint for Brookline Rotary's largest fundraising event of the year.
  • Fenway Park Green Team: collected recyclables during the game and got to watch a great Red Sox game (plus free lunch and a T shirt!)
  • Franciscan Children's Hospital: donated 14 homemade cards we made in a meeting for the children in residence.
  • Boston Adoption Center: donated a bunch of homemade cat toys we created in a meeting.
  • Healthy Cooking Workshop with Women and Children Thriving in Brookline and Target: 7 evenings of cooking 1 savory and 1 healthy meal, 10-15 women and sometimes children would arrive and make delicious food!
  • Knitted 80 Items: for Brookline Rotary Clubs Knitting for Kids Project
In total, we served for over 200 hours of community service this year!
Mentorship Activities:
  • Keith Harris and Chi Lu Tran- Rotary International
  • Amy Witherbee- Financial advising
  • Karin Gaffney- Districtwide events and vision
  • Anne Bader-Martin- One Can Help
  • Susan Rack- Polio Campaign in India
  • Peg Doyle- Wellness and You
  • Diane Gallagher- Peace Corps
Fellowship Activities:
  • Vision Boards - made in teams to express what they wanted out of Rotaract and values that they held
  • Assassin - interactive game to help members bond
  • Gingerbread Making - Holiday party where we made gingerbread houses and ginger bread trains while listening to Christmas music
  • Ice Skating - First event of Spring semester, held at BU Ice Skating Rink, 3 members attended  Post-it positivity campaign - Wrote/ drew inspiring quotes and posted them around Sargent, CAS, and the gym
  • Making Cat Toys for shelter - joined event with Jenna, made around 20 cat toys to donate
  • Wrote cards for individuals moving into a new home
  • End Polio Now
    • Raised $119 to assist Brookline Rotary Club and their campaign for raising funds for ending Polio.
  • Cantina Night – Play for All Park
    • It was a successful event raising $1027.83 dollars raised for Play for All Park. We also had lots of donations from cantina itself, and other outside groups. Overall, another bar night next year might be successful as well as I think this was the most successful event of the year as turn out/fundraising goes.
  • One Can Help
    • We had a fundraiser for the organization One Can Help, which works with lawyers and social workers to help underserved children obtain any resources they might need such as a bus pass or a laptop for college. The event took place at Scoozi in Kenmore Square on April 18. Members came for a fun dinner with good food and 15% of their check was donated to One Can Help. Around 20 people attended the event and $28.59 was raised.
Club Events:
  • Fenway Green Team Service Project with Norwich University Rotaract- 5 members
  • Project Soar with Interact Cubs, WPI Rotaract, and Brookline Rotary- 2 members * 1 member assisted in planning an leading activities
  • RYLA Weekend with D7930- 1 Member
  • Hartford Zone 32 and 24 Institute- 1 Member, 1 Member on planning committee for Rotary Now
  • Fundraiser for Boston Rotaract Club- 2 Members
  • Interrota in Taipei, Tiawan- 1 Member
  • District Holiday Party- 1 Member
  • Mid-year Leadership Dinner D7910– 1 Member
  • Lifestyle by Design Podcast- 2 members
  • Improbable Players-10 members attended- 1 member on planning committee to bring this to BU
  • TedxBeacon Street- 2 members attended
Upcoming Events:
  • RYLA Weekend with D7930- 1 Member
  • Rotary International Convention- 1 Member
  • Rotary International Rotaract Preconvention- 3 Members
  • Rotary Youth Exchange Panel Discussion at the RYE Preconvention- 1 Member
  • One Can Help- Service project assisting the fundraiser gala
Semester Projects
Service Project: Pancake Breakfast
Join us on Saturday, March 24th, from 7:00am-12:00pm the Brookline Rotary's 25th Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser! This is the largest fundraiser to support our host Rotary club's community projects including a garden for Women and Girls Thriving in Brookline, and Maker Project for the Teen Center The breakfast features all you can eat pancakes, games, life music, and dancing! The Brookline Rotary Club is in need of our help to make pancakes, face painting, magic tricks, serve food, and entertain the crowd. Come help out!
Written by: Sarah Tuberty
Cooking Healthy to Feel Great 
A collaboration with Women and Girls Thriving in Brookline, Target, and Rotaract
Women from the Women and Girls Thriving in Brookline and Rotaractors making Vegetarian Tacos with Avocado Cream
Boston University Sargent Rotaract Club has a  ”COOKING HEALTHY TO FEEL GREAT!” workshop series as a collaboration with Women and Girls Thriving in Brookline and Target every month. The event is held at Sargent College. Eight women who live at the Egmont/Trustman and three children enjoyed making two Sargent Choice recipes of Vegetarian Tacos with Avocado Cream and Peppermint Bark Popcorn. There were many Rotaract members participated in making these healthy recipes.
Backpack Awareness at Brookline Day!
Our awesome Rotaractors helping to spread backpack awareness at Brookline Day
Our Backpack Safety Awareness table at Brookline Day was a huge success! We had a bunch of volunteers dedicate their time to learning and teaching others about the importance of properly packing and wearing backpacks in order to prevent back pain and promote neck and spine health! With school just starting up again, this was the perfect opportunity for volunteers to interact with young students and parents and make a meaningful impact on the community of Brookline. Big thank you’s to Karen Jacobs, BU Rotaract’s mentor, who provided handouts and information on backpack safety; Susan Rack, our Brookline Rotary liaison, who provided us with transportation, donuts and a connection to Shelter Box, an organization that sends out necessary temporary shelter and materials for individuals living in disaster relief areas; and to the Hilton for donating backpacks and school supplies which were given out to enthusiastic participants throughout the event!
Overcoming Documentary Screening
Rotaract is partnering with Project Career to host the screening of Overcoming. This is a documentary about how individuals who have sustained a TBI and the way their life's meaningful occupations shifted after the incident. This is a story of their journey to overcome. After this screening we will have a unique conversation with Jeffrey Fernandini Natali, who is featured in the documentary. Jeffrey sustained a TBI in a car accident seven years ago. Currently he is a senior transfer student majoring in exercise & health sciences. His goal is to be a dietician/personal trainer coach. Jeffrey's meaningful occupations include cooking, biking, and helping family & friends with their wellness and fitness goals.
Purple Pinky Day October 24th
World Polio Purple Pinky Day is October 24th, this is an event to raise awareness and collect funds in the community to help in conjunction with the legacy efforts of Rotary International to eradicate Polio from our global community by administering needed vaccines. We are very close, but we still have a little ways to go! It is called "Purple Pinky" because this was a way to identify which children received the vaccine. We are proud to announce that we raised $127! 
Rotary Now Hartford Institute Zones 32 & 24 
Rotary International President, Ian Riseley with 7930 District Rotaract Representative, Mallory McCoy and BU Rotaract President, Sarah Tuberty
This past weekend a committee composed of Drew Kessler, the Zone 32 Assistant Rotary Coordinator; Cecily Smith, President of Metro NY Rotary Club; and Sarah Tuberty, President of Boston University Rotaract Club, planned the Rotary Now portion of the Hartford Zone Institute. This conference had an attendance of 23 young professionals and focused on progressing Rotary forward into the next generation. We had discussions on conflict resolution, how to embody the 4-way test, and ways to create social change. We featured special discussion sessions on the future of Rotary and young professional involvement with Rotary International President Ian Riseley, Rotary International General Secretary, John Hewko, and Rotary International Vice President, Dean Rohrs. We even snagged a few pictures with RI President Ian! 
Did you know?? Rotary members make a Club, Rotary Clubs make a District, Districts make Zones, Zones make Rotary International. 
There are 1.2 million+ Rotary members, 34,282+ Clubs, 220 countries, and 19 Zones create Rotary International. We are a large group of people of action making a difference!
Campers from Camp Bulvoa, Blankets, and Rotarians 
Being people of action, of course we had to do something! We made 8 no-sew blankets to be used by Harc, a non-profit organization to provide resources and support for children and adults with intellectual differences. Their motto being "changing lives, changing minds" in addition to providing support, they work to create a world inclusive of people with all abilities by combating stigma associated with disability. We even had the fortunate opportunity to take a team of Rotarians to hand deliver blankets to Harc, and engage in inclusive play activities of dancing, balloon animals, arts and crafts, and cookie decorating at Harc's Camp Bulvoa on Saturday! For more information on Harc and how you can help visit here
Robbie Dunno, the founder of the Gift of Life, dresses as his new intuitive of "Rotary Man" explains how Rotarians are superheroes who are here to do good 
We had the pleasure of meeting Robbie Dunno, the founder of the Gift of Life International. This is a nonprofit organization partnered with Rotary to help coordinate necessary heart surgeries for children who would otherwise not survive. Our club has the legacy of supporting 3 children through the Gift of Life. In the organization's 42 years of service, they have saved the lives of 29,602 children in 79 countries. We were humbled to meet him! For more information on Gift of Life International visit here.
Being the incredible human he is, Robbie has started the new initiative and custom designed "Rotary Man" and "Rotary Woman," his philosophy being that Rotarians are superheroes. That people do not know who we are, it is not about the recgoniton or the pride of "look what I did" rather that whenever someone sees a Rotarian, they know something good is going to happen. All in all the conference was a great success and we hope to see you at future conferences!!
Knitting Committee
Look at this awesome hat, complete with cat ears that was knitted by Alicia!! 

We are proud to announce that we are partnering with the Boston University Knitting Club to knit for a program the Brookline Rotary Club just initiated -- Rotary Knitting for Kids Project. All the items we make will be donated to children who are recent immigrants from countries like Russia, China, and Haiti. We are proud to announce that we donated 80 items on December 14th! Thank you for all of your help!

EPIC Serve Boston

Rotaractors Melissa Braun, Jenna Stitik, and Jesse Lao at the EPIC Boston Serve 

BU Rotaractors spent their Saturday volunteering with EPIC, an organization that helps promote young people with disabilities to be empowered through community leadership. Members took part of their annual Boston Serve event, a day dedicated to community service, which took place at Mildred Ave. K-8 School in Mattapan. Volunteers were organized into teams and led by EPIC service leaders to transform the school by painting classrooms. Overall, $22,582 was raised for EPIC's leadership programs,  of which BU Rotaract donated $85 and 15 service hours! Rotaractors had a fantastic time and got to meet members of the EPIC community, and made some friends from other BU clubs that attended! 

TEDxBeacon Street 2017 

On Sunday, November 5th 2017, BU Rotaract Club President Sarah Tuberty and Rotaractor Jesse Lao went to TEDxBeaconStreet and watched a whole variety of presentations. There were Chief Executive Officers, Professors and Scientists from MIT/Harvard, a Former White House Technology Officer, and many more! The speakers shared amazing life experiences, insights, and out-of-this world ideas! One thing, I took from the talks was about globalization ideology and practice. Basically, if an idea and process works in one country, it can easily be adapted to another. Solutions can be shared! It was an amazing event! 

Friends of Bostons Homeless Housewarming Baskets and Service Project 
Our rockstar Rotaractors made 13 Housewarming Baskets! 
During our Mentorship meeting this past Wednesday (11/29), Rotaractors also worked on a service project. Members helped sort and pack donations into gift baskets for the Housewarming Gift Basket Drive run by the Friends of Boston's Homeless organization, in an effort to provide necessary items for individuals moving into new living situations after previously being street-engaged. The baskets were donated by club advisor Karen Jacobs and donations were provided by club members and others from the BU community (thank you!!!). Each basket included essential items for moving into a new home, and a "Welcome Home" note hand written and decorated by members during a previous meeting. 13 fully packed baskets were then donated this past Friday (12/1) during a community service event at the Woods Mullen Shelter, where Rotaractors helped serve dinner to those in need. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the drive and service event - we couldn't have done it without your help every step of the way! 
Rotaractors Jesse, Angela, and Jenna serving dinner at the Woods Mullen Shelter on December 1st! 
Cantina Night: We raised over $1,000!!!
Rotaractors Melissa, Sam, Yuka, Jenna, Gabi, Sarah, Cole and Jesse prepare for Cantina Night
We are proud to announce that Cantina Night raised over $1,000!! We had wonderful food, an awesome music by DJ Geome, and a Minute to Win it challenge. We are grateful for the generosity of Sunset Cantina to donate the space and food for our event and we are grateful for your generosity in attending! Thank you for all of your hard work and support to our impactful event. All money raised will go directly to build a Fenway Stadium at the Vacaville, CA Play 4 All Park. Thank you for those who worked hard to put the event on and donated their time!  Thank you for being a part of the Rotaract community and supporting us!! We are so humbled by the success of this event! 
Our year initiative: Play 4 All Park!
An inclusive playground for children of all needs in Vacaville, California
This child is baseball player on a Challenge League Team, proudly wearing the Red Sox jersey! 
This year Sarah Tuberty is the President of the Boston University Sargent College Rotaract Club and her mother, Katheryn Tuberty, is the president of the Vacaville Rotary Club in California. Upon their presidential year mother and daughter developed a partnership to support an ongoing initiative for the Vacaville Rotary Club. (Vacaville is located in between San Francisco and Sacramento in Northern California and is the hometown of our president). 
Our Rotaract Club with help raise funds to support an inclusive and accessible playground for children with all needs and abilities enabling them to play together on the same playground. The 7.5 acre and estimated 4.9 million dollar park will feature playground equipment that is assessable for children using wheelchairs, will feature quiet places for children with sensory integration needs, will have grassy fields, and picnic areas. The park is scheduled to break ground in June of 2018. 
The most exciting aspect for our club is the design of 2 Challenge League Fields. The Challenge League is an accessible baseball team for children with differences that experienced added difficulties on tradition baseball fields. These teams exist in the Northern California area however, they are bumped off of baseball fields when non-challenge league teams want to use the space. The Play 4 All park plans to build two fields that are specifically designed for the Challenge League teams and will ensure they will never be bumped. The fields will be 1/3 replicas of the AT&T Park in San Francisco and the Fenway Park here in Boston.  Come help us out, let's put the ALL in BasebALL!
For more information click here 
Play 4 All Park: $1027.83 Check Presentation
Boston University Rotaract Club President, Sarah Tuberty and her mother, president the Vacaville Rotary Club, Katheryn Tuberty 
Our club president, Sarah Tuberty, was proud to present our semester fundraising proceeds in the form of a $1,027.83 check for the construction of a Fenway Park Challenge league baseball field at the Play 4 All Park in the hometown of our club president, Vacaville, California. The Play 4 All Park has been an ongoing initiative of the Vacaville Rotary Club, for which our club president's mother, Katheryn Tuberty,  is the current President and she sits on the Play 4 All park board of directors. This project is scheduled to break ground this summer. Thank you for everyone who helped make this possible!
Meeting Speakers
Mentorship Meeting Speaker: Keith Harris
"What is Rotary and how can we help your club make real differences"
Keith and Christina Harris, photographed after Keith's 10 week cross country bike ride to raise money for Rotary International 
It is an honor to welcome our first mentor, Keith Harris. Keith has worked hard for the past year to re-establish a position within the larger Rotary organization as the Emerging Leaders Chair with District 7930. He has the pleasure to mentor, support, and enable the Emerging Leader's Programs that Rotary offers; these include RYLA, Interact, Rotaract, and Rotary Youth Exchange. Keith is also incredible as he spent 10 weeks on an adventurous, stunning, challenging, solo (but not for meaningful friends along the way) bike ride from Seattle, WA back to Boston, MA to raise money for Rotary International!!
Special Guest: Chi Luu-Tran
Chi Luu-Tran and Rotaract Rockstar!
Chi Luu-Tran is an Internship Administrator in the Center for Career Development at Boston University. She works with two funded internship programs and their participants, Yawkey Nonprofit Internship Program and Santander Sophomore Internship Program. She is also acting president of Boston Rotaract, a community-based Rotaract Club for 18-35 year old young professionals.
 Financial Advisor Amy Witherbee JD, PhD
Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 10.59.18 AM.png
Image from Amy's Blog, follow her here and learn more! 

We had the honor of welcoming two Rotarians from the Downtown Rotary Club! Bryan Ling, the Inter-Club Liaison for the Downtown Rotary, joined Amy Witherbee, a financial advisor at Revolution Capital doing investment management and financial planning. She focuses on spending, saving, taxes, and non-financial aspects of planning, including interpersonal relationships (because they frequently affect the choices we make in terms of money).

Amy distributed a pub-style quiz on finance. We split into teams and deliberated each question, occasionally asking for hints and hoping to win a bag of Blow Pops! Some of us realized that we knew more than we had initially thought, while others realized how much of the financial world is a mystery. The questions ranged from types of investments, financial terms, the housing market, loan repayments, and retirement funds among others. Amy had a purpose behind each question and expanded on it after we figured out which team answered it correctly. For example, she said that federal loans have policies that protect the borrowers, while private loans do not come with as much security, so they may not be worth the lower cost. Amy emphasized that we should not trust anyone in the financial world unless they have no involvement in the type of finances we are pursuing, such as a loan. Amy offered to answer our questions via email for free, so feel free to email her at amy@revolutioncapital.net !

Mentorship Meeting: District Governor Karin Gaffney


District Governor Karin Gaffney sharing with us the meaning of the Rotary 2017-2018 Theme of "Making a difference" 

We were honored to welcome Karin Gaffney to our mentorship meeting this past week! She joined the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley in February 2012 and served as President in its charter year. She is a Paul Harris Fellow and a Rotary Leadership Institute graduate. In 2014, she was honored as Rotarian of the Year. Karin’s career spans over 30 years as a banking professional, working as a commercial lender, but we learned that, for the time being, she’s focusing all her efforts on being District Governor!

Karin was accompanied by District Youth Chair and Assistant (future) Governor, Diana Nestorova. Karin spoke about her involvement in Rotary and her journey to becoming a District Governor. She mentioned how participating in Rotary can enhance interpersonal relationships, personal goals, and make a real difference. When someone asks her “What is Rotary?”, she loves to answer by offering an example of the things that Rotarians do. In light of this, one of her goals as District Governor is to increase awareness about Rotary and also supplement the decreasing membership in Rotary clubs. She shared with us the fact that Rotary clubs are expanding significantly around the world, yet contracting in the United States. Her greatest desire for Rotaries within our district, and beyond, is reverting back to the “Service” foundation on which Rotary was built. This means going out and participating in the service projects that clubs sponsor, instead of simply financing them behind the scenes.

We were happy to hear that our Rotaract club is highly treasured by our District and we hope to continue making a difference!

Attorney and Founder of One Can Help: Anne Bader-Martin

For this month’s mentorship meeting, we welcomed Anne Bader-Martin, the founder One Can Help! As a juvenile court attorney, Anne wanted to help low income families in a way that guarantees our donations go directly to the need. One Can Help seeks to improve, instead of enable, people by providing the critical resources underserved children and families need to build better futures. By fundraising, this organization offers attorneys and social workers the money they need to address matters that come up while working with their clients. We’re looking forward to supporting One Can Help through fundraising efforts!

Anne invited us to the “Celebrating Changing Lives Benefit” at the Windsor Club in Newton on Thursday, May 10th from 6:30-9:00PM. If interested, RSVP here

District 7910 Rotaract Chair: Susan Rack 

Susan Rack, District 7910 Rotaract Chair and member of the Brookline Rotary Club, joined two of her fellow Rotarians on a trip to India as volunteers for Rotary International's Mega Polio Campaign in January 2018. They immunized children against polio, toured northern India, and visited ongoing Rotary projects while staying with fellow Rotarians in Nepal. Although she was hesitant about embarking on this journey at first, it turned out to be the experience of a lifetime. After visiting a school being supported by Rotary, she became motivated to focus on creating new bathrooms, especially for girls. Many girls can't stay at school because they do not have appropriate hygienic resources. 
After seeing the results of Rotary's dedication to eradicating polio and the effects that Rotary has around the world, Susan stresses the fact that Rotary really works! The joined efforts for sustainable projects around the world are having an impact on people's lives. Our Rotaract Club will continue to collaborate with the greater Rotary network in our service and fundraising projects! We are so greatful for the continued support Brookline Rotary offers to our club!
Written by: Ioana Moldovan 
Fellowship Meetings
Welcome Meeting was a Success! 
Rotaractors embodying the message "Service Above Self"
Our first meeting was a great success! With over 30 members in attendance we learned about Rotary, reviewed up coming projects, and brain stormed ideas of new projects and events that align with our 3 Pillar system of Fellowship, Mentorship, and Service. The evening was fun, full of smiles and plans for inspiring events. It is exciting to see what we can accomplish this semester, we are people of action!
Vision Boards
Rotaract members Karla from El Salvador and Reed from Minnesota share their vision board
Look at these awesome Rotaractors and the vision board they created! They all had a love for travel and for service above self. Rotaractors were able to connect on similar interests, find out the strangest thing they had in common, and put their interests together to learn how to be people of action to make this world a better place. We even had two special guests come and visit our club from El Salvador and from the Dominican Republic! This goes to show that Rotaract is an international community! 
Housewarming Cards
We had a very fun and engaging Fellowship meeting last week! We played Mafia, a game where towns people have to work together to find the Mafia and put them in jail before they cut off all of the townspeople. We then wrote welcome cards to include in the housewarming basket drive donations.