Special Governor's Message: Installation of Pat and Skip Doyle as 2016-2017 District Governors
By Jim Fusco
It is my honor and privilege to report that Pat and Skip Doyle have been installed as District Governors for the 2016-2017 Rotary year, which begins this Friday, July 1. Congratulations and best wishes to them form all of us!
To commemorate this special event - an extraordinary one, too, because of Pat and Skip's co-governorship - I want to share with you some of the many-more-to-come photos (see below) as well as a 28-minute video of yesterday's Installation Ceremony at Fitchburg State University. To view the video in MP4 format, click here.
Tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., I will send you the regular edition of Rotary District 7910 Newsletter, which will be my final issue as your 2015-2016 District Governor.
The three-day RYLA event was attended by 188 sophomores. The Sunday closing event, including the Installation, was attended by those students and as well as their families and friends. To learn more about RYLA, click here.
I now have only four more days - counting today - to serve as your District Governor. We have done so much - yet there is still so much to do! Thank you for a great year!
Jim Fusco, 2015-2016 governor of District 7910, may be reached at  jim.fusco2@gmail.com.