PR Training Materials
What would it take to change the world?
This page contains various training materials for Rotary PR Chairs to use. Please contact Laura Spear if you have questions or additional training materials you would like to share.
To promote your club's activities to the district: Rotary District 7910 Club Promotion Guidelines
- Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines Summary
- District Assembly training on Public Image: April 25, 2015 (PPT)
- District Assembly training on Public Image: April 25, 2015 (PDF)
- District Assembly training on Public Image (15 Tips to Tout Your Club): April 13, 2014
- Building a Club Website: September 2015
- Post-PETS training: PR 101... or Marketing 101? April 8, 2016
- PR Support for Getting New Members: The Buyer's Journey March 1, 2017
Tools and Aids
Monthly PR Workshops (online webinars)
- Logos: August 6, 2014
- Flyers: September 8, 2014
- ClubRunner: October 6, 2014
- Club Brochures: November 6, 2014
- Creating a Club Presentation: December 8, 2014
- Club Stationery: January 12, 2015
- Rotary Identity Elements: February 9, 2015
- Presidential Theme Logos: March 27, 2015
Social Media
- Social Media Glossary
- Social Media for Younger Members and New Generations (presentation)
- Using Facebook for Membership
- Facebook Pages vs. Groups
- Using Facebook for Polio Eradication: 10 Tips
- Mobile and Social Web for Public Media (Nonprofit Tech for Good presentation)
Rotary Brand Center: (log in with your Rotary International account)
On this site, you can find the latest information about logos, messaging, images, and other identity guidelines. Please download the Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines for Rotarians (11 MB). You can also order this document from for $5.