To all Rotarians in District 7910, thank you for inviting Community Investors to your March Zoom meeting, to share our mission of supporting physical, social and emotional wellness. You provided us an opportunity to show the recent Channel 5 News feature on our designation as a National Youth Sports Strategy Champion by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services.

Our efforts are led by student coaching, music, and media programs. For children of various ages, genders, backgrounds, and abilities, we provide equal levels of enjoyment while playing ball together in their hometown.
To learn more on what it means to be an NYSS champion, click here.
We welcome the opportunity to share how to expand the impact of these programs in more communities. To set up a time to meet with us, or for more information, contact Leone Johnson, Community Investments' treasurer and administrator, at either info@communityinvestors.net or 781-239-3215.
For comments, questions or technical issues, contact us at rotaryd7910@gmail.com.