Please join us at 6:30pm on January 16, 2024. Click HERE to register (feel free to register as a guest if you don't know your login information).
Learn about the negative environmental impacts of private jet use, and why allowing expansion of this use at Hanscom Field is bad for the entire region.
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. On January 17, join us on Zoom as special guest Eileen Rau, Rotary Regional Foundation Coordinator, leads a discussion about strategies to increase giving to our Foundation. Those donations come back to our District, funding grants for our Clubs and making possible the many projects we undertake to help make our world a better place. This interactive discussion will provide ideas to inspire both Rotarians and friends of Rotary to contribute, helping us to increase our impact and expand our reach. Please register here to receive the Zoom link for this important program.
Our Global Grant application for our mangrove restoration project in Guatemala has been approved by Rotary International. March 16 - 23, we'll travel to restore valuable mangroves to help protect our planet.
All are invited to work together to protect our planet. Watch this short video about the importance of mangroves in preserving critical ecosystems. Come to an informational meeting on January 17 at 5:30pm at Action Unlimited in Concord (thanks to PDG Carol Toomey). Please register hereto attend the meeting.
The District will be hosting the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) on Saturday, January 27th from 7:30 AM until 3 PM at the Assabet Regional Technical High School on Fitchburg Street in Marlborough. The cost is $85 which covers the breakfast, snack, lunch, and materials. Members should check with their Clubs for assistance in covering the cost of registration.
Classes are filling up! Register today. Contact D7910 RLI Chair Mark Vital with questions or if you have issues with registration.
REGISTER HEREfor this timely and important discussion where we'll examine lessons learned about the connection between environment and peace, two of Rotary's Areas of Focus.
Dr. Michele Devlin of the Army War College is Professor of Environmental Security and an expert on the Arctic. She also serves as Professor of Arctic Health and Human Security with the National Science Foundation's UNI ARCTICenter.
Unfortunately, mental illness has impacted our lives, personally or professionally. According to the National Alliance in Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 adults (1 in 6 youth aged 6 to 17 years old) living in the United States experience mental illness each year.
Gordan R McInally, President of Rotary International has encouraged clubs and districts to undertake activities that erase the stigma associated with mental health, which happens to coincide with addiction. He has made it known that he lost his brother Ian in 2014 to suicide from his mental health.
You can qualify as a Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation by making an outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment or notifying the Foundation that you’ve included the Endowment as a beneficiary of that amount in your estate plan.
Benefactors receive a certificate and insignia to wear with a Rotary or Paul Harris Fellow pin.
If you make a commitment for a future gift of $10,000 or more to the Foundation, you’ll be invited to join the Bequest Society.
The 7910 District Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is still accepting applications for Short Term summer 2024 international exchanges for youth 15-181/2. This is a club service for a family to family exchange with no impact on club budgets. Students are matched with another student in the country of their choice. Students’ families host each other.
For more information contact Sherrie Whittemore, 7910 RYE Short Term Coordinator at, text (508) 494-5978.
The Rotary Club of Wellesley welcomes Brian Moynihan, Chair and CEO of Bank of America, for a dinner and discussion on Thursday, January 25 at 6:00pm.
This will be a great opportunity to hear Brian’s insight on the economy and the state of the financial industry, as we begin the new year. There will be a question and answer session after the presentation.
On Saturday, February 10th the Wachusett Area Rotary Club will bring Valentine’s cheer to 425 senior citizens who will attend their annual “Hearts of Rotary” breakfast. Held at The Manor in West Boylston, the club has partnered with senior centers in their service area (Boylston, Holden, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, Sterling and West Boylston) to extend invitations to the event, which requires pre-registration.
The event runs from 8:00 am until approximately 11:00. Volunteers are needed to help with set up, serving during the event, and for cleanup. Please reach out to Chairperson Richard Traina at to sign up to help.
Through a District Grant in the 2023-2024 year, our club will collaborating with the Stow Historical Society to to preserve the historical significance of the former Mapledale Country Club, now Stow Acres Country Club, in Stow MA. Mapledale was owned and operated by Robert H. Hawkins, a black businessman who opened the course in 1926. It was the first black-owned golf course in the USA, at a time when black golfers were not able to play at golf courses due to segregation.
In many countries, advancements in technology have led to a decrease in the use of braille books. However, in the villages of Malawi, braille books are still in high demand but not always readily available. To address this need, the Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy is focused on supplying these villages with books for children who aspire to learn. We are looking for books in countries like the United States that are no longer in use, and we will ship them to Malawi. These books will be distributed to the areas that need them the most. Please write to Thank you.
Plan ahead for this popular event. Have something that needs fixing? Don't throw it away before you give the Repair Café a chance to extend its life!! Bring it to Scott Hall 24, Vernon Street, Framingham on Feb 24 from 2 to 5. Co-sponsored by Rotary Club of Framingham and Transition Framingham.
We're looking for additional volunteers who can sharpen knives (or want to learn how!), repair clothing, repair jewelry and fix sewing machines; If you can help, sign up at: