The Object Of Rotary's Second Goal
By Tom Sturiale
The second goal of the Object of Rotary is stated as: “High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.” This is another well-stated objective that is not so easy to communicate to non-Rotarians and, possibly, some of us as well. 
What does it mean to us? How do we interpret the intention of the second goal of the Object of Rotary? Some clubs have new members review their professions and backgrounds through biographical sketches at club meetings, referred to as "classification talks." These are always interesting talks affording us the opportunity to learn about our fellow members.
Is there more to this second object? I believe the intent is aimed at Rotarians to share their knowledge, experience and wisdom gained through many years of working in their trades with society in general - especially, with those who can gain the most. Consider the vast amount of knowledge and experience we have and how much good can be realized by sharing that knowledge with others. Think of the real power of this object by sharing our life and career experiences with the young folks in our community, the K–12 and college students. These young folks hunger for knowledge about the world, industry, business and all the other career opportunities available to them. Rotarians have the opportunity, nay, the obligation to impart as much of our life experience to them as we can. We might reflect on how much we may have gained from learning from our seniors when we were young, impressionable and hungry for knowledge. Although we received guidance from our parents, we may have paid more attention to outsiders. There are many opportunities to accomplish this object through mentoring, reading to minors, reality fairs and sharing life experiences. 
How do you interpret the second goal of the Object of Rotary? It might be useful to discuss these ideas at your club assembly meetings and translate them into more easily communicated terminology.  They become powerful ideas to use when discussing Rotary with prospective members. Through the second goal, we build pride in ourselves, our members and our clubs. 
What is your club doing to advance the second goal of the Object of Rotary?
Make sure to sign up for and attend the District 7910 Membership Forum this Wednesday, October 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Boxborough. Click here for more information and to register.
Please let me know any ideas, comments and stories about Membership you would like to share. E-mail me at
Tom Sturiale is vice chair of District 7910's Membership Committee.