Club Planning Worksheet Reminder
By Jim Fusco​
Have you yet reviewed your club's progress with your Board of Director and your membership?
I have asked all club presidents to assign a Champion (preferably the president-elect) to monitor the club's progress on the "D-7910 Club Planning Worksheet 2015-16." To obtain the interactive form, in Excel format: click here.
I believe that when you use this form, monitor progress, and report that progress to your board and membership on a monthly basis, then you will have a great year.
The extra benefit is that your club will be pre-qualified for various district awards when the form in submitted to the District Awards Committee by April 1, 2016. 
My suggestion is that you download the worksheet to your computer and fill in the required information on a monthly basis, at a minimum. When you are ready to submit your completed form to the Awards Committee, all you will have to do is e-mail it as an attachment. No more year-end rush to get the form completed.
If you have any questions on the use of this form, please contact either me or your assistant governor.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in using this form.
Jim Fusco, 2015-2016 governor of Rotary District 7910, may be reached at