Foundation Notice - March 28, 2016
Foundation Notice: Timeline for 2016-’17 District Grants
By Sanjay Deshpande
The District Foundation Committee has received several requests for a timeline for the 2016-2017 District Grants. The timeline is explained, below. Club qualification has started and must be completed before a club can apply for either a district or a global grant in the ’16-’17 Rotary year. Qualification is completed when all three eligibility criteria are met:
- Per-capita Foundation contributions of $100 by this June 30. As of March 7, 20 clubs had qualified and 31 others (see list, below) have until this June 30 to achieve the $100 per-capita level.
- Grant-management training: At least one member, preferably two, must be trained in person at one of two sessions. As of March 25, eight clubs had registered. The other 43 clubs need to register for either the 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon session on Saturday, April 30 at the Hilton Garden in Waltham or the 6:00-9:00 p.m. session on Monday, May 9 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Leominster. For more information, click on the one you want to attend.
- ‘16-‘17 Memorandum of Understanding must be executed. As of March 25, only one club has signed the MOU. The other clubs will be required to execute the MOU before being able to submit grant applications. To download the MOU in PDF format, click here.
The Master District Grant for the 30 District Grants that are planned will be submitted to The Rotary Foundation this April on the basis of the one-page proposals received from 28 clubs on March 11 at PETS. Other clubs are urged to submit their proposals by April 15. To download the proposal form in Word format, click here.
The detailed timeline for District Grant applications is included in the PDF document available for download here. Here are the major activities:
- May 1-30: Review of proposals by the District Grants Subcommittee and notification to proceed to online applications.
- June 1, onward: Online grant applications submitted by qualified clubs using the ClubRunner Grant Management Module.
- July 1-7 for submissions through June 30, and every month thereafter: Monthly review of applications and scoring by Grants Subcommittee’s review team.
- July 10, and the 10th day of each month thereafter: District Grants Subcommittee chair recommendations for grant awards.
- July 15 and the 15th of each month thereafter: Foundation Committee decision on grant awards.
The monthly cycle of application submissions will continue until slots or funds are available. For more details, see the presentation, “Foundation Grants in 2016-‘17 and Beyond,” in PDF format. The updated version (as of March 16) includes names of additional Grants Subcommittee members plus the two Grant Management Training Sessions. Only three more slots remained to be filled as of March 25.
We are planning a webinar in May for the online District Grant Application submission using the ClubRunner Grant Management Module.
If you have any questions, please contact either Grants Subcommittee Chair Jorge Yarzebski at or Foundation Committee chair Sanjay Deshpande