Each year, Rotary International publishes criteria for a club to obtain the Rotary Citation.
By now, you should have entered your goals in Rotary Club Central – now you simply need revisit the goal center at https://rcc.rotary.org/#/goals?pth=Cl (My Rotary login required) and document the goals that you’ve achieved.  
There are 26 categories - YOU select goals in 13 of them. If you achieve these goals, you get the Citation….simple as that!!
See the 26 goal categories and instructions here. They also be accessed from Rotary Club Central at https://my.rotary.org/en/news-media/office-president/rotary-citation. If you haven’t already set your goals, there’s still time!
Club Presidents: This is YOUR year…….you can do it!! Download the information and set your goals. Then report your achievements. NOTE: The deadline to report your achievements in Club Central is June 30th. You can report a goal as achieved PRIOR to
that date IF you have plans in place to achieve it.
Club President-elect: You’ll have the opportunity to earn the Rotary Citation in your year!! Get started early!!!
Club Secretary: It may be up to YOU to obtain and process the information from the Rotary Club Central site, and ensure that your Club President receives the information in a timely fashion.
Assistant Governors: You are receiving this because it is YOUR responsibility that the clubs you support have the opportunity (and information) necessary to earn this recognition. Please communicate with your Club Presidents to to make sure they are aware of this opportunity, and to provide any assistance needed to access the Goal Center on Rotary Club Center.
For further assistance or questions, please email District Awards Committee at awards@rotary7910.org.