By Laura Spear
Know what role your club plays in your community.
Does your club work with the schools? Senior citizens? Underrepresented citizens? Do you provide a major service to the community? How many people does your work directly affect?
Tailor your messaging to emphasize how you support your community, whether you send a press release or post on a Facebook page.
New Rotary logo
You may have noticed that as of last July 1, we have not distributed any flyers, notices, or announcements that use the old Rotary logo. We want to avoid confusion, build awareness and trust in our Rotary brand, and through consistency, attract new members, donors, and community support.You have pr
You should be doing the same. Use only this "new" Rotary logo and branding.
 To learn more, click here and  click here.
To learn more in Rotary Voice and Visual Identity Guidelinesclick here.
To learn more about PR for your club, click on the Public Relations section of the navigation bar of the District 7910 website.
Laura Spear, chair of District 7910's Public Relations Committee, may be reached at

Click here for an excellent example of a club-event promotional video by Concord President Steve Kirk.