District Positions - February 22, 2016
District Positions: Grant Subcommittee
By Jim Fusco
The Rotary Foundation is the vehicle that allows us to do good in the world through District and Global grants. Operating procedures for the Grant Program are defined in the Rotary Foundation Code of Policies (COP) dated January 2016. Specific operating policies for the Grants Subcommittee are delineated in Section 7.020.2 of the COP.
This section is as follows:
The Grants Subcommittee is responsible for promoting and encouraging implementation of district grants, global grants, and participation in the Rotary Peace Centers program. To ensure transparency in all grant transactions, the general secretary will copy both the District Foundation Committee chair and the Grants Subcommittee chair on all standard communication with Rotary clubs in their district that are participating in grants. The governor will be copied on key communication with Rotary clubs in his/her district, including communication regarding approvals and disapprovals.
Additional Qualification of Members
In appointing members of the district grants subcommittee, preference should be given to Rotarians who have experience with a Rotary Foundation grant and speak a second language.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Grants Subcommittee shall:
  • Serve as a district expert and resource on all Rotary Foundation grants.
  • Create and enforce a district policy that outlines the distribution of grant funds for clubs and the district.
  • Provide input on DDF distribution.
  • Abide by, follow, enforce, disseminate and educate clubs on the terms and conditions of grant awards for district and global grants.
  • Work with the district Foundation Committee chair to disburse grant funds and to ensure that proper records of grant activity are maintained for reporting purposes.
  • Establish and maintain appropriate grant-management recordkeeping systems.
  • Conduct orientation (at the multi-district level, when possible) for all Rotary Peace fellowship, scholar, and vocational-training team recipients before their departure or upon their arrival.
  • Distribute applications to potential Rotary Peace Fellows and select qualified applicants.
The district's Grants Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the district's Foundation Committee, which is currently chaired by Roy Balfour. His term expires this June 30. District Governors Elect Pat and Skip Doyle have appointed Sanjay Deshpande of the Rotary Club of Wachusett Area to serve as Foundation chair commencing this July 1.
Jim Fusco, the 2015-2016 governor of District 7910, may be reached at jim.fusco2@gmail.com.